Chapter 20: The End

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  • Dedicated to ALL THE FANS~~~!!!!

"What the H3LL kind of SH17 is this?!" Sally screeched from behind her door. I turned my head to look at Ben, but he took off into his room. Then, the knob on the door started to jiggle, and Sally busted open the door so hard that it hit the wall. Her hair was a mess. I mean, messier than usual. She looked up at me with anger and the lsightest bit of fear in her eyes. I was told by Slendy one time that if you see fear in a monster's eyes, something is definitely wrong. 

"Have you seen Masky?" Sally growled. "And how long have you been standing there?"

Think of something, quickly!

"I wasn't standing," I said. "I was walking through the hall when your door flew open, duh," I explained.

"Oh," Her emotions let up a bit. "Well, do you know where he is then?"

"In his room."

"Thanks, Jeffy!" She hugged me and then ran off. "MASKY!" Sally literally screamed. Her fist pounded on his door.

"What what what?" He opened it and his voice sounded worried. Sally grabbed Masky's hand and yanked him out of the door way, slamming him onto the ground. Then he sat up and stared at her.

"Masky," Sally closed her eyes. Then opened them. Bright, green, wide, and bleeding. "Play with me."

Masky got up and ran down the stairs and pushed his way out the door. Sally was dragging her stuffed bear down the stairs along with her. As she was walking, she was calm and quiet, her eyes still glowing with tears of blood. When she wasn't visible anymore, Ben unlocked the door to his room and came out.

"What the h3ll was that?" he asked.

"Just an outrage from Sally and an achievement unlocked-- evil plan succeeded," I explained. Ben grinned. "You want to go outside and see her beat the crap out of him?"

"F yeah!"

We came down the stairs and I reached for the door handle and grabbed it. Immediately after, Slendy teleported to that exact place and my hand went through his stomach.

"Where do you think you're--OH MY LORD ZALGO!" he exclaimed.

"WHAT THE H3LL!!?" I yelled. 

Then he teleported away to where we couldn't see him. I pulled my hand back and shivered. 

"This time, you open it," I told Ben. He opened the door and we stepped out. Sally was chasing Masky around the trees, screaming at him. 

Ben and I remained silent but then he turned to me and finally said something. "So, Jeff." Ben sighed. "We've been through a lot together, and I think we understand the other. What do youthink about that friendship now?" he asked. I thought for a minute. Did I really need someone to be there for me?All the time? ........................Yes.

"I could always use a friend," I answered. "But I never said it could be you," I teased.

Ben still looked at me though, his eyes were serious."Please?" he whimpered.

I sighed deeply. "Fine, I'll be your friend," I said lamely.

"Say the whole sentence! Say it like you really mean it, Jeff," he demanded.

"Okay." I gave in.

"Ben Drowned, I will be your best friend ever....of all time."


This is so amazing ;u; At least, I think... I dunno bout you guys .-. But, it's finally done, YAY! Sorry if it was shorter than most stories, but I get major writing block on this one and it will be harder if I keep going on =n=''

Have fun with your ending! I could be publishing the sequel even within a week. I already have five chapters done on the darn thing. ~TA

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