Chapter 6: The Slender Challenge....?

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I finally caught up to them. We were quite a ways away from the mansion though, and in some woods.

“Alright everyone, we have quite a night planned,” Ben announced. “But, one thing we must do is... The Slender Challenge.”

Masky and Hoody giggled for some reason..

“Now, we can stay together, or we can split up,” Ben said.

“Wait, I don't get what we're--” Ben cut me off by shouting, “GO!” and running off somewhere. Hoody also ran off and all I could see was Masky.

“Masky!!” I called.

“What?” he shouted back. I ran over to him.

“What are we doing?”

“No time to stop! You have to keep going or he'll come and get you,” Masky panicked.

We heard a twig snap and Masky totally flipped out... “AAAAHHHH!!! HE'S COMING! HE'S COMING!!! HOLD ME!!” But, when he tried to jump and land in my arms, I just took a step back and he fell on the ground. “Ow. You made me hurt my butt!”

I just shrugged and he got up and looked around. A twig snapped again.

“OH GAWD!! HELP!” After he screamed, he just fainted... What a weirdo. I just stood there confused.

“Masky?” I said. I thought I heard someone behind me. I pulled my knife out of my pocket and spun around.

Ben's P.O.V.


 I sure hope my friends are okay. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. All of the sudden, Hoody ran up beside me.

He was flailing his hands everywhere... “Dude, what are you saying??” I asked.

He started stomping his feet and hopping up and down.

“You want to.. Step on stuff?” He got really mad when I said that.


Did I forget to mention that Hoody doesn't talk much?

“Okay, well let's go find them!” I said and ran off to look for them.

We ran through the forest, trying to find Jeff and Masky. I spotted something on a rock.

“Hey, Hoody! Look!” I pointed towards the rock and we went over there. I took it off of the rock and gave it to Hoody.

“So... Jeff has one and we have one which gives us two notes, right?” I said.

Hoody nodded.

“Now, when we find 6 notes, DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU OR STOP! Got it?” I asked him.

He nodded again.


We ran off. We were still looking for our friends, but sorta finding notes at the same time.

 We walked for what seemed hours, but we finally found a tunnel. It was dark in there. We went in there anyway, but I made Hoody go first. I'm scared ;-;

The New Arrival [UNDER EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora