~Chapter 29~

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Cry's POV 

Pewds and I walk into the living room seeing Peter and Wade questioning the two teens in front of them. Bee had a red face and glared at the two. I knew they were gonna get it when her friend leaves. Speaking of him he's got slicked back brown hair and looks quite decent. Not like any other assholes in our school. I notice him laughing at Bee's red face. Peter and Wade's intergeneration doesn't seem to be bothering him. That's a good sign. I decided to help Bee out and walk over pulling Peter and Wade back. 

"Alright officers give the two a break would you?" I joke chuckling slightly. 

Bee looked at me thankfully. I smile at her and send her a wink. I kinds feel like she's my little sister. We've gotta really close lately. 

Pewds then walks over grinning. "Who's your friend Bee?" he asked nudging her arm. 

"U-Uh this is Ryan." she introduced him. 

Ryan smiled a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you guys. I'm really big fans of all of you. Especially you Cry" 

Me? really? I chuckle. "Thanks kid" I look at Bee giving her a 'I approve' look. 

"So what brings you over here Ryan?" Wade asked with a smirk. 

"Oh Bee and I were partnered to do a project and she offered to do it here" he shrugged slightly. 

"Which I so regret" she groaned. 

"Who's this?!" A surprised and slightly angry Tony asked storming over. 

"Bee's boyyyyfriend!" Peter teased. 

Bee glared at him. "That's it! you're dead Peter!" she growled and ran after him while he screamed bloody murder running away. Ryan stood there with wide eyes and a blush on his face. 

"Boyfriend?! Listen punk you hurt my little girl I will not hesitate to use my suit of you!" Tony said getting in his face. 

Steve walked over. "Babe leave the poor kid alone would you. I'm sorry about him" he apologised. 

"U-Um it's fine" Ryan said with a hint of fear in his tone. 

"They're just friends and our doing a school project together" Pewds explained the truth. 

"Say it!" Bee yelled holding Peter in a lock, and it looked painful. Personal note, never piss off Bee. 

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!! YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME IN EVERY WAY NOW LET ME GO!!" Peter yelled struggling in the teens tight grip. 

Bee smirked and let him go. "That's better" she turned to Ryan. "Come on, we should work on our project" she dragged him off to her room. 

"Use protection!" Wade yelled after them. 

"WADE!" Bee yelled back. You could practically hear the embarrassment in her tone. 

I chuckle and shake my head. "Guys lay off her would you? This is the first guy she's had over and you're scaring him away" 

Steve nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Especially you mister" he pointed at Tony. 

Tony's eyes widened slightly looking offended. "Me?! All I said is that f he hurts her I'll use my suit on him!" he exclaimed.

Everyone was silent and giving him a 'did you hear what you just said?' look. 

"Yeah I see your point" he said defeated. 

Steve chuckled and walked off with Tony following. 

"Welp! we're going to the movies later guys!" Wade exclaims grabbing Peter's hand and pulls him out. 

"Well that was interesting" Pewds said giggling. 

I chuckle and nod. "Sure was" 

"So what do you wanna do?" he asked wrapping his arms around my neck. 

I shrug slightly wrapping my arms around his waist. "Not sure. Though I'm feeling lazy today so maybe watch movies in the living room?" I offer. 

He grinned slightly and nodded. "Sounds good to me" he pecked my lips then walked into the kitchen grabbing us snacks. 

I walk into the living room choosing a movie for us to watch and wait for him to join sitting on the couch. About two minutes later he came in with a few snacks and sat them on the coffee table. He sat next to me and snuggled his head into my chest wrapping his arms around me. 

I smile and wrap my arms around him holding him close to me. I kiss his head gently and start the movie.  

~Time skip~ 

About half way through the movie I got bored of it. I smirk thinking of something else we could do. I lean down kissing his neck softly. 

Pewds bit his lip holding back a moan. "Cryyy I'm trying to watch the movie" he whined with a pout. 

I chuckle. "Wouldn't you rather have fun with me instead?" I smirk and bite down on his neck softly. 

He gasped softly and moaned slightly. He blushed madly. "Fine you've persuaded me" he crashed his lips against mine in a hungry kiss. 


Should I do a smut? 
Let me know if I should carry it on in the next chapter. 

Thanks for reading and I'll see all you dudes...in the next chapter!!

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now