Chapter 14: "Back"?

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I woke up and moaned, rubbing my head from the pain that it was in. "Ugh, where am I?" I asked myself slowly. I looked around and I was in a giant white room with doors at the front. I got up and walked over to the doors, trying to open them. I pulled and pushed, each time making a rattling sound as I tried to open it. "Hello?!" I shouted at the door. "Is anyone out there?!"

"Sorry, Jeff. Slender and Jane told me not to let you out!" A random voice yelled. "Who are you?" I asked. "Duh! I'm Rainbow Dash! Er..Whatever, just shut up in there!" she shouted, then banged on the door. "Oh, wait, are you normal???" I heard a squeaky little voice outside. "Shut up, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You want to die tonight?!"  Pinkie Pie's voice was distorted and turned into a growl. "No, no, no. I'm sorry!" Rainbow whimpered. "Okie, dokie, lokie!" Pinkie's voice was normal again. Ermergerd, there's nothing to do in heeeeree! Welp, except sleep. So, I decided to go to sleep for awhile. I crawled over to a corner and tried to go to sleep. (yeah,yeah, i know that Jeff doesn't have eyelids -.-)

~Time Skip To: Later.. (xD)

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw Masky and Ben creeping in with some random food and water. Are they freaking kidding me? They can't be serious... "Hey, buddy." Ben whispered. "Ugh, what do you want?" I asked, drowsly. I sat up and Masky and Ben jumped back like they were scared. "What?" Ben and Masky just stared at me... Then, all of the sudden...

"JEFFY!!!" Ben screamed. I thought the whole mansion could hear it... "BEN, SHUT YOUR HOLE, MAN!" I yelled at him. "YOU'RE BACK! WOOHOO!" Masky shouted. "Guys, what do you mean "back"?" I asked. "Err...Umm...Hehe...Yeah....About that.." Ben replied slowly. *facepalm* "What did you do?" I asked. "Weell, actually what you did.." Ben said. "While we were out killing, you fell and hit your head..And almost flipped off Slendy." Ben explained and Masky nodded. "Ugh..Idiot, idiot, idiot!" I growled at myself. "Well, on the brightside, you can be let out now." Masky added.



I jumped up, ran outside of the door (because Mask and Ben left it open) but got caught by The Ponies. -_-  "Hey, you're not supposed to be let out! Get back in there!" Rainbow commanded. "No, Masky and Ben let me out." I objected. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You still have to go back in." She tried pushing me in, then Masky and Ben came running out. "What the hell?!? There were 3 of you?? GRR I HATE MY JOB!" she yelled. She threw down a cupcake hat she was wearing and flew off. "You forgot your hat, silly!" Pinkie snorted. She grabbed Rainbow's hat and bounced after her. "What was that all about?" I asked Masky and Ben. "I have no idea." Masky shook his head. "But, hey, she works at a factory where she kills her ponies for a living." Ben explained. 


"True, true.."

We walked out into the big living room area where everyone was hanging out at and Masky got everyone's attention. "HEY GUYS, JEFF IS BACK!" he yelled. "JeeeeeFFFFFFF!! YEEAAH~" I heard a distant yell and got louder as I was tackled by..Jane?? "JEFF, I MISSED YOU!" she shouted. Everyone froze and gave her this look: o_O "Hehe, I mean..JEFF! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME HERE WITH THESE IDIOTS??" she screamed and slapped me. "OW! WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled at her. She got up and walked away. "You'll regret ever doing that!" she called. My response: "..."

"Lawl, she's totally luvs you, gurrrrrl!" Masky said. "No she doesn't." I objected as I got up. "Oooh, denial." Ben pointed out. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing." Ben murmured. Masky sighed. "So...Jeff, who's 'Liu'?" he asked. I froze. "Err...Why?" I said. "I dunno. We've heard about him a little." Masky explained. I sighed. "Fine," I agreed. "But you have to tell me what I did to deserve bein in that weird room back there." I told them. "Alright." they said. Ben started first. "Okay, so like I said, you almost flipped off Slendy. But, how you lost your memory was, you hit your head when a guy kicked you." Well, that makes me sound like a big wimp..

Sometime Later...

"You also ran away from us,"

"And got scared when you saw L.J. and Hoody,"

"Plus, you banged on the door for us to let you out--"

"Alright, I get it!" I stopped them. I sighed again. "Fine. I'll tell you about Liu." I said.

"Yes, please! What Jane told us might have been a lie..." Ben mumbled. 

"What?" Ben and Masky looked at me. "Jane told you about him already?!" I asked. "Yeah, she told us your whole past, pretty much." Ben explained. "Jerk-off." I growled. Then, Masky and Ben were staring at me like this: OuO

"Why are you staring at me like that? She already told you, so, the one I was going to tell isn't any different." I insisted. "Okay." they both answered. "So, who wants to play....VIDEO GAMES!?" Ben asked. "I DO! I DO!" Masky answered. "But, first, I have to find Hoody and tell him something." Masky said. "What?" Ben and I asked.

"All the pudding is gone, and in my tummy... :3"



Now, I'm making another chappy right now.... DON'T GET YOUR DONKIES IN A TWIST!


(p.s. i rather have comments more than votes c:)


I don't care. Goodbye!

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