~Chapter 8~

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Cry's POV

We've been waiting an hour for those guys now, you'd think cause they both fly they'd be fast, then as I look to the sky I can see two figures 'finally' I thought to myself suddenly they fly towards the ground like a torpedo which causes a big creator to form in the ground, I sigh as I know they're showing off, Pewds sure fell for it and ran to the top of the creator, I walk behind him and look in

"Really guys?superhero landing?" I shout, they then stand up smiling

"Nice ta see ya again Cry!" Jack says and flies out of the creator with Mark

"So who's the newbie?" Mark asks

"Hi I-I'm Pewds!" he says cheerfully which causes Mark to chuckle and Jack to giggle

"Hey there Pewds, I'm Markiplier and this is my wonderful boyfriend Jacksepticeye" I roll my eyes as they stare at each other lovingly, but at the same time it kinda makes me jealous that I don't have someone to do that with, I look at Pewds to see him smiling at the couple I didn't realise I was staring at him until...

"Cry?, Cry!" I snap out of my day dream to see Pewds looking at me with a concerned expression

"What?" I say a bit more harshly than I intended, he flinched and I suddenly regretted it

"Y-you kinda zoned out, a-are you o-ok?" he asks with a hint of fear in his voice, 'nice going Cry there's another person who's now afraid of you' but I'm surprised he's actually being nice to me after I was so harsh

"I'm fine, let's just get this over with" I say annoyed and I mentally slap myself 'why are you being a dick Cry, WHY!'

"Ok so Pewds what powers do you have?" Mark asks

"Well I have strength and Cry thinks I've got telekinesis" Jacks eyes widen in delight

"Telekinesis? well then this is my field, sorry Markimoo" Jack coos and Mark smirks

"Ok so we're gonna start off with small objects, so maybe it's best to go inside" we all nod in agreement and head inside,

Pewds's POV

We walk into a huge training room, it's SO cool!

"Pewds try and lift this pencil" Jack says and I lift it up

"Jesus Pewds, I mean't with your mind ya idiot" Jack says laughing and I drop it on the ground

"Ok concentrate.....imagine the pencil floating in front of you" I nod and close my eyes imagining that it was floating in front of me, open my eyes and see it floating in front of me, I smile

"Great now set it back down" I look at the ground and the pencil follows, I see Cry with his arms folded looking uninterested, I sigh

"What's wrong?" Jack asks

"Oh uh nothing.....it's nothing" he nods knowing that I'm not gonna tell him,

"Next try and lift the table" I nod and focus on it, but the only thing I can focus on is Cry, does he hate me? why's he being mean all of a sudden? did I do something wrong? after a few seconds I shift my eyes upwards, but it doesn't float

"Concentrate Pewds, bigger items take more concentration" Jack says and I nod and try to concentrate on the table and the table only, a few seconds later I shift my eyes upwards and it floats, I smile at the victory and set it back down

"Great now we'll get to bigger objects another day cause they're more advanced, you need to practice moving smaller objects and when you you can do that no bother, then you'll be ready for the bigger objects" I nod

"Thanks Jack"

"No problem buddy" he says happily "Let's practice some more come on" I nod

"Uh we're gonna head to the Tower, we'll see you guys later" Cry says as him and Mark walk out of the training room, I frown

"Oh you've got it bad" Jack says and I look at him confused

"What do you mean?" I ask confused, he chuckles

"You've got the hots for Cry" my eyes widen

"I don't! he's just a friend that's all" I shout and he laughs

"Trust me, I've went through this with Mark I thought he was just a friend too, but now look at us" he says smiling, maybe he's right

"Whatever can we just practice please" he laughs and nods

"So have you came up with a superhero name yet?" I think.....................................I know one it's perfect


"What is it?"



Sorry for such a short chapter :( the next one will be longer I promise anyway if you enjoyed please vote that'd be great, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!:) :)

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now