Chapter 4

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Third POV Olympus

The Olympians were all sitting on their thrones in the the thron room doing what they do best. Argue. The archer twins were arguing about who was the best archer. The zeus and poseidon were arguing about who was stronger while hera was trying to get zeus attention. Ares and Hephaestus was arguing over Aphrodite while she watched smirking and so on and so forth. The only being who wasn't yelling was a girl sitting in the hearth in the middle of the room. She looked eight years old had mousey brown hair and amber colored eyes. She was hestia the eldest child of kronos and rhea. The fire in which she sat in started to give of an angry snd twisted aura. It was also filled with hate. It almost felt insane. She started to push her calming and peaceful aura out but the insane aura fought back. I was just as strong as hers. Then she heard the sound of a fire flaring behind her. She twisted around to see a boy no older than eleven. He had black and auburn hair that was designed so only the tips were black. He also had skin that was a light bronze so it looked like he spent a lot time in the forest or woods getting the perfect tan. He has the perfect hunters build for max speed and strength that immediately reminded hestia of artemis as she has the same build only much more feminine. He wore a silk black dress shirt with a silver leather jacket. Black jeans with silver linings and black oxford shoes. He also wore black rayban sunglasses that covered his eyes so well you couldn't see through them. Hestia knew that this boy was a demi-god and who his godly parent was. From how strong his aura was she could tell he knew also. Now the only questions were how did he get fire powers and is he going to reveal his parentage. He looked around the room at the olympians with a frown on his face. When his eyes landed on a certain goddess he sneered only confirming her knowledge on his parentage. He finally looked down at hestia and his face seemed to soften then turned to confusion. He walked up to her slowly trying to keep his seemingly resting angry face but it kept slipping into one of peacefulness more and more as he got closer.

"Its my calming aura." she answered his unasked question. "Well you must be hestia then." he said in a cool voice sitting on the edge of the hearth. "I am. What is your name child?" she asked. "Perseus. But I go by vengeance." he said. "Why vengeance? If you don't mind me asking." , " Because it is my job to exact vengeance. Punish the guilty and protect the innocent." he told her. She nodded. "That is very honorable though I have a feeling that when you say punish the guilty. They do not live to tell of it." she said. "No. No guilty soul has ever been spared if I came across them." she nodded again. "I"ve never been one for violence. But I agree with punishing the guilty as long as no one elese gets hurt. Have you ever accidentally killed a innocent being?" He shookhis no. "I can look into people's souls and see if they're guilty or not." yet again she nodded not really knowing what to say. You had to be a god connected to the death domain in order to see into souls and from his hair,skin,build,and color scheme his parent was not a death god. His powers are strange for his parentage. She thought. He must have saw her confused face because he told her that in time every thing would be reaveald. She nodded again. Even though she heard him say hopefully not under his breath,she didn't question it. "If you don't mind me asking. Why are you here?" he thought for a moment. "There is a threat rising against you, olympus i mean. Not just you." he said his voice still cool. "Who is this threat?" I asked. "Your father." of course my father would come back. I knew my brothers didn't get rid of him completely. "How do you know" I asked. "Some of my...uh friends left me to join him." I looked at him confused. "I'm not exactly good with other humans so I made friends with a group of monsters." he said. I looked at him shocked. "Wouldn't that cause you to join him as well?" I asked him shokced and confused. "Logically yes it would, but I perfer not to choose sides. I want to stay neutral, but one of the friends who didn't betray me told me that I either join him,bow to him, or die and I refuse to do any of those things especially when he would kill so many innocents." she,yet again, nodded. Shes been doing a lot of nodding today. "Well if you join us then you don't have many options either. The only one you don't have is death." she said. "I figured that, but they don't kill many innocents. But the ones they do will be avenged." he said. "But the people you punish are mortals and can die. How will kill a god?" she asked. "I have my ways lady hestia." he said seriously. Thats when they heard someone clear their throat. They looked up and saw the olympians looking at them. Some with confusion, some with anger probably because he didn't instantly bow to them when he came in nor did they notice him. She looked back at perseus to see him with a look that asked her not to say anything. She nodded for the umpteenth time today. He stood up and walked to the middle of the throne room and bowed. "My lords, ladies." he said in his cool voice that was so alluring yet sharp and dangerous. "Who are you mortal and why did you not bow to us when you first came in." zeus said arrogantly. Perseus clenched his jaw but still answered respectfully. "Well, lord zeus. All of you were busy at the moment and I didn't want to bother you all so I decided to speak with lady hestia until you weren't busy anymore." he told the him. "How did you get in asked athena. "I teleported in." he said simply. "How, are you another god?" she asked with curiosity. Typical athena. "I am no god. I'm just a demi-god with special powers." he told her with a smirk. "Where exactly did you get these powers and what are the rest?" zeus asked. You could here the paranoia in his voice. "That can not be revealed at the present time, but something much more important can." he said. "What would that be?" asked hera. "A threat is rising against you all. I'm afraid the titan lord is back and wants revenge. I am here to aid you in the war." perseus said his voice turning a bit more cold when he mentioned helping. "What are you gonna do punk? I admit you gotta nice build, but your like eleven." ares said. "Looks can be deciving war god. Do not judge a book by its cover or you might get hurt." perseus said. "Is that a challenge runt. 'Cuz i'll pummel you." ares said leaning foward in his throne. His fiery eyes growing. "Take it how you want to but I was simply telling you not to underestimate people." At that ares stood up and walked to percy shrinking to human size while doing so. He stopped a few feet from away. "I'll do what I want kid, and theres nothing you can do about it. 'Cuz your a demi-god and i'm a full god. So you'll bow before me or i'll be washing your blood off my sword. Choose wisely." percy looked at him before turning fully towards him. "As I said before take it how you want but if you want a fight then I will not back down." , "Your funeral punk." ares said summing a sword and getting into a offensive stance. Perseus just shrugged his shoulders and waited for the god to attack. Which he did. Ares charged him with blinding speed. Surprising for the amount of muscle he has, but he's a god so it makes sense. Perseus waited then at the last second ducked under ares slash(that almost took his head) and dashed backwards. Ares was shocked that this boy survived the attack, but shook it off and tried again. He dashed forward and went for a overhead strike and perseus sidestepped. He changed the direction and tried to cleave him in two at the waist but perseus just flipped over the blade. Then ares just started throwing random swipes and slashes trying to hit him, but couldn't. Everyone was confused on how this mortal could dodge all of ares attacks. Well, everybody accept hestia and apollo. Perseus meanwhile was studying ares fighting style and just like he thought it was completely composed of strength. With perseus' speed and agility ares could never hit him. Soon enough perseus got bored and decided to make a move. After ares tried to stab him in the chest, perseus sidestepped and dashed forward, slamming his elbow into ares face. Ares stumbled back and percy dashed forward again sending his knee into ares stomach then perseus turned and elbowed ares in the back of the head sending him face first into the marble floor, cracking it. The gods looked on shocked as a mere boy, a mortal boy at that proceeded to pick ares up by the back of his jacket and threw him across the room. How is this boy beating a god so easil?. The war god at that! Thought zeus as he watched his son get defeated by an eleven year old. Ares stood up and wiped the ichor from his face. His sunglasses had fallen off revealing the fiery pits he had for eyes. Ares sreamed bloody murder, charging the boy, but when he got close enough perseus took of his glasses showing two burning pits of fire. Similar to ares but instead of being blood red they were colored like regular fire and if you looked into them you would feel all of the guilty souls that they've burned. You would see all the sins you've committed and the innocents you've hurt. This caused ares to stop in his tracks and stop screaming. He feel to his knees with a look of pure horror on his face. It lasted for a couple more seconds before he fell into unconsciousness. Perseus put his sunglasses back on and turned to the shocked and confused council.

