Chapter 34

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To my OG readers,

This chapter might make you say, "Wth? When
did that happen?" Well, I decided to do some editing over my 4 month break. Things you remember from the earlier chapters might have been edited off and replaced with MUCH better writing, so you might have to reread chapter 9 to get a jist of what Hunter is talking about. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Chapter 34 - KMCF

"Borrow what?"

"Models. Male models," I said, feeling less confident of my answer.

If I couldn't get models for Grace's bachelorette party, I might as well dig a grave for myself. Everything had to be perfect and adding models would tie the whole party together. I just needed Marcos's help.

He started off with a small grin and then it became a deep chuckle. "Jennifer, it doesn't work that way. Models aren't venues, I can't just rent them to you."

"We know that, but can't you just pull some strings?" Miranda spoke up from behind the counter. She gave Marcos a childish pout. "Look at the amazing display we made just for you."

He groaned loudly until I stepped in again. "Plus, you owe me one for saving your company."

He groaned again, making sure everyone in the store heard him. "Because Manning was losing his mind for a date. And speaking of which," Macros looked directly at Miranda. "Can you believe Jennifer hated her date with Hunter freakin' Manning?"

I sighed while Miranda tried to stifle a laugh, "actually, I can."

"Actually Marcos, I need to tell you something about Manning and myself," I found it difficult to look at his eyes.

If I didn't tell Marcos, I'd always be the crazy woman who missed out on a golden opportunity. Besides that, he could find out about Hunter and I some other way and feel offended. I wasn't looking to be offensive. He was one of my closest friends.

"What is it?" He sounded eager possibly from my suspenseful way of speaking.

"But, first, the models." I tried hard to conceal my smirk.

Marcos looked to Miranda for guidance, only she was just enjoying how things were playing out. He went back to staring at me, hoping I would crack.

"Fine! Usted niñas conducen un negocio difícil!" He exclaimed in Spanish before sighing. "I'll see what I can do. Now, spill the beans."

I stole a quick glance at Miranda and back at Marcos, I then took a deep breath. "Hunter Manning is my childhood friend."

His caramel eyes widened, his chiselled jaw dropped, he almost looked like a fish out of water. "Are you serious?"

I nodded my head, "yeah."

"But, you shook hands and introduced yourself to him. You both acted like you never met one another. And when he-" He paused from his ranting to think. "It all makes sense now! It's no wonder why you weren't fond to meet him and why you knew so much about him."

Marcos looked up from his light murmuring. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner."

"Jennifer, it's okay. At least you told me, right?" He said and right after Miranda nodded and soon I did too. "Any more secrets I should know?"

Miranda and I caught each other's eyes before we gave him a reply. "Nope."

"None, zero, zip, nada." Added, Miranda.

Kissing My Childhood Friend [slowly editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora