Chapter 2

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Dedicated to gmailnep, for reminding me this (book) is a thing

Will never meant to fall in love with his contestant. It just, happened. But he was very glad it did.

Will looked up, and almost choked. He watched as Nico Di Angelo sauntered into the room. The taller male Das right, taller bishes! Badass!punk!cocky!Nico time! Piercings and tattoos. Deal. was wearing a tight navy-blue knit sweater, outlining muscles that Will would love to see without the material. The sweater shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing the sleeve of tattoos that started at his left wrist, and disappeared under the shirt. His right wrist was clear, except for a quote in something other than English on his inner wrist.

His black ripped skinny jeans hugged his bottom perfectly, and outlined the muscles in his legs. Will's eyes drifted back up, tracing over the sharp jawline that came to a gentle point, and high cheekbones, angling - yet softening - the male's face. Will slid his gaze over thin yet full light pink lips, and up to the smoldering dark eyes, that glinted almost red in the lighting. They weren't outlined with thick dark makeup today, and in Will's opinion, Nico looked much prettier without the eyeliner.
Nico stretched, arms raising over his head, which lifted the hem of the sweater, and Will's breath caught. The Italian tan Nico sported only accented the tattoos, which crawled over his sharp hips, lower back, and god-knows where else, but Will really wanted to find out.

Will's eyes eagerly drank in what his eyes had access too, Nico being at a three-quarter turn. The luscious arch of Nico's hip, and the partial v-line, as well as the beginnings of abs - most likely at least a six pack, had Will almost drooling. Nico hid his smirk, knowing exactly what he was doing to the other male, his confidence returning. After the messy breakup, he'd lost confidence, but he'd always had an attraction to Will, though never spoke to him, choosing to hide in the shadows at Percy and Jason's parties instead of on the dance floor where Will normally was. If only Nico knew Will's eyes were always on him, even when he was dancing.

Will cleared his throat, and Nico turned his searing gaze to the blonde, who was about five inches shorter than Nico, and- oh, Nico could get used to that. Having the blonde under him. . .

Nico brought his attention back to the blonde, who's brilliant blue eyes were still unfocused, dazed in the beauty of the man before him. Nico smirked, letting his gaze travel over the gentle smooth features that Will had, his full pink lips, worn in a place, probably from biting it, and his dazzling crystal blue eyes, clearer than glass, and so blue it was almost inhuman. Nico followed the freckles that splattered Will's tanned face, a gentle smile on his lips. The boy looked so pure, and Nico couldn't wait to take it all away.

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