Chapter 10: Whaaaaaat.....?

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Jeff's P.O.V.

Slendy appeared right by Ben and he screamed.

"Have you found them yet?" he asked.

"Duh. They're right over there." Ben pointed towards where Masky and Hoody were sitting. "Are you blind?" Ben questioned.

Slendy just sighed. "Why don't you all go do something else?" Slendy suggested.

"Like killing?" Ben said.

"Whatever you do..." Slendy started. Ben and the other two already ran out the door. He sighed. "Jeff, keep an eye on them, okay?" he asked.

"Sure thing, Slendy.. I'll do my best."  NOT.

We met up outside of the mansion when Ben asked us which house we were going to. "The one that's farthest away...?" Masky shrugged. Ben stared at him for a moment then said, "Okay let's go." and walked on.

We were walking along keeping an eye out for houses when we heard rustling in the leaves. Ben turned around and looked but no one was there and he walked up to me.

"Jeff?" he said.


He made that weird puppy dog face and hugged me.

"DON'T LET ME DIEEEE!!" he whined.

Oh my god.. What is WRONG with this kid? "Ben, get off of me!" I tried to pull him off but he just held on tighter. I sighed and  Masky and Hoody were laughing behind me.


We all heard someone whisper to us.

"Where are you boys going?" It asked. It sounded familar, like a girl voice...Jane....

"Who's there?" Masky asked. A shadow jumped down from a tree and looked up at us.

"I bet Jeff remembers me." she said.

"Yeah, I do. Can you get out of here?" I groaned. Ben hugged me tighter. "Ben, of me!" I choked out. He just whimpered. "You know, for a killer, you're not very brave," I commented to him.

Jane stepped forward to show herself and Ben immediately let go of me.

"H-Hi.." Masky stammered.

"Who are you?" Jane asked.

"I'm Masky, from Marble Hornets," he explained.

"You're pretty..." Ben admired. Obviously, they liked Jane. Well, at least Hoody wasn't  saying anything.

"OKAY, that's enough!" I stopped them. I pulled them all away from Jane. Well, that was a random appearance from Jane. I really hope she isn't following us.

Masky's P.O.V.


really hope that girl is following us. Maybe she's like us, she kills. "Jeff, who was that girl back there?" I asked.

He sighed. "Her name is Jane," he answered.

Ben gasped. "Is she your enemy?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I already told you that," he replied. After a few minutes, Ben finally spoke up.

"HOLY CRAP!" Ben shouted.

"What?" we all said.

"WE TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT JACK!" He waved his arms everywhere and Jeff facepalmed.

"Who wants to look for him?" Jeff asked. Hoody and I raised our hands.

"We will volunteer to go look for our friend. No pasta gets left behind," I vowed. Hoody and I ran off to find Jack while Jeff and Ben went to kill. We didn't really kill much anyways. That's why we abandoned Jeff and Ben to go eat some things.

Jeff's P.O.V.


Ben and I walked in silence for awhile. I looked at Ben every couple minutes. He looked like he was thinking about something. He's usually really talkative.

"Jeff, did you have a bad past?" he asked, unexpectedly. I stopped in my path.

"Yeah," I murmured. He looked at me sadly. We kept on walking slowly and he said that he also had a bad past.

"Could you tell me about it?" he asked. It sounded like he was almost excited to hear it. I slightly shook my head.

"Okay then..." he mumbled. "Hey look in the distance!" He pointed to a big, white house with some other houses by it that were a little bit smaller. The lights were starting to turn off inside, since it was night.

"Come on, let's go there!" Ben ran off and I had to chase after him.

When we got to the house, all of the lights were already off and Ben and I had to sneak inside. 

We snuck around the house to the back door. I carved a hole in the door with my knife, and unlocked the door that way. The back door was by the kitchen and everything was turned off. Ben tiptoed inside and went up the stairs while I followed. There were two rooms. One room had the two parents in it, and the other room had a boy in it.

"Who do you want to take?" Ben asked. "But, I call the parents...Hehehe," he whispered.

"I guess I'll take the kid," I whispered back. Ben went into the parents room and I went into the boy's room. 

((sorry i didnt detail it much, its gonna get interesting in a min. (\>.</)

I went into the boy's room and he was asleep. He was in a loft bed. Nice.. (a loft bed is a really high bed) I guess I have to climb up.. I walked over to the bed with my knife in my hand. I climbed up the ladder and it creaked. He woke up and bolted to the other side of his bed. I tried to climb up there to reach him.

"It's okay," I assured him. "Why don't you just go to sleep?" I whispered. I got ready to plunge my knife into him but he pushed me off the bed. I fell down and lost all of my breath while hitting my head really hard. I couldn't get up and I couldn't breath at all.

Ben's P.O.V.


I walked out of the parents bedroom, they're already dead. That was easy. I went into the kids bedroom.

"Jeff?" I whispered. I didn't know if he killed them or not. But I stayed quiet just in case. I found two people in the boys bedroom. A terrified kid on the bed and another boy on the ground that has brown hair and is dressed like Jeff. 

Dressed like Jeff...?

The brown haired kid looked up at me and he backed away. All of the sudden I heard a crash downstairs.

"We're here!" I heard Masky's voice. They came running up the stairs with Jack behind them.

"Hey, Ben what's goin-" He saw the two boys in the room. I heard another crash in the parents bedroom. Jane came running out in the hall where we were pointing a knife at us.

"AHA!!" She paused. "Where's Jeff?" she asked. I shrugged. Jane squeezed in between us all and looked into the boys bedroom.

"Oh my god..." she murmured.

"What is it?" Masky beckoned.

"That's...That's Jeff.."

To be continued...MWAHAHAHAHAH

(I made it extra long for you guys xp and cliff hanger! DUN DUN DUN!! Sorta..)

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