Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 - KMCF

"Yeah, but so am I," Hunter whispered with each breath brushing against my lips. He then caressed my cheek and blew on my lips.

I opened my eyes to see him grinning. I frowned a bit, but brushed it off with a laugh. "You're so annoying," I said with a smile.

"I know," he rubbed the back of my hand before getting up to get a drink.

As he did so, I thought to check on my phone. The first thing I looked at was the time and it was a little over twelve. "Oh," I wished I could've stayed a bit longer, but I couldn't be late to work two days in a row. I needed some sleep, "I have to go."

I got up and shoved my phone into my bag. "Now?" Hunter asked with a sad undertone.

I couldn't help but frown, I didn't want to leave either. "Yeah, I have work tomorrow."

He walked me to the door and hesitated a bit when opening it. He pulled me into an unexpected hug. His scent wrapped around my nose and I melted in his arms. "Who will help me eat all those cookies?" He joked.

I pulled away and grinned, "we made too much, didn't we?"

Hunter nodded, while caressing my cheeks. Each stroke tickled my senses and I couldn't help but smile. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

He sighed, "I almost don't want to let you leave."

I laughed, and took hold of the hand that wasn't caressing my cheek. "I don't want to leave either," I said ever so softly.

I love you.

"I-" I paused, afraid to say what I was going to say. Afraid to say it first, afraid that it would lose its magic. "I'll miss you," I resorted to saying, hating myself a bit.

Hunter smiled a tiny bit, so tiny it looked like he was disappointed, like he was expecting more. "I'll miss you too."

Slowly, I let go of his hand and he dropped the hand that was resting on my cheek. I turned to walk away, knowing Hunter's eyes were going to watch me until I got into the elevator. Our night together was incredibly wonderful, yet I felt so empty and disappointed. I shouldn't have been afraid to tell Hunter that I loved him, it was the truth after all. I wanted a better relationship than the one we had before, and I was getting it. I shouldn't be ruining it. I turned on my heel and walked right back to Hunter.

His head tilted to the side, "what's wrong?"

"I love you," my heart racing. "I should've told you that instead of I miss you, but I was afraid." In between my ranting, I saw a genuine smile growing on Hunter's lips. "It was stupid of me to be afraid, I mean I love you and that's the truth. Why should I be afraid of the truth? I really want us to work and if I can't even tell you that I love you, then we won't work out. So I just want you to know that I love you a lot, and that I shouldn't keep that-"

"Jen," Hunter called out and then started laughing. His hands cupped my face, and he leaned forward as he said, "can I?"

The moment I nodded, his lips pressed onto mine almost immediately. We kissed slowly, where each movement had a different and unique sound, and made my heart race faster and faster. I held on to his shirt as we kissed, afraid that I would fall over or that my knees would give way. I could never get used to Hunter's kisses. They made you feel lightweight, like you could almost fly, like you were free to do anything and everything.

Hunter and I were in our own little world, completely oblivious to everything but ourselves. We were so distracted, we didn't hear the elevator doors chime open.

Kissing My Childhood Friend [slowly editing]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя