Chapter 3: New Happenings

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3rd Person's POV
For Seulgi and Taeyong, they are now in good terms, they sometimes refused to go to compony with each but they end up going together... And Seulgi, she really moved on that easily, so that she will not be hurt again. And Taeyong, he broke up yesterday to her girlfriend who give threat to Seulgi and now, they have 5% distant because of Seulgi who's always with Wendy & Irene, and also because of him who's always with Ten or Mark...

For Wendy, she is having a undefined relationship with Chanyeol. Hahaha

For Irene and Sehun, they are now in breaking up level... Irene really thinked about it for their happiness cause she taught that if she still stay with Sehun she will not be happy and also for Sehun who will not be happy in their relationship...

Irene's POV
Oh God, help me later to Sehun...
I am happy if we stay out together because we can't take our relationship anymore...


After my vocal training...
This is now my time, and he is the only one who is sitting there...
So I walked to Sehun's direction and sat beside him.
"So Sehun, Do you think we are really for each other?" I asked and he looked at me with as usual he is in fierce look...
"Mian, but I think we need more happiness in our lives..." He said while looking at me in the eyes, Then I nodded
"Yeah, I also want us to be in good terms but not in like this relationship but in close friends zone... I also want us to be free without thinking about our relationship." I said to him and he also nodded
"I guess this is the end of our relationship, Will you be still my friend?" I asked him and release my right hand for shakehands then he also release his left hand for the agreement.
"Ms. Bae, It maybe this is our lovelife ends but our friendship will not end... I know you know that" He said and I nodded and smiled at him.
"Thank you for everything... Lets continue our new life..." I said and we both bow for the closing relationship... I loved you once but I cannot love you twice... You will be still my good friend
And we bid a goodbye with each other. And I go to Suho for saying the news because he don't know that I will break up with Sehun, only the two girls know...

