~Chapter 7~

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I think I'm gonna add in two new characters soon, they're also youtubers, leave a comment on who you think it is.....

Felix's POV

Did I hear him right................. I-I I could be an-an Avenger..........am I dreaming?

"Hello? kid you there?" I snap out of it and see Iron Man waving his hands in front of my face

"Oh yeah sorry, it's just- really I can be an Avenger" I ask excitedly

"Well that's only if you pass the tests" Steve says and my face drops


"Don't worry, they're just to test your ability's and improve them if you actually have them" Cry tells me and I nod, then the elevator doors open

"Hey Cry! where'd you go man?!" I hear...........Wade?

"Wait why's Pewds here?" Peter asks

"I think a better question is why are you guys here?" I say confused

"Uh we live here" Peter says and my eyes widen, Cry sighs

"Wait that-that mean they're-your're-"

"Superheroes? yepp, Deadpool and Spiderman at your service" Wade says bowing 'DEADPOOL AND SPIDERMAN!"

"Holy shit, Deadpool and Spiderman!" I shout excitedly

"Yeah, you still haven't answered my question, why are you here?" Peter asks getting in my face, Cry pushes him away and stands in front of me,

"Back off Peter, he's here to test his ability's" he says and Peter looks at me shocked,

"So that's what you guys were talking about at lunch" Wade says and Cry nods

"Your're gonna be one of us man!" Wade exclaims and hugs me, I laugh and hug back

"He could be lying you know" Peter says 'does he have a problem with me?'

"Well that's why we're testing him" Tony says which cause Peter to roll his eyes and walks away to his room, Wade sighs and follows him

"Don't mind him Pewds, he was like that when Cry came along as well" Steve says and I nod,

"Ok so lets get started"

~Time skip~

We're in an Avenger facility about an hour away from the city, we're outside of it at the minute

"Ok, Cry so you said super strength and telekinesis right?" Tony asks and Cry nods

"Would you and Steve like to demonstrate what to do then?" they nod

"First we will test how powerful your strength is, Cap can lift up to the car" Tony says and Steve lifts up the car with a bit of strain but pulls it off, then drops it "and Cry can lift up to a jumbo jet but since we don't have one at the minute, the quinjet should do" Cry walks over to the jet and lifts it with ease, I stare at him in awe then he sets it down carefully

"Ok Pewds try lifting this tree" Tony says and points to the tree, I nervously walk to it I look at it seeing how big it actually is, so I wrap my arms around the thick tree and pull with all my strength, I surely underestimated my strength and it flew out of my grasp sending it across the huge field 'holy shit!' I hear Steve and Tony clapping and Cry nods

"Nice kid, at least we know now your strength is greater than an average human which is a good sign" I smile at Tony's words

"Ok next try and lift this car" he points to the car Steve just lifted, it wasn't just any normal car nope it was a fucking monster truck! I've no idea why they called it a car, It's like a fucking car on steroids for crying out loud! I walk to it thinking it will be harder than the tree, so giving it my all, I lift it and hold it over my head with ease, Steve and Tony clap Cry still looking unimpressed but then again he can lift a freaking jumbo jet, I put it down

"Great, now the quinjet" I let out a shaky breath, what if I couldn't lift it? would they still let me join? or would they turn me away? I shake all thought out of my head and look at the jet standing in front of me, I take a deep breath and walk underneath it, I let out the breath 'come on Felix you can do this, you can do this!' I gather all my strength and slowly but surely the jet lifts up as I hold it over my head, Tony and Steve stand there looking impressed and Cry just.... stands there I frown and put it down, and jog over to them

"Very nice, I think you might even be as strong as Cry" Tony says and I smile thanking him, I look to Cry to see his arms crossed over his chest, I frown and look down

"Ok next lets test your telekinesis" Tony says

"But Tony we've never had someone in the team who can do this, where do we start?" Steve asks

"Yeah I guess your're right.....I think I might know some one who can help us" Tony says

"Who?" Cry asks and he smirks

"Oh Cry you know him VERY well" Tony says which causes Cry to sigh

"Really Tony, both of them?" Cry asks

"Yes both of them, I'll go make the call".....................


So who do you guys think they are? as I said before they're both youtubers and I absolutely love them, anyway hope you enjoyed if you did please vote that'd be great, by the way sorry for such a short chapter I've got an important exam tomorrow which I CAN NOT FAIL! or I'm SO screwed in life seriously and it'll be harder for me to get if I go for it AGAIN! this is my second time going for it I was only 10 marks under the pass grade! just hoping I'll get it this time, anyway sorry for that rant there just had to get it out, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!:) :)

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz