Chapter 3: Try To Make Friends

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Jack's P.O.V

Who is that guy? He looks really weird. I hope he's not as annoying as every other pasta around here. That would be a nightmare.

“That's the new kid,” Sally told me. “His name is Jeff.”

Jeff? I guess that name suits him well.

“Jeff, if you want to be with us, your probably going to have to make some friends around here,” Slender told him.

“Alright, fine,” Jeff answered quietly. “But I'm not very good at making friends, okay Slendy?”

Everypasta laughed hard, including me. Slendy? That was the most ridiculous name I've ever heard!

“BE QUIET!!” Slenderman shouted. “Most of you are my proxies. You should know not to do certain things like that.”

Jeff looked up innocently at Slendy and Ben was still giggling. “I'm giving Jeff another chance because he's new. All of you have been here longer and I expect good behavior.”

Pfft... Says the guy who steals little kid souls.

He really needs to be calmer.

Slender looked at Jeff. “Jeff, please don't try to be annoying as hell, okay?” he asked.

“I can't promise you that..” Jeff shrugged. Slendy sighed and started walking up the stairs. “But, I'll try Slendy! Don't worry!” Jeff called. Ben went over to Jeff.

“So, how about that friendship thing?” Ben said.

“Um... I don't know yet,” Jeff answered.

Ben scoffed. “Fine. But do you have any enemies? We could help take 'em down!” Ben asked. “Well,” Jeff thought aloud. “there is one person.”

“Who is it?” Ben beckoned.

Everyone started talking again.

“Yeah Jeff, who is it?”

“Are they tough, or really small?”

“They must be a complete idiot to mess with us.”

Jeff finally spoke it. “Alright, alright. Her name is Jane.”

Ben shook his head. “No, no, no.” Ben sighed. “I don't fight girls, bro. What did you do to her anyways?”

Jeff just casually said, “I killed her family...And friends.” He looked at Ben and smiled.

“Oh...Okay.. So, that makes you a killer?” Ben asked.

“Sure. Why not?” Jeff replied.

Ben grinned. “Jeff the Killer, eh? That sounds alright.”

Well, I guess I could try to make friends with the new guy. He seems good enough. Maybe we could take him somewhere tonight or give him a tour. I just hope that they won't go too far with the killing and all.

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