Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - KMCF

"Jen, don't just carelessly walk around, it's dangerous." Hunter frowned as he grabbed hold of Jennifer's hand. His breathing had temporarily become slightly heavier from trying to find his closest friend.

Her eyes teared away from what had guided her to wander off. "Sorry," she replied. "Hunter, I wanna go in here." She pointed at the bakery in front of them with a big smile.

It was the first time he noticed the bakery, so he assumed they just newly opened. It was also the first time he had ever smelled such a sweet aroma. "I don't have any money on me right now and I promised your mom that we wouldn't leave our spot."

Her beautiful smile severely shrank and she no longer was in the perky mood she was in. "Oh," was her response before she set her eyes to look down.

Hunter looked at Jen before looking up at the store's heading: Divine Sweets. He made sure to lock the name in his head. "Let's come back here next time and I'll buy you anything you want."

Her head shot up like a rocket and you could see the bliss on her visage before it got taken over by suspicion. "Promise?" She placed her hand on his chest.

He laughed and said, "I promise."

**End Of Memory**

"He had the audacity to demand for my hand, like he didn't know the situation he was in." I scribbled something down on the page. "These pants are the same material, but this one cost more."

"Okay, but maybe it's because of the embellishments here." Miranda placed her index finger on the page.

"Write that down, we'll ask him when he comes." I said.

This morning, I was forced to wake up extra early and of course I was eager to want to go back to bed. I mean, I was so tired that I wasn't even cognizant of how I got myself dressed. I wore an overpowering patterned sun dress with a light brown jacket and paired with beaded sandals. I let my hair down and because of my lack of energy, I employed a bit of makeup: mascara, eyeliner and the finishing touch, my favorite pink lipstick.

I barged into work, soaked in aggravation and questioning Miranda's sanity. Why she would want to deprive her best friend of sleep, one of the most important factors for the body. My eyes focused on the rearrangement of our store and the men in similar attires making loud noises with their tools.

Before I could even begin to open my mouth, Miranda rushed in my direction wearing a smile brighter than the sun that was making its grand appearance. She explained the point of her mood and the middle aged men roaming the shop. Miranda, for the sake of the selling of Marcos's line, hired workers to create an attraction that would best exemplify the line's full potential. Not only were they assembling a fantastic display, but they promised to get it ready before nightfall.

It, however, didn't give her the right to drag me here, she could've easily sent me a text. Before I could express my mind, Miranda informed me of the most reasonable motivation for asking for my appearance. Marcos had sent us his lookbook and requested that we speak to him about it after looking over it and we also had paperwork we had to sign for him. His schedule was tight for the week, so it concluded as to why he had to meet with us early in the morning.

"Hunter never ceases to amaze me," Miranda laughed as she jotted down my bid on a small notebook.

"You're not supposed to be laughing, you should be comforting your poor miserable friend." I averred.

"Miserable?" Her head perked up, she frowned slightly.

"Yeah," I answered with uncertainty.

She shook her head before she opened her mouth to talk. "Jen, you're blind."

Kissing My Childhood Friend [slowly editing]Where stories live. Discover now