"When I say don't underestimate me I mean it." he said calmly. Zeus was the first to snap out of it. "Apollo check on ares!" he yelled snaping everyone elese out of their stupor. Apollo got up and walked to ares watching perseus the whole way. Even though perseus didn't even spare him a glance apollo saw how fast this kid was and wasn't gonna take any chances. Apollo got to ares and checked his vitals. "How did you do this? Its like you broke his will, his life force." he said after a while. "I didn't do anything thing severe. I just made him realize how guilty he was. Slaughtering thousands of innocent people just because hes a god." perseus said. Zeus stood and pointed his master bolt at him. "What do you want mortal. If your answer is reasonable you might suffer less!" he yelled. "Well how about assistance in this upcoming war." cue gasps. "What war? With who?" hera asked. "Your father, the titan lord is rising." he said. "How do you know?" athena asked. "I've heard it frim local monster groups." not exactly a lie. "Why would you assist us after beating up ares." hermes asked. "Ares attacked me. I gave him some advice and he took it the wrong way. You all heard me say 'take it how you want it'. He decided to take as a threat and came at me. I defended myself." he told the messenger god. "Hes right. Monsters have been grouping together and being more tactile than usual." surprisingly said artemis bringing the topic back to the war. "What would you offer and what do you want out of it." sighed zeus as he sat back down. "I offer my aid whereever I see necessary and if I do help I do it my way. As for what I want. I want to be left alone. After this I don't want to be bothered. I would have perfered to stay neutral but my friend/informant told me that was not an option with the titan king so as you all do not murder innocents as much as he would I chose to aid you." he explained. "Why do you care do much about the'innocent'?" artemis asked. Perseus' jaw clenched for a fragment of a second but no one noticed. "I care for the innocent because nobody elese does. Because there is so many people who die or suffer through torture because because no one else cares. I personally know the tortures of living in an abusive foster family because my father was dead and my mother didn't care."he said sneering the entir time but only two gods knew why. "So do you accept my offer of aid or not?" perseus said ready to go. "Father, I think it would be wise to accept. If this boy can defeat ares that easily he must be strong." athena told the thinking king of gods. "Fine. I will accept your aid, but you must swear loyalty to olumpus." zeus said. "That will not happen, lord zeus. I said a I would do it my way and I bow to no one. Also you might not kill many innocents but lots have fallen by your hand. I respect no one who would kill an innocent just because they got to strong or because of a prophecy thats going to happen anyway. So I will not swear anything on the styx as I refuse to be loyal to most of you. However like I said I will help when needed. That is all for now goodbye olympians." he said and teleported away in a burst of fire. Leaving an angry zeus and 12(the rest of the council plus hestia) other shocked gods.

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