~Chapter 14~

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Cry's POV

"Ok so let's go" Nat says

"Wait Felix's injured" I say but he stands up looking completely unharmed, what the?

"How?" I ask shocked, he looks as confused as me

"I-I I dunno but no time for that we've gotta help the rest of the team" he says and I smile standing up, then suddenly Nat pushes Bruce off an edge and he jumps back up as the Hulk, we all run outside to see Sokovia lifting into the air,

"How're we gonna get up there?" Pewds asks,

"HEY GUYS!" we hear familiar voices shout, we look up to see......Jack and Mark as they land in front of us,

"Need a lift?" Jack asks smirking

"You guys are life savers, literally" I say and they both chuckle

"Ok you guys go with them, I'll go with Bruce" Nat says and we nod as she climbs on his back and he jumps towards the flying meteor, Mark picks me up and Jack picks Pewds up and we head for the meteor,

(With Nat and Hulk)

"WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"Nat shouts as she goes flying through the air on Hulks back, when reaching it he crashed into some rocks and trees cause her to fall off him, she quickly stands up holding her back

"I really hope this makes us even" she says

"Now go be a hero" Hulk smirks and runs for the city, leaving Nat behind to make her own way there,

(with everyone else)

"That buliding's not clear 10th floor" Friday says alerting Tony, he flies into the building to see a man and women with they're son cowering in the corner of the falling building

"Hi, uh... get in the tub" Tony orders and flies out if the collapsing building setting the family down safely in Sokovia below,

"I got airborne heading up to the bridge" Friday alerts Tony as soon as she says it a robot lifted Steve and threw him on top of a car, hard

"Cap, you got incoming" Tony warns

"Incoming, already came in" Steve says in pain getting up "Stark you worry about getting the city back down safely, the rest of us have one job tear these things apart, you get hurt, hurt 'em back, you get killed....walk it off" , then Hulk arrived and started smashing some bots, Clint and Wanda are helping people get to safety, Wanda uses her powers to drive one of the bots into the ground, as Clint uses his arrows, then more arrive

"GO GO GO!" he says as he pulls Wanda through a window

"How could I let this happen? this is all are fault" Wanda says panicking

"Hey look at me, it's your fault, it's everyone's fault who cares are you up for this?....are you?" Clint asks her looking into her eyes

"Look I just need to know cause the city is-is flying, ok the city is flying we're fighting an army of robots and I've a bow and arrow none of this makes sense" one of the robots shoots throw the wall and almost hits him, making Wanda only panic even more he shoots and arrow throw the hole hitting the robot, he turns back to her

"Now I'm going back out there cause it's my job, ok and I can't do my job and babysit, doesn't matter what you did or what you were, if you go out there you fight and you fight to kill, stay in here your're good I'll send your brother to come find you but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger...... all right good chat" he says getting up putting a bunch of his arrows in his bow standing in front of the door, "Yeah the city is flying" he says and takes a deep breath and kicks the door open shooting at the robots, Wanda sits in the room shocked and scared not knowing what to do, should she walk out the door and help? or stay in there and wait for her brother?..............

Steve is holding a car from falling off the bridge and inside the car is a women, suddenly the bumper Cap is holding on, rips off and the women and another car falls off the edge, Thor sees this and flies after the two cars, grabbing the women and throwing her up to Cap, he catches her and pulls her up to safety, a robot attacked him while Ultron's voice was talking,

"You can't save them all, You'll never-" Cap throws his shield into the robots chest and throws him over the edge

"You'll never what? you didn't finish" he calls after him smirking, the Thor drops the car with two men inside it beside him,

"What we're you napping?" Steve asks Thor, Steve bounces his shield on the ground and Thor hits it with his hammer destroying the robots in it's path,

Finally Wanda gathered all her courage and fought wit Clint, they clear up there area and Clint nods at her she smiles and nods back, her brother Pietro then arrived beside her sister lifting her in his arms

"Keep up old man" Pietro says and runs away, Clint sighs and aims his bow and arrow in the direction he ran in,

"No one would know, nobody, last I knew Ultron was sitting on him, but no that quick little basterd" Clint mumbles to himself, everyone gathers at the church to prevent Ultron from dropping the meteor

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor shouts Ultron then signalled all of his robots

"Ya hadda ask?" Steve says a bit out of breathe

"This is the best I can do, this is exactly what I wanted, all of you against all of me, how can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asks

"Like the old man said" Tony starts looking at Cap, Cap smiles at him and Tony smiles back "Together" suddenly all the robots attacked and all of the Avengers including Mark and Jack deafened the core, Ultron becomes frustrated and flies at Vision throwing him into the wall, Vision uses the ray from the mind stone and fried it at Ultron, Thor the uses his thunder and Tony uses his rays as all three of them use it against Ultron, they stop and Ultron stumbles to his feet

"You know with the benefit of hindsight" he starts but Hulk cuts him off by punching him which sends him flying into the air and crashing down somewhere, which causes Cry, Felix , Mark and Jack to chuckle, everyone decided that Cry, Felix, Mark, Jack and Wanda were going to stay and defend the core while the rest help the civilians.....................all they could do now is hope that Tony would come up with a plan to safely put the city back down............


Sorry I didn't finished it, I'm actually quite tried and not really in the mood to finish it, sorry but I'll probably finish it tomorrow hopefully, I think I might end it soon because I don't wanna keep dragging it on when it's not needed, but if you guys have any suggestions on what to do let me know and I may continue it, any way hope you enjoyed if you did please vote that'd be amazing, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!:) :)

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now