Chapter 5

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A week later, and things went from flirty, to silent.

When Nico was late to his rehearsal, Will thought it was just that - he was late. But then, another ten minutes passed, and Will grew worried. He got up, and paced back and forth, glancing at the door every couple seconds.

With a jolt, Will gasped, almost falling out of his chair as he woke with a yelp. Blinking blearily, he looked at his watch, and frowned, feeling slightly hurt. Nico's practice is more than halfway over. He got up, and walked out of the room, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Walking into the lounge, he saw the rest of the judges huddled together, and frowned.

"What's going on?" Will asked. Percy looked over at him, and bit his lip.

"Bianca was called back in. He's taking her to the airport."

"Oh." It was Will's turn to bite his lip. "Percy, he lives with your mom, right?"

"Yeah. . . Why?"

"Can I go see if he's OK?"

Percy shrugged. "Go right ahead."

Will walked out of the room, and as soon as he was out of sight, he picked up his pace, and jogged out to his car. He drove over to Sally's, parking down the block from the house. He quickly walked up the walkway, and knocked on the door nervously.

"Nico, it's open!"

Will stood awkwardly, before knocking again. There was a moment of silence, before the door was cracked open.

"Oh! Will!" The door opened the rest of the way revealing Sally. "What're you doing here?"

Will blushed, "I, I just wanted to see if Nico was OK."

Sally's face lit with a knowing smile. "Come in, come in. He isn't back yet, but,"

Will smiled as Sally rambled, walking into the kitchen behind her, after Sally closed the door.

"Will!" Someone shrieked and Will grinned, leaning down to catch Hazel, who'd he'd grown attached to when she would come with Sally to drop Nico off. He set the ten year old down on the bar style stool next to him, sitting at the kitchen island. Will didn't know the reason NIco lived with them, when Will knew he was more than capable of living on his own, but he wasn't going to ask.

They sat and talked for another fifteen minutes, when the door opened.

"Sally?" A smooth voice called, much softer and gentle than Will had ever heard it before.


There was footsteps, before the dark form of Nico stood in the doorway, a look of surprise on his face at the sight of Will. "What're you doing here?"

Will blushed, shrugging. "You missed your lesson, and he was worried!" Sally cut in, giving him a stern look. Nico blinked, before shrugging.


Will internally bristled, feelings of hurt sparking to life. Did he even care? A shot of worry spiked in him. Had he been reading the signs wrong? Was Nico actually not interested in him, and was just fooling with Will's emotions? He took a deep breath, biting his lip, realizing that Nico was watching him curiously.

"So-" His voice came out weak, and he cleared his throat trying again. "Sorry. I can go-"

"Don't be silly!" Sally interjected, picking Hazel up from where she was about to jump off the stool. "You're staying for dinner. Hazel and I just have to run a few errands to get stuff."

Will nodded, unable to say no to Percy's mother, but his chest tightened as he caught sight of the glare Nico was sending Sally. He was just able to read the 'don't you dare leave me alone' part of the look, when Nico turned away from the blond.

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