When I reach the canteen there is Suho with his other friends and my girls. So I go to their direction and saw Seulgi waving at me, so I give her a flying kiss and she get it but she throw it jokingly... Hahaha that's my bestfriend even though she don't have jams but she sometime she has.
Then I sit next to Suho and infront of me is Seulgi & Wendy and the other boys
"Annyeonghaseyo!! Suho, I will tell you something later" He nodded and I winked at him
"Yah! The two of you get a room!" Baekhyun teased us and we all laughed... After a few moments... We go to our differents ways while me and Suho will go to the rooftop... And we are here...
"So, what is it?" He asked then I loomed down to my feet
"Umm... sorry for not telling you this... Yesterday, I decided to refreshed my mind then earlier, I broke up with Sehun and we both have an agreement to just stay as friends. We don't felt the happiness and loved in our relationship so we stay as friends because we're not really for each other, maybe there's really a perfect one for me... M-Mian for not telling you this..." I told him then he hugged me
"Yah, Don't feel sorry... atleast you told it to me... you know that I only get upset if you're hiding a secret from me and I will only know if some of your friends will revealed it... so don't be sorry to me" He said and we broked the hug and I smiled at him...
"I just taught that you might get angry but its the opposite. Hahah" I smiled at him and clinged my arms to his arms
"Yah! They might misunderstood this. Hahah" I laughed of its tomato face
"Wahhh!! Jinjja! You're a tomato!! Hahah" I teased him more... and there is Seulgi with Taeyong playing paper, rocks & scissora... but I actually don't shipped them but it will be a secret first cause you will know it very soon...
"Lets eat? Baeggeoppa 😭" I nodded at him and just one more info he is 3 cm. taller than me thats why I don't looked up just to answer...
"Lets it with them" I pointed to WenSeul and the boys with Sehun... then we sat next to them.
Chanyeol Table Baekhyun
"Sorry for the bad news to the to of you" Xiumin said while looking at me and Sehun
"Ahh... Nae. Gomawoyo 😉" I replied and Sehun also does.
"So... Do you guys prepared for our test tomorrow?" Wendy suddenly asked
"Later... because I will practice in the practice room" Seulgi said
"Can we practiced together?" Wendy asked her and she nodded
"Sooooo.... how have you been for this day?" Baekhyunnie suddenly spoked
"Maybe, I don't know?" Seulgi said and we all looked at her
"Ummm... because I'm always with you guys like theres nothing new and I'm also practicing like I do everytime" She said and we nodded because its true like theres nothing new at this day...
"Ehem* Sehun Ehem* haahaha I know you have one" Chanyeol said and Sehun started.
"Ughh! Yeah. Irene and I have moved on already... and I'm focusing in my dancing skills" And I whispered to Suho that caused him laughed
"Yah! Why are you laughing?" D.O asked Suho
"I have to asked Seulgi and Sehun... Yah!! Are you the lovebirds in the pratice room? The two of you are always talking in the room" We all looked the both of them
"Aishhh... Aniya! Its just a coincidence when he is coming in the P.R. and I'm also there thats why we always chat" Seulgi is deffensive hahaha
"Ehem* Deffensive Ehem* Seulgi" I faked coughed and we all laughed because of her deffensiveness
"Aisshhh! Believe what you want to believe, I'm really tellinhg the truth... Hahaha!" She said
"Yah! Irene! It seems like you haven't been in a realationship with Sehun cuz the way you act that your cheering them" Lay said
"Remember my motto? You should remember it" I said to Lay while smiling then Seulgi's phone ring and she answered it infront of us
Seulgi: Waeyeo?
Wonwoo: Yah! Is that how you greeted your oppa?! Aishhh
Seulgi: Ahahaha mianhae Won oppa
Wonwoo: Ahahah fine! Lets meet up later please~
Seulgi: So childish but alright lets meet up
Wonwoo: Okay Have you eaten your food?
Seulgi: Yepep.
Wonwoo: The food that I let Seungcheol deliver it there?
Seulgi: Huh? But I haven't recieve it yet
Wonwoo: Call Seungcheol he leaved here at 10 AM
Seulgi: Okay, See yah later thank for the food hahaha! Annyeong And Saranghaeyo
Wonwoo: Nae! Nado Saranghae dongsaeng! Annyeong
End of Convo~
"Bear, Are you and Seungcheol together again?" Wendy asked and yeah are they together again? I hoped that they're not.
"Aniya, we are just friends and we hangout like cousins, And My brother laready our past cause they visit our house last monday and they were label mates" Seulgi explained making the others o.p
"Wait, who is Seungcheol? Yah! Seulgi I'm your dance partner but why are you not telling me about this?" Kai asked that makes Seulgi chuckled and makes us smile because of his childish act
"Haha! Mianhae for not telling it to you guys cause I already forgot it, Anyways, me and Seungcheol have past and we are in Mutual Understanding at that time... We spend together always that making Irene, Taeyong & Wendy being distant from me. So we decided to break our M.U relationship... But only them knows it even my family at that time don't have any idea about it... Then last monday they visited our house because they were my brothers label-mates, I only tell at my brother that day about our past. That's all" Seulgi tell the story to them except me and Wendy since Taeyong is not here with us and he is upstairs with his friends
"Yeah and we are very happy cause she chose us" I said and smiled at Seulgi and she opened her phone and excuse us cause she will get the food to Seungcheol then Me and Wendy decided to follow Seulgi...
We saw them laughing and we joined at them
"Wahhh!!! Cheol! Annyeonghaseyo! Long Time no see" We both greeted him
"Nae! Wendy and Irene! Annyeonghaseyo! Long time no see too" He greeted back
"So how have you been? Sometimes lets all hangout" I said
" Yeah! I wished to but our company is really strict when you all are free, I'll hangout with you guys" He said
"Yeah, its really a pleasure to meet you again" Wendy said
"Yeah, We gotta go inside. Fighting Cheol-ah!!! Gomawoyo!!" Seulgi said to Seungcheol while we are waving at him and he waved back
"Nae! Anything for my dear friend. Hahaha Fighting Seulgi-ah, Fighting Wendy & Fighting Irene! Annyeong!" He responsed and go away so we get inside. Actually he is still handsome and manly, that's why Seulgi fell inlove at him
"Yah! Why did you follow?" Seulgi asked and we just laughed
"Hahaha! Its just... we also want to meet Seungcheol again" I said hahaha
"Aishhh! Kaja!" She said and when we reach the table we open the food that Seungcheol delivered to Seulgi
"Wahhh! It smells delicious" Wendy said
"Seulgi, did your brother cooked this?" Baekhyun asked and she nodded
"Jinjja?! Woahh! Daebak!" Chanyeol react
"Kaja! I'll let you taste this all" Seulgi said and taste it all with expressionless
"Yey! Me first cause I'm your bestfriend! Hahaaha" Wendy said and Seulgi let her taste it then I'm next and Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho, then.....
"Why do you make Sehun last?" Suho asked while smiling
"Something's fishy here! Ahahaha" I join to Suho's trip
"Yeah, ants are biting me! Ahahahhaa" Chen joined in too ahhahahaha when you looked at Seulgi's face you can see her stop it face...

After a few moments~

We decided to go in our way. Earlier, was fun, teasing Seulgi and Sehun who don't have any feelings for each other, We love to see them together cause they fit for each other hahaha. And me? Here with Suho... He is reading something and me sitting beside him while dreaming of him... Ahahahahha joke, I actually felt my feelings for him when he disagree to me and Sehun's relationship. I always feel the lve next to him. Yes, I love my bestfriend how I wished that he love me too but I think he likes another girl from our company and its our Senior Tiffany who is the same age as him and 1 year older then me. I wish that he will be my first and last. I guesss I will now live to the New Happenings...

To Be Continued~

A/N: Hi guys I can only update this story every Saturday or Sunday bacause I'm really busy... Sorry and Thank you guys. Don't forget to comment and vote! Saranghae

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