Chapter 16 Wedding Bells

Start from the beginning

After Aphrodite snapped the guys and I appeared on an altar. I looked around confused but ended up noticing that none of us were in that clothes we were in earlier. In fact we all wore tuxes. It was detailed with a red tie and a handkerchief in the breast pocket except for Clint who wore a black tux with a red undershirt and a black tie. He too had the red handkerchief in his breast pocket. "So..." I started trying to get rid of the annoying silence.

"What in the gods' name am I wearing?!" I heard the kid, Percy complain and I smirked. I think I am beginning to like this kid more and more. He was defiantly my kind of guy.

"Well, kid, it's called a tux and you wear it to fancy things such as weddings and all that fancy stuff." I replied as sarcastically.

He glared at me and I just smirked. Okay I admit maybe this kid will get annoying. "So Clinton Barton, are you ready to sell your freedom to soon-to-be Mrs. Clinton Barton?"

He looked at me and nodded firmly. "Heck yes. Now who wants to be my best man?"

I noticed him glance at Bruce and I smiled. It would be good for the guy. I mean those two shared a bond that even Bruce and I didn't share but no one really noticed it except for Natasha, Arcee and I. Bruce smiled. "I'd be honored, Clint."

Someone cleared their throat and we all turned to see Lady Aphrodite standing where the pastor normally would. "Now, can we begin?"

All Clint did in reply was nod and turn towards the isle, followed by the rest of us.

(Arcee's P.O.V)

We all turned towards the door when we heard Here Comes the Bride on a harp, I think it was. Natasha inhaled deeply, "Is it bad to be nervous?" She asked weakly as I placed the veil over her face. I chuckled.

"Hell no. You are marrying a man you plan to spend the rest of your life with, it's perfectly normal to be nervous.

"Actually it's proven that if the bride is nervous when she about to get married, the marriage lasts longer." Annabeth spoke up handing Natasha a bouquet of flowers. Once Natasha was ready Annabeth and I grabbed our own bouquet and smiled at Natasha.

"How do I look?" Natasha questioned.

"You look like Clint'll be the luckiest man in the universe." Annabeth stated.

I laughed, "She said it. Well Nat we'll see you at the altar."

I winked before walking with Annabeth out of the door. Right away I notice the guys all dressed in tuxes. I realized something about the colors. They were Clint and Natasha's uniform colors. I smiled brightly and noticed Clint stood there beaming but you could tell he was nervous too. Once Annabeth and I reached the altar we turned to the right and faced the door, just as Natasha stepped out. I heard Clint gasp slightly and held in a chuckle. Once Natasha reached the altar, Clint and her turned to face each other as did the rest of us so we could watch them.

"We are gathered here today for the joining of Clinton Barton and Natasha Romanoff. If anyone believes that these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace." Aphrodite spoke. Everyone remained silent. "Now we shall move onto the vows, repeat after me, I Clinton Barton, take you, Natasha Romanoff,"

"I Clinton Barton, take you, Natasha Romanoff." Clint repeated.

"To be my godly wedded wife. I to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in death. To death do us part," Aphrodite stated.

"To be my godly wedded wife. I to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in death. To death do us part," Clint stated, his smile growing more with each word. Percy held out Clint a ring. It had to be at least $100,000 ring, the band was a vibranium and adamantium mix. Clint took it and placed it on her hand.

"Now Natasha repeat after me." Aphrodite instructed. "I Natasha Romanoff, take you, Clinton Barton."

"I Natasha Romanoff, take you, Clinton Barton." Natasha repeated.

"To be my godly wedded husband. I to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in death. To death do us part," Aphrodite spoke.

"To be my godly wedded husband. I to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in death. To death do us part," Natasha repeated as a ring appeared on my bouquet. It was made of vibranium and adamantium, like Natasha's. I took it off my flowers and handed it to Natasha, who placed it on Clint's hand.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may unveil and kiss the bride." Aphrodite ended the ceremony smiling. Next thing you know Natasha's veil is lifted over her head and Clint placed his lips against hers. I just smiled as Clint tipped Mrs. Barton backward while he still kissed her.

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