Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - KMCF

"Who was that?" I questioned.

He looked at his phone a little longer before glancing at me. "Hotel manager."

His answer was blunt and it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it, but my stubbornness wasn't going to leave it alone. "She's coming to New York?"

He tucked his phone into his pocket. "Seems like it."


"Business crisis." He bluntly said.

"How long will she be staying?" I persisted.

Hunter walked over to an opened box and examined the contents. "Depends." He brought out a marker before labeling the box, he went on to a different box, to repeat the same steps.

"On what?" I sat on a box, waiting for his reply.

He exasperately sighed. "Jen."

"What?" I stared at him while biting the insides of my cheeks.

"What's more important right now, details about Laura or your store?" He raised his eyebrow.

Laura, her name made me wince slightly every time he said it. I wanted so badly to filter her name out of his mouth.

How could you be jealous of a woman you barely know about, Jen? How pathetic can you get?

"I already know what's important," I mumbled.

"Good, then we're on the same page." He handed me a box. "Label this."

He went over to the opposite side of the room, opening and labeling boxes. I just stood there, I didn't know why I wasn't moving. Maybe I was waiting for him to say something or act like how he was five minutes ago.

Instead, I slowly and quietly retrieved a box cutter. I opened up the box, scanned the contents and labeled the box. I copied the same procedure a couple times until Rocxy poked her head into the room.

"Boss lady says the store will be opening shortly. She wants you two to go fold the clearance items." Her voice projected towards us, but her eyes were glued onto Hunter.

"Boss lady?" I questioned curiously. "You mean, Miranda?"

She indiscreetly rolled her eyes. "Whatever, same thing. You say potato, I say patahto."

Hunter and I were ready to walk past her till, without a hint of precaution, she abruptly questioned our relationship status. "Are you two dating?"

I looked at Hunter for help, but even he didn't know what to say. How do you tell a snotty teenager that you only have an intimate relationship with your childhood friend? Exactly, you don't. So, instead of answering her a question, I did her one better, I questioned her question.

"Why do you ask?" I tried hard to keep my smile steady.

"I may be attractive and all, but even I know that stealing another girl's man is unacceptable. No matter how eye catching I look or how hot he looks." She sent a little wink in Hunter's direction which he took as a compliment. "So, are you?" She asked impatiently.

"No," I bit my bottom lip in disappointment. "Uhm, we're just childhood friends."

While I felt my heart fall deeply in despair after realizing what me and Hunter were. We were merely a couple of friends with benefits. Rocxy on the other hand, was as bright as ever. I glanced at Hunter, but I couldn't make out the expression laying on his face. Anger? Happiness? Sadness? I couldn't tell.

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"Correct me if I'm mistaken, but you two are together, right?" The woman in front of me asked. She looked as though she was in her mid-forties or early fifties. She had authentic blonde hair that had a few streaks of gray, but they curled perfectly against her hardly wrinkled face. Her chocolate brown eyes twinkled as she asked her question. Her eyes alternated between Hunter and I as we were both placed behind the check out counter.

I placed a small smile on my lips before answering. "No." I grabbed the last of her items and scanned them into the computer as her face resembled a child who just found out that Santa wasn't real.

Hunter had no customers in his aisle, probably because most customers wanted an excuse to stay longer and admire Mr. Manning before having to check out all their stuff and then leave. Because he had no customers, he listened in on the conversation me and the woman were having.

"Really? You're lying." She looked at Hunter for confirmation.

"She's not, we're just childhood friends." He said. My heart sank even deeper, I don't remember when the words, childhood friends, hurt so bad.

You signed up for this Jennifer, suck it up!

She handed me her debit card after I had revealed her total. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said apologetically. "It's just that you two look so great together. But, what do I know? I'm old!" She laughed at her response, I softly laughed along. I handed her back her card and placed her items in a shopping bag that had Anders printed on it.

I waved her goodbye as she turned around to leave, she smiled before exiting the modernized boutique.

I let out a deep breath almost like I'd been holding my breath all day. I gazed up at Hunter, who happened to be looking at me with his moss colored eyes. "What?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Jen," he carefully shook his head. "I'm sorry that I'm putting you in these types of situations." He frowned faintly.

I shared with him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, I'm fine."

He locked his hand with mine from beneath the counter. His hands were larger than mine and unexpectedly soft. He leaned down until his lips and my ear were perfectly near each other. Through the entire process, my cheeks brushed on a light spread of blush. "Come over tonight," he whispered huskily.

"H-Hunter, I d-don't know.. " I stuttered. I turned my head as he moved his face a little bit away to get a glimpse of my visage. He looked really serious, making my mind think dirty of what he was saying. It should be clear by now that he doesn't want to sleep with me, since he told me about his situation. But, why wasn't it getting through my head?

"I just," he paused for a second before licking his lips. Damn it! He's way too good looking. "I need you with me tonight."

With just six words, my heart had the chance to skip a beat. I need you tonight. I continued to stare into his sparkling emerald eyes as he did the same for my icy blue orbs. "Okay," I softly said.

He smiled and then slowly pushed his face closer to mine, our lips were merely a centimeter apart. Too bad, he stopped, why? Because a woman who seemed to be in line for awhile abruptly cleared her throat.

I quickly pulled away from Hunter, my cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. Hunter on the other hand didn't seem bothered by it, it looked as though he won some type of prize. "I'm sorry," I said as I took the assortments off her hands.

She seemed irritated at first, but slowly began to accept my apology. "It's okay," She ran her hand through her curly dark hair. "Couples now a days." She shook her head.

I sent a small smile her way, before scanning her items into the computer. I didn't really care if she thought we were a couple my mind was occupied with thoughts about Hunter and coming over his place. I wondered what would be in stored for me.

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Kissing My Childhood Friend [slowly editing]Where stories live. Discover now