~Chapter 23~

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Cry's POV 


I groan and turn off my alarm not smashing it against the wall as I did to Pewds'

"Oh so you smash mine but don't to yours huh?" I hear my boyfriends voice coming from the other side of the bed, I chuckle 

"Hey I said I was sorry didn't I? Tony bought you new one anyway" I resort and cuddle into him, he chuckles and nods his head,

"Yeah which wasn't my idea, come on we gotta get ready for school" he says trying to get out of my grip but he can't 

"Noooo" I whine like a little kid causing Pewds to laugh 

"Come on Cry, as much as I'd like to stay and cuddle with you we have to go, we haven't been there in weeks" he says finally getting out of my grip and puts on his clothes that he brought in from his room last night, I groan and cover my face with my pillow and grown loudly into it, I hear Pewds laugh, suddenly there was a knock on my door 

"GUYS! Breakfast is ready hurry up or you'll be late!" I hear Steve shout I roll my eyes

"We'll be out in a sec Steve!" Pewds shouts back and I hear his footsteps walk away from the door, I then fell something land on my stomach, but it wasn't heavy 

"Cry get your ass up...NOW!" Pewds raises his voice, I scoff and get up angrily 

"I'll wait for you in the kitchen" Pewds says and walks out, I roll my eyes and get dressed 

"Whatever" I say to myself....I'm really NOT a morning person 

~Time skip~ 

Pewds, Wade, Peter and I are walking to school, I take Pewds hand in mine and he doesn't look at me just looks around him or in front of him, I frown and sigh 

"Pewds I'm sorry about this morning, I'm just really not a morning person" I say looking down, I felt him squeeze my hand and I look up to see him smiling 

"It's ok Cry I know your not and I should let you wake yourself up first" he says looking down, I smile and lift his head up to look at me 

"Let's just forget about it yeah?" He smiles and nods I lift up my mask a bit just enough to expose my lips and I lean in a peck his 

"Hurry up you two!" I hear Peter shout to us, we giggle and catch up with the two 

"Remind me again why we have to go to school baby boy" Wade says causing Peter to blush 

"Because Wade it's essential for everyone to go to school" Wade groans causing me to chuckle and Pewds to laugh 

"C'mon Wade this our last year then after graduation we can do whatever we want" Pewds says trying to cheer him up, he sighs 

"Yeah I guess you're right Pewds" he says, Peter smiles 

"That's my Merc with a mouth" he says causing Wade to smirk 

"Oh we both know you love my mouth baby boy, espically when it's around-" 

"OK WOW! We don't wanna hear that Wade" I shout covering my ears as Pewds does the same, Wade laughs and Peter blushes like mad 

"HEY GUYS!" We hear someone shout, I look to see the crew and I smile as we walk up to them, Russ pulls me into a hug and I chuckle 

"Good to have you back Cry" I smile 

"Good to be back I missed you guys" I say pulling out of the hug and suddenly the bell rings and we all head to our classes, Russ Pewds and I walk into our Maths class and sit it our seats 

"Ah Mr Terry, Mr kjellberg nice of you two to come back and early, I hope this keeps up" Mr Mallon says and I roll my eyes, he's always had it for me, I've no idea why though 

Halfway through the class the Principal walks in

"Morning Mr Mallon, Morning Class" he says smiling 

"Good morning sir, what brings you here?" Mr Mallon asks  

"Well I'd like to personally introduce a new student, students this is Chase Laufeyson treat him nicely this is his first time in a public school" well yeah no shit he's the son of a god, HE'S LOKIS' SON!!  I look at Russ with wide eyes and he has the same expression, Pewds looks at us confused 

"I'll leave you to it,sorry for interrupting Mr Mallon" 

"Not a problem sir" Mr Mallon says as he walks out of the room

"Two new pupils this year, great, you can go sit beside Felix" Mr Mallon says and points to Pewds, my eyes widen as Chase walks towards Pewds with a smirk on his face, I glare at him as he looks at me taken back, 

"Hi I'm Chase" he says smirking at Pewds with his hand held out for him to shake

"Hi I'm Felix but call me Pewds" Pewds says shaking his hand and smiling, 

"Cool name" he says grinning causing Pewds to blush, I curse under my breath  and glare at Chase if looks could kill he'd wouldn't even be hear he'd be dead and buried

"Ok now that the introductions are out of the way can you shut up and pay attention to what sir is saying" I say lowly trying to sound threaten, it seemed to work as Chases' eyes widen 

"Wow sorry man" he says and I roll my eyes 

"Whatever" I say and face the front Pewds nudges me

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks shocked at my behaviour 

"I'll tell you at lunch, but if you have any other classes with him, do.not.talk.to him, ok?" I say in a deadly voice causing him to smirk 

"Aww is someone jealous?" He says in a baby voice, I look at him sternly 

"Felix this isnt a joke I mean it don't talk to him, please" my voice was stern at the start but it sounded desperate then, his faces drops cause he knows I'm serious when I use his real name 

"O-ok, I won't talk to him" he says and I feel a weight lift off of my shoulders 

"Thank you, I tell you everything at lunch ok?" He nods and smiles and I smile back 

"Mr.Terry I hope you're not going to get a detention on your first day back" Sir says causing me to flinch 

"S-Sorry sir" he just sighs and continues with the lesson, Russ looks at me with concern on his face as his eyes glance at Chase, I shake my head and run a hand through my hair knowing what he was worried about, all I'm saying is if he even thinks about going near my boyfriend.....he'll be one sorry god.......


Hey guys! Man it's been a while, the reasons I haven't been updating is because I have TONS of Art to do and I've been having some family problems so I won't be updating as often as I use to. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please vote that'd be great, thanks for reading and I'll see all you guys in the next chapter!!! :) :) 

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