Chapter 23: Free To Ask

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Wendy POV
I'm still with these oppas, they are very hyper and talkative.

Anyways, we are here in the parking lot and Suho oppa told to manager oppa that we'll go to mall but ofcourse we'll come back to the SM when I finish treating them food. And because he has a power to our manager, Suho oppa drive the van while me on the Passenger seat(in front).

Driver Seat(Suho)---Passenger Seat(Wendy)
Second Row:
Third Row:

We all jumped in and when they get inside...
"Its pretty clean and has fresh air" Xiumin oppa said. I gave him thumbs up.
"Oh! Wendy, do you have some posters that you can give us?" Chen asked
"Jjackaman😊... Here! Its our debut poster and Be Natural, our new released digital song😁" I gave them the 2 posters that we putted inside the van yesterday because of many posters in our dorm.
"Gomawo😊" They said. I just gave them thumbs up.
"How about picture of each of you?" Baekhyun oppa and Chanyeol asked.
"What will you do to the pictures?" I asked. Their weird haha!
"Ofcourse will compiled it because its from your group" Baekhyun oppa said with annoying smile
"Pshh. Don't me, Just go asked Taeyon unnie for her pictures and compiled it" I said to him. They all laughed. Baekhyun oppa give me a sweet annoying smile through the mirror and I just rolled my eyes at him
"Just give us of those pictures" Chanyeol mumbled. I open again the like cabinet in front of me. When I saw it, I smiled and saw other wacky faces of us. I just get the happiness and be natural photoshoot of each of us.
"Thank youuu...(-Chanyeol) Sehunnie, these are Seulgi's photos, you can keep them but I'll get this one(-Baekhyun)" They said. I just smiled shooked my head... I should have talk to Suho oppa since earlier so my chatssss have sense. So I decided to talk to him.
"Oppa, Are you and Irene unnie are back together?" I asked him, while he's driving.
"Not yet, Wae?" He said while smiling and eyeing through the road.
"Hmm... Oppa... I just thought because she is smiling everyday while looking through her phone, and I guess she is talking to you" I said and he became serious while driving
"Maybe, someone's courting her. Its possible that everyone admires her." He said and still serious.
"Oh! Oppa, Irene unnie has are friends, actually us too... We are friends with YG's WINNER, same debut year to us. Their oldest member which is Jiwoon oppa has kinda feelings for her but you know... Unnie isn't interested with him but... I think they are dating secretly??" I said and surprised when Oppa pressed the break.
"Jinjja?? Irene is dating another man?" He said with confuse tone
"I don't know, I said "I think" and not sure about it. Just go clarify things with her" I said to him. He continued driving and smiled.
"Why don't you do it?" -Suho oppa
"Huh?" -Me
"To Chanyeol" -Suho oppa
"Eh?" -Me
"What is it, that has to do with me?" -Chanyeol
"Pshh! Pabo, Seungwan!" -Suho oppa
"Ahhh!!! Waeyo? I think theres nothing to do with him?" I said while glancing at Chanyeol.
"Even your feelings? Making sure that you have?" He said with low tone to don't let Chanyeol hear it.
"Never! Only for Seungyoon oppaa!! And Mark Tuan!" I shout
"You like them?" Sehun asked. I smiled bitteredly
"Yup! They are my idealsss" I said and laughed
"Jongdae hyung do you know this?" Sehun asked
"Ofcourse, I'm the first one to know" Chen said
"How about your other bestfriends?" Chanyeol asked
"Ofcourse, Those 3 bees" I said and smiled
"But don'tya worry because I still admired you. HAHAH!" I said and laughed when Chanyeol is blushing
"Just admire but no feelings?" Xiumin oppa asked
"Ughh! Stop asking me like that." I complained
"Wae? I'm free to ask for it cause they are also free to ask you random questions." He defend.
"Fine! I just don't know... Maybe? Just bro, don't expect for now" I said
"Woah! Daebak! Just get quick and figure it out!" Baekhyun oppa said
"You're not helping" I said
"Nope!" I complained because they know that I hate cute things except our group becase it fun.
"Be thankful cause its not live broadcast" Suho oppa said. I look at D.O oppa, he was peacefully sleeping.
"I really preferred being with Kyungsoo oppa than being with all of you!" I said and they become quiet.
"Just because he is not joining to our bullies to you and just laughing or sleeping" Jongin said
"Anyways, is someone courting Seulgi?" Sehun asked.
"They are planning to... I guess but I'll just describe them first. He is getting the timing to confess but he is really busy. And the other is asking his member to talk to Joy and asked what are Seulgi's dislikes and likes." I describe those suitors.
"Who?" They asked
"I think these man is from your squad(I pointed out Sehun) and Kai's squad" I said.
"Huh?" They both blurted out.
"I won't name them, but if anyone from our company is in our squad, I'm telling you now that they are not those men." I said
"Just initials to mine." Kai said
"P.J.M.N" I said and he think those names of his friends
"How about mine?" Sehun said
"S.M." I said
"Daebak! Is it true?!" Kai said with widened eyes. I nodded
"Sehun-ah, Guess who?" Kai smiled bitterly to Sehun
"Park Jimin?" Sehun asked
"BINGO!" Kai said
"Jinjja? He likes her??? Wah!" Sehun said
"So you already know your friend?" I asked Sehun and he nodded.
"Its also your friends, right?" He asked
"Yup, He was just telling to us about his feeling for her but ofcouse Seulgi don't know about it." I said. He just nodded.
"So another questions? You guys are really free to ask me cause I'm in a good mood!" I said while smiling. They started thinking about questions.


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