Chapter 18

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Now I knew what you guys are thinking.. WHERE IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN! To tell you the truth I've just been REALLY lazy and unmotivated to upload any chapters as of late. Don't worry, I will have this book finished soon. There are only 2 more chapters and an epilogue left over.

Shoutout to every who is still here and read this chapter <3 You guys are the best!


(Arthur's POV)

Camelot was engulfed in smoke and flames. It looked like a Morgana's men have almost penetrated Camelots walls, but have yet too.

"I know this is sudden," I pause, seeing all the knights just as shocked as I was, "but Morgana has decided to try and take Camelot for herself. This is her biggest mistake!" I say, pausing once more to let it sink in, "We are stronger than any of her men combined! For Camelot!" I yell, as I start running to my kingdom.

"For Camelot!" yells the knights and Merlin behind me, as they joined.

Some of Morgana's men notices us as we come close to the gates.

"Ahh!" I yell, as we collide into them.

(Merlin's POV)

War was everywhere. Men fighting men, people lying on the ground dead as others join them left and right. I use my magic to throw the enemy away from the knights of Camelot. No enemy could even touch me, oh but hey tried. Most resulted to be either dead or unconscious. Time went by slowly as the war continued on.I, getting annoyed by how long it was taking, started to not really care whether the enemy lived or not.

Making my way threw the crowd slowly, I spot Morgana running into the unguarded castle entrance. Using my magic, I teleport my way past all the people, and make it right in front of where Morgana walked in just seconds ago. Not wasting time, I run in and try to catch up to her.

"Morgana!" I yell into the empty castle, my voice echoing in the empty space.

Running through the empty hallways, I finally make it to the throne room. Of all the places Morgana would go, the throne room seemed the most fitting. Opening one of the big doors I walk in. The door then slams shut behind me.

"You made it." She says, looking at me as she sat in Arthur's throne.

"You don't deserve to sit on Arthur's throne!" I yell. It grossed me out seeing her there acting as if it was actually her throne.

"Oh, but I did deserve this Merlin. Or should I call you Emrys?"

Clutching my teeth together I don't reply.

"I'm surprised you can even fight in your condition."

"They are only scratches Morgana. Nothing I can't handle." I state.

She ignores my remark and dramatically looks away from me.

"You've hurt Arthur and Camelot enough!" I yell, clutching my fists enough to have them begin digging into my skin.

"Oh? But you see, all I'm doing is giving our people a right to be free of fear." She says.

"Arthur will accept magic into the kingdom. I believe in him!" I yell.

"Doesn't he already know of your magic? If he was to bring magic back wouldn't he have done so already? What's the holdup huh?" she questions.

"I don't care that you've given up on hoping that Arthur will be different from Uther." I say, "I believe in Arthur and what he is destined to do in Camelot and that's enough for me."

"Do you only believe in Arthur?" Morgana asks, "Or is it more personal then that?"

This statement takes me off guard and I blush a little thinking of Arthur.

"So you do love Arthur, how intriguing."

"Stop it!"

"Anyways, enough chit chat. I want to fight." She says, as her eyes turn golden. Lifting her hand up a big fire ball comes straight towards me. Just barely able to avoid it, I chant the same spell, sending a fire ball in her direction. This time it hit its target, making her fall from the throne to the floor. What I didn't expect was for her to start laughing.

Angry I throw her across the room, but she continues to laugh.

"What?!" I yell annoyed.

"Guards!" she states.

Confused, I turn to see what I was afraid of seeing. Arthur is dragged into the room looking in very bad shape. Having been dropped to the ground he doesn't move an inch.


"D-Don't stop fighting Merlin." He studders, looking to me sad but confident all the same.

I turn back to Morgana and force her back against the wall, holding her there. It doesn't hold however, as she makes me go flying with little but a wave of her hand. Hitting the wall, I feel my wounds on my back begin to reopen. Falling to the ground I struggle to get up.

Morgana then makes me fly up then hit the ground many more times.

(Arthur's POV)

Watching Merlin be thrown onto the ground for the tenth time I felt hopeless to stop it. The whole time Merlin would look at me and only me as he fell to the ground again and again and again.

"Stop it!" I yell, as tears begin to fall down my face not wanting to see Merlin hurt anymore.

She looks to me then lifts Merlin up into the air by the collar of his shirt. He looked in really bad shape. His body was limp and was covered in blood from his reopened wounds and new wounds. Looking to me he coughs up some blood.

"Oh but I'm just getting started." Morgana says as she makes Merlin hit a nearby wall. He slides down the wall and lands on the floor with a loud thud.

(Merlin's POV)

My body ached everywhere. It wasn't just my back the hurt but my whole body..

"Merlin!" I hear Arthur yell towards me.

"I-I'm ok. Don't you worry about me." I say, using my magic to getting myself up. Closing my eyes I use the spell I used on my back, except now for my entire body, then slowly I head to where Arthur lay.

"I will not let you hurt Arthur anymore!" I state.

"You can't barely stand still!" she says, laughing.

Spotting Arthur's sword beside him I reach for it. Gripping onto it I use it to keep my balance.

"No sword can hurt me." She says mockingly.

"You sure about that!" I say as the magic inside of me makes my eyes glow a brighter gold then ever before. My body buzzed with it and it seemed to help me stay balanced as I rush to Morgana, sword in hand.

It was so sudden that I had no time to react. One minute it was just Morgana in front of me when she seemed to vibrate and then Arthur was in front of her.

Ahh cliffhangers! I'm sorry it had to end in one. I will be uploading the next chapter tomorrow, then the next the day after, then the epilogue. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

Question: Do you like kpop? If you do tell me who you like and bias :) <3

- Lari

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