
"Ok so whoever's modelling meet me at room 2A at 7:30 just relax for now converse, introduce yourselves to people, talk to media, look out for snything suspicious, and make sure your necklace is noticeable so people know your modelling tonight" Mya instructed through the earpiece.

"Got it" I said adjusting my bright shiny black diamond necklace. I walked around now scanning the building. The set up was beautiful the tan and white colors.

"Don't forget to use your passes to get in rooms" Added Mya.

"Ok" we all said in unison.

I went to the front where all the people were coming in I greeted everyone with a smile.

A lady in a black jumpsuit walked up to me "Rose right?" She asked.

"Yup" I said happily.

"You look stunning tonight" she complimented.

"Thank you as do you" I said.

"Oh your modelling tonight?" She asked noticing the necklace.

"Yes I am" I said sweetening my voice.

"That's exciting your probably busy I'll go look around she said leaving me alone.

"So tell me more about this Dylan guy" I heard Mya say through the earpiece.

"I don't know anything but his name" I shrugged even though they couldn't see me.

"He's a blond with messy hair, tall, actually he's cute" Katie said.

"How the hell do you know what he looks like?" I asked a man looked at my like I lost my mind I gave him a smile. Language Rose I scolded myself.

"Ben told me" she said.

I found it weird how he told Katie a actual description of the guy and Mr just a name.

"He knows what I look like so if I see him whoever is closest goes to him find out anything you can even if its the littlest detail" Katie said.

"Wait so he doesn't know me? Wait how does he know you? What else didn't you tell me Katie?" I asked annoyed.

"It's a long story for another time just whoever finds him don't be suspicious" Katie stated.

I had a weird feeling that Katie knows a lot than she putting on and I'll find out what else she's hiding from me. I lived

"How do we even know he's here" Misty said.

"We don't he might not even be here, but the person who said my name is so concentrate" Mya said.

"It's just your name it doesn't sound like a big deal" Hiya said.

Everyone was quiet I didn't feel like explaining it to her and neither did anyone else I shut my earpiece off.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Hiya next to me she tapped her earpiece and I turned mines on. "Don't be stupid" she whispered in my ear. I sighed she left my side to talk to some man I didn't bother taking a second glance.


It's now 7:25pm and I spent my free time wandering around the threshold talking to people from all around the world. To my surprise they actually knew how to hold conversations apparently Angel's hypothesis was wrong no danger not even a hint strayed in this place.

I sighed going to room 2A where we all would meet backstage. We all waited for Angel to come in.

"Ok I want Rose in the red dress I love that color on her it's already fitted. The black dress is Katie's, the silver one belongs to Hiya because it's more exposed and I feel as though she can be most confident in it..." Angel and Mya trailed off names I immediately got my make up and hair worked on while she did that. Mya and Angel went on stage giving their sppeches.

I was ready I actually loved this dress it was a long fitted dress which had a huge slit in the side showing a bit more leg then I was used to. I breathed in and out I heard claps then Mya and Angel appeared from behind the curtain "Ok go!" They said in unison.


I believed the fashion show to be an success considering no one tripped or fell off stage and judging by the way Angel smiled from ear to ear after we all were done our 5th catwalk I patted myself on the back. We all stepped back on stage to take our bows but as soon as we bowed and came back up to look at the audience a familiar face caught my eye he was smiling and clapping I smiled back. He was here finally but then I looked a few rows to the left of Alex and there stood a blonde haired man. He was handsome I had to give him but he stared at me as though he knew everything about me.

As soon as we were back stage I said "I saw him he's here".

"I know I saw him to frankly he took interest in you Rose" Angel said.

"He probably knows about me" I worried.

"He doesn't trust me " Katie assured me.

"You will tell me every single thing going you know by tonight or I swear Kate I'll shot you like I did Jasper" I threatened her.

"You wouldn't" she said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Try me" I said angerily.

I loved my best friend to death but she knows I will shoot her no vital organs of course but enough to let her know I'm not fucking around. Plus she shot me before it's about time I get my payback. Alex walked through the door "You girls looked beautiful tonight I'm proud of you guys" Alex said smiling. That had to be the first time I ever heard Alex praise someone let alone any of us "Thank you brother" Mya said grinning.

"Ok Hiya you go and use your charm get whatever information you can get out of him" Angel said. Hiya left and we all walked out the room to greet people who were pleased with the show.

"I need to talk to you" Alex whispered in my ear.

"Your talking now" I said hugging a lady and uttering a thank you.

"In private" He said.

"Wait till we get home" I whispered back.

Just when he was about to say something else a voice compelled him he walked towards Jackson all I heard was 'problem' I sighed maybe Angel's predictions were accurate.

Rose Winter (UNDER EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें