~Chapter 5~

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Cry's POV

"Come on Cry get up!" I hear Peter shout, I groan and put my pillow over my head,

"Noooo, I'm in pain!" I shout into it, I'm not lying though my body's aching from yesterday

"Then get Bruce to give you painkillers, come on we're gonna be late!" I sigh and get up rubbing my eyes, I put my hand over the wound on my right arm, shit this is really hurting, I get dressed and go to Bruce's lab

"Hey Bruce"

"Oh hey Cry" he says not looking at me but looking at blueprints

"Could I have some painkillers?" I ask and he looks up fixing his glasses

"Sore today?" he asks and goes to find them

"Yeah really sore" he chuckles and hands me the painkillers

"Take one now, then one at lunch, one at dinner then one before you go to bed" I nod

"Ok thanks Bruce, see ya later" I say walking out of the lab

"Bye Cry" I walk into the kitchen and got a glass of water then swallow the tablet,

"Ready to go Cry?" Peter asks I nod and put my mask on and sling my bag over my shoulder,

"Lets go" I say and we head to school,

Felix's POV

I wake up with a massive head ache, 'probably from all the shouting yesterday' I think to myself and get ready for school, as I'm getting ready for some reason I feel more....built? I look in the mirror to see I have a six pack....'that wasn't there before what the hell?' once I get ready I head down stairs to get breakfast I open my bedroom door and the handle breaks in my grip 'what the fuck?' I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge

'Dear Felix
Dad and I had to go on a last minute business trip there's money left for you and we'll be back in a couple of days,

Mum and Dad x'

I sigh and it floats in front of me and crumples then falls to the ground 'what the fuck!!!' , I feel a massive pain shoot through my head, shit that hurt, I look through the cabinets in search for painkillers, HA! there you are, I fill up a glass of water and take the tablet, I'll put the rest in my bag in case I still have it, I eat my breakfast and then head for school

~Time skip~

I walk into the entrance and see the familiar mop of brown curls

"Hey Cry! I shout and run up to him, he turns around and waves

"Sup?" he says as I walk beside him

"Tired and I've got a headache I think it's from last night" I say and he chuckles

"Yeah that was pretty wild" he says then the bell rings

"Well I'll see you at lunch" I say and walk to my class

"Yeah bye" he says and walks the opposite direction, I walk into my science class and see Ken's already sitting in his seat, I sit beside him

"Hey Pewds!" he says happily

"Hey Ken!" I say with the same amount of happiness

"Did ya do that homework?" he asks

"Yeah but I don't think I did it right" I say chuckling

"Same" he says laughing

"Hey look at the two fags telling each other how much they love with one another!" Justin says with his crew laughing, I roll my eyes and try to not pay attention to them

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें