Chapter 2

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•Here is chapter 2! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Oh and shoutout to mynarrycupcakes for commenting first :)

(Merlin's POV)

Heading to the armoury my anger towards Arthur began to slowly decrease. I couldn't stay mad at him, not for long at least.Turning a counter I suddenly bump into someone. We both fall onto the ground both surprised of bumping into one another. Looking at him I don't recognize him from roaming around the castle everyday.

Why was he here?

Getting up, I give him my hand so I can help pull him up as well.

"Oops, sorry about bumping into you." I apologize.

The boy just looks at me with angry eyes then walks away, heading in the direction I had just came in. I decide to follow him instead of heading to the armoury. Making sure I was a good distance away, but close enough to see where he went, I follow him through the castle till he was face to face with Arthur's chambers.

Looking back to see if anyone else was around, I see no one and sigh. I look in front of me to see to see the chamber door, wide open. Suddenly scared for Arthur's life I run into the room. Running in, I see the boys arm out concentrating on Arthur at his desk.

Oh my god, he is choking Arthur with magic!!

Not really thinking about anything but saving Arthur, I jump onto the boy, forcing him to loose contact with Arthur.

Looking up, he recognizes me. "You!" He yells, anger consuming him.

"Merlin?" Questions Arthur, seeing he on top of the boy on the floor. I smile towards him as the boy jerks me off of him and begins bringing his hand up once again. Quickly I get in between Arthur and the boy. The arm now raised, I  was the one being chocked instead of Arthur.

The boy just smirks at me.

"You must have a death wish." He states, squeezing harder. I bring my hand up to my neck grasping for air. Arthur was yelling at the boy in the background, but I couldn't hear him. It was as if all sound around me began fading and everything became quiet. I concentrate, trying to use my magic, but his grip on me was so strong that I couldn't even concentrate on one spell.

My vision begins to blur and I could feel my heart stop as my body falls to the ground.

(Arthur's POV)

As I stand behind my desk in shock, watching Merlin being choked got me to snap out of my trance and come to reality. Seeing him suffering like that brought a pain to my heart.

"Let Merlin go!" I yell. Then boy looks to me the back to Merlin, smirking. "This is wrong on so many levels! Stop!"

"He will die first, then you will die after him." He states, squeezing even harder.

Merlin was just barely breathing. His arms, once trying to pry the invisible hand from his neck, were  now limp at his sides. His skin looked so pale it frightened me. Deciding to waste no more time, I walk around my desk and towards the boy.

"You will let go of him or you will be executed for your crime!" I yell in his face.

"He's  gone anyway." He says, releasing his grip on Merlin, who begins to fall limp onto the ground. Quickly, I come between him and the ground and catch him in my arms.

I'll be back for you!" The boy states as he vanishes into thin air.

"Merlin?" I call looking at him in my arms. His skin was paler then normal, but looked to be returning to its rightful tone slowly.

"Merlin!" I yell, now looking at Merlin. He wasn't breathing. Scared, I get up, picking up Merlin gently and running directly to Gaius's chambers. A few guards had run in my direction having heard my cry, a worried expression could be seen on there faces as I carried Merlin away.


"Gaius!" I yell, barging into the physician's chambers.

"Arthur?" questions Gaius, until he sees Merlin in my arms. "Merlin?!"

"Gaius he's not breathing !" I say fast, as tears start streaming down my face. Wait why was I tearing up?

"What happened?!" asks Gaius as I place Merlin down on the patient's table.

"A sorcerer was choking me and Merlin stepped in, making him be the one choked." I say, looking to Merlin worried.

"I know of a spell that might help." Says Gaius, as he grabs a chair and places it beside where Merlin lay. Sitting on it, he begins to chant the spell.

"Ic sou dungki novi iplo ." Mutters Gaius. (Yes this is a fake spell I came up with lol)

I look to Gaius, having never heard him do magic in person till now. It was scary but fascinating at the same time. Looking back at Merlin as he says those words, I have no idea what they meant. Nothing happens so Gaius tries again.

"Ic sou dungki novi iplo ."

Suddenly Merlin begins to breathe again. His chest gently goes up and down. I sigh, relieved.

"He will wake up in due time, but we should let him rest." Says Gaius, looking to have almost had a heart-attach. I grab a chair that was near as I guided Gaius to sit on it.

"Thanks." He says, bringing his right hand to Merlin's left, squeezing it.

"Inform me when he wakes." I say as I leave the room.

"Yes sir." I hear Gaius say just as I close the door behind me and head back to the castle and to my own chambers.


As I stand in my room thinking, I wonder if I should call for the witch finder. If Merlin were here, he would probably tell me that it was a dumb idea, but I can't do this on my own. Merlin could have died by this sorcerer's hand, technically, he did die but was brought back. He must be stopped.

Deciding to call for the witch finder, I hoped in the back of my mind that I hadn't made a big mistake.

• Alright guys, what did you think? Leave a comment and don't forget to vote!!! Shoutouts will be given to the first person that comments :)

Question: What did you get for Christmas?

UPDATE: Edited Dec, 26/17

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