Chapter 13: The Plan

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Jane's P.O.V.

OH MY GLOB, JEFF! Why can't he just sit still??! It's not that hard! You just sit on your butt and stay there! Piece of cake! If it isn't a lie, that is. (Portal reference, anyone? :D) "Jane, come on! We have to chase after Jeff!" Ben shouted. "I'm coming!" I ran after the boys into the woods until Masky stopped, then Ben crashed into him and I ran into Ben so we all fell down. "Masky, what the F, man?" Ben asked. Masky froze, looking ahead of him. Ben and I looked up and saw the outside of the woods where they ended. "We can't go out there, we'll be seen." Masky said. "Well then how are we going to get Jeff?" I asked. Masky sighed. "I don't know." We all got up and tried to think of a plan. Later..."I got it!" Ben shouted. "What is it?" I asked. "We have to lure--or should I say, scare, Jeff back to the mansion, hit him in the head with a pan, and then trap in the Asylum Room until he is back to being iNSaNE!" Ben explained. "That's not bad. Considering it has my idea in it." Masky nodded. "You guys, that's stupid." I told them. They put their heads down. "Unless I get to hit Jeff in the head with the pan." I insisted. They perked up and started hopping up and down. Weirdos...Oh well, it was worth a shot. So we might as well try.

We ran back to the mansion, gathered everyone up, and told them the plan. Masky had to go find Jeff and bring him into the woods. Ben and I sent Hoody and L.J. (laughing Jack) out there to scare Jeff. Slendy is waiting outside the mansion to bring Jeff to the Asylum Room, and when Masky gets back, Ben and him will lock the doors on the AR and I will hit him in the head with a pan. I really hope you got all of that. LOL it sounds retarded but, it's the best thing we could think of. HAHAHAHAHA!

(A/N I'm here to tell you that I'm going to stop this book at chapter 20........THEN MAKE A SEQUEL! I've actually already started on the sequel, DONT JUDGE ME. It's gonna be cool and it has Liu in it. When you're done with this book, you can look for the sequel called: Meeting Liu. THATS ALL!)

Masky's P.O.V.

"Are you sure?" Jeff asked me. "Yes, Jeff. I'm absolutely positive that it's safe." I lied. But, he didn't know that I was. We heard rustling in the bushes all of the sudden, but I knew what it was from. "Wh-What was that?!" Jeff panicked. "Hmm? I didn't hear anything." I told him. We kept on walking and then heard footsteps. "Masky! What is going on?!" he asked. "I'm telling you Jeff, I don't hear aything." I fibbed. Then, Jeff and I heard "Pop Goes the Weasel" playing on like, a music box or something. "Masky, I'm getting really freaked out." Jeff whimpered. "Dude, calm down. It's gonna be fine." I assured him. We kept walking and then Jeff stopped. "What's the matter?" I asked. He turned around and looked behind him, and in the distance, I could see Laughing Jack and  Hoody very faintly. "Who-WHO'S THAT?!" Jeff cried. I just stared at them, trying to act creepy so that I could creep Jeff out. "Masky??" he whimpered. I snapped my head at him and smiled. Jeff looked back and Laughing Jack was right in front of him laughing like a maniac. Jeff screamed and ran off in the direction of the mansion, he didn't know what he was doing. "Jeff, wait!" I faked. I started cracking up in laughter. "We totally got him!" I high-fived Hoody and L.J.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I screamed as I ran off in a random direction. I had know idea where I was going. I just wanted to get out of there! Though I thought since Masky looked at least mostly human, I could trust him the most. I thought we were friends though? All these things ran through my head as I was running, then I came upon the mansion. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I yelled. Then, Slendy appeared behind me. I saw him, "What do you want?!" I demanded. "Jeff, I don't want to hurt--" 

"Leave me alone!" I shouted. I tried to run but he grabbed me with..TENTACLES? DEAR GAWD!

"Jeff, stop panicking. I won't hurt you at all." he said. "SCREW YOU!" I shouted. I squirmed and tried to get out of his grip but it wouldn't work. Then, we randomly appeared in the mansion. I'm guessing he teleported. "Let me go, LET ME GO!" I kept yelling at him. "Masky, open the door to the AR!" I heard Jane yell. I had NO idea what was going on at all.

"No! Masky, don't!" I told him. "Masky, come on already!" Jane shouted. "Sorry, Jeff." Masky said. Him and Ben opened the doors while Slendy threw me inside of the room. "Bye Jeff!" Ben waved to me. Then, with a loud bang, they slammed the doors. I heard locks on the outside. "Wait, I forgot to hit him in the head." Jane pointed out, but she was muffled. Everyone outside groaned. Ben and Masky opened the doors and I tried to rush out but Jane stopped me. Ben and Masky slammed the doors again and I was left with Jane in this, big, white room. I backed up against the wall while Jane walked towards me. But, to my surprise, Jane sat down by me. "Hey, I know how you feel." she told me softly. "You do?" I asked.


And with that, pain rushed through my head and everything went black. 

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