~Chapter 28~

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Pewds' POV

"He tired to what?!" Russ shouted then glared at Austin. He stepped out of Cry's way. "Beat the shit outta him Cry"

Cry smirked. "Gladly" he pinned Austin to the ground and punched him over and over again showing no signs of stopping.

"C-Cry! That's enough please!" I begged him not wanting to see this go on much longer.

Cry stopped and turned to me. "This asshole needs to get what he deserves Pewds" he raises his fist to hit Austin again.

I run over and drag Cry off of him and hug him tightly burying my face into his chest. "S-stop..please j-just stop" I beg him crying into his chest.

Cry's eyes widened slightly not expecting that but he immediately wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. "Okay Pewds, I'll stop. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

I smile slightly at his concern and nod. "I-I'm okay, he didn't get too far"

Suddenly teachers start running over. "What is going on here?!" One of them yells.

"T-that freak started hitting me for no reason!" Austin yelled standing up. He had two black eyes, a cut on the side of his face, a busted lip, bloody nose and multiple bruises forming.

"Mr Terry! Principals office now!" The same teacher yelled and pointed for him to go inside.

I frown and tighten my grip on Cry not wanting him to leave me. I just wanted to stay in his protective embrace.

Cry sighed and rolled his eyes. He frowned slightly feeling Pewds grip him tighter. "It's okay Pewds, I'll be back okay alright?" He slightly lifted his mask up and kissed my head.

I sniff and nod letting go of him wiping my tears away. "O-okay"

The teacher then dragged Cry off into the school and Austin as well to resolve the matter.


School ended and I haven't seen Cry since lunch. I was starting to get worried. I sigh and wait outside the gate for him.

Peter then walks up to me. "Hey Pewds, Cry is already at the tower. Steve had to come and take him home because he's suspended"

My eye widen slightly. He got suspended?! Now I feel really bad because he did it for me. I sigh and nod walking to the tower with Peter and Wade.

We get into the penthouse and I'm met with Steve looking at me sympathetically. "Is it true?" He asked.

I frown slightly knowing what he was talking about. I sigh and nod. "Y-yeah"

Steve frowned and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Felix, I'll call the school and get that boy expelled and see if they can take Cry's suspension off"

I pull back from the hug and nod. "Thanks Steve" at least I know I won't be bothered by Austin again, Steve will certainly make sure of that. "Speaking of Cry, where is he?" 

"He's in the training room, letting off some steam" Steve said then walked away to call the school. 

I sigh and walk into the training room seeing Cry punching the life out of a punching bag. I would not want to be that punching bag right now. Suddenly it broke off of its chain and hit the wall falling to the ground. My eyes widen slightly. Cry's strength had always amazed me. 

Cry stood panting heavily with blood  dripping from his knuckles. He didn't wrap them up. I cautiously walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Cry?" 

He seemed to tense at my contact then relaxed sightly. He turned to me and give me a look of sympathy. I knew what he was thinking and I honestly don't want to think or talk about it right now. Or ever in fact. I gently grab one of his hands observing the damage. "Come on, let's go get these bandaged up" I lead him to the lab.

He sits on the table with a sigh. "Are you okay?" he asked fiddling with his fingers. 

I slightly tense at the question. "I'm not the one who's injured here" I chuckle half heartily trying to avoid the question. 

"You know that's not what I meant Pewds" he said sternly. 

I sigh and grab the bandages walking over to him. "I fine Cry, I was a little shaken I admit but I'm fine now, I promise" I start wrapping his knuckles up. 

Cry stopped me gently grabbing my hand making me look up at him and he stared intently into my eyes. "Please Felix, I don't want you keeping things to yourself, you can talk to me" I knew he was worried by his tone and he used my real name. 

I smile slightly at his caring nature and place my hand on his cheek. "Cry, I'm fine. I don't want to dwell on it. I just wanna forget about it and move on..please" 

He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes thinking for a moment then opened his eyes and slightly nodded his head. "Okay, but just know I here if you ever wanna talk about anything alright?" 

I smile and nod. "I know, thanks" I peck his lips then continue bandaging his hands. I finished and placed a light kiss on each hand. "All done, and next time please wrap up your hands" I giggle slightly. 

Cry chuckled. "I had other things on my mind than wrapping my hands up, but I'll do it from now on" he kisses my cheek then stands up from the table. 

Suddenly Peter and Wade rushed into the lab. "Guys!! Code Red! Code Red!" Peter yelled. 

Cry and I look at each other confused then back at Wade and Peter. "What the hell does Code Red mean?" I ask confused. 

"Bee has a guy over! I repeat Bee had a guy over!" Wade yelled frantically. 

"You guys made up that Code Red just now didn't you?" Cry asked folding his arms. 

They both nodded. "Yeah, but that's not important what's important is that she has a guy over!" Wade fangirls. 

I giggle shaking my head. "That's cute, I wonder if it's her boyfriend" I wonder curiously. 

"Only one way to find out!" Peter exclaimed and ran out with Wade. 

Cry sighed and shook his head. "Let's go make sure those to idiots don't completely humiliate Bee"   

I giggle and nod. "Agreed" 


Woah it's been a while since I updated...again I'm sorry about that, I have my reasons though. School is actually crushing me with work it's unbelievable how much I have to do. Second, my parents are ALWAYS taking my phone off of me for the most stupidest reasons EVER. Third, I recently got a job and I only work weekends so I honestly don't have that much free time any more. And the final reason is that I'm at a writers block with pretty much all of the books, so yeah that's a bummer....anyway, I'll try to update as much as possible. I may end this soon or ever make it more interesting. 

Let me know your thoughts if I should continue this or not 

Thanks for reading and I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!: ) (God I missed saying that XD) 

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now