Chapter 7

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It's my birthday today OMG! I am now 22... I don't feel like it thought lol.

Shoutout to @mynarrycupcakes for your commitment in helping me edit these chapters as they come up. And also for all your lovely comments <3

Enjoy :3

(Merlin's POV)

We were told to meet at the throne room by Lopin himself the next day. Everyone gathered, and I took my place behind Arthur awaiting Lopin's arrival. It was just us and the knights of the round table. Minutes later, Lopin walks into the room, dragging a boy behind him by some long chains. His wrists were attached to the ends of these chains as he was pulled into the room with force. He and Lopin stop in front Arthur, Lopin bows, then forces the boy to kneel as well, dropping him to his knees. Looking up, however, he doesn't look to Arthur, but to me. Not only that, he smiled evilly at me and it wasn't hard to recognize that face. My fists tighten, slowly loosing feeling in my fingers.

Arthur looks to me, relief across his face as he too recognized the boy bowing before him.

"Merlin and I recognize the boy to be the one that attempted to take both our lives!" Arthur states, anger in his voice surrounds the room. I'm glad I'm on his side, I wouldn't want to be on the other end.

The boy continues looking in my direction, I smile in response, mockingly.

"I found him within the castle wall, my lord. He looked to have been sneaking around and trying to not be seen. I was quick enough to grab him when he wasn't looking. Using my torture methods on him, I got a confession out of him that he was indeed the sorcerer your looking for."

"Guards take this sorcerer to the dungeon until further notice." States Arthur, as the guards, from the door, grab both the boys arms, then drag him out of the room. He didn't struggle as he was pulled away, just looked to me with that evil smirk of his till the doors prevented me to see it.

"I thank you for your service Lopin, you may leave Camelot at once and never return."

"Thank you, my Lord." He bows, then leaves the room.

Once the doors close it was just myself, Arthur, and the knights in the room. The silence in the room feels kind of awkward so I decide to leave the room. Instead of going to Arthur's chambers to clean, I head to the dungeon for some answers.

Making it to the dungeons entrance, Leon stood at the gate and wouldn't let me through.

"Please let me through." I say, standing there annoyed.

"I can't let you through Merlin. He almost killed you and I don't want you doing something you might regret." States Leon, keeping his ground.

"I-I need to-"

"Merlin I can't let you-"

"Let me through." I try again.

"No, sorry." He answers.

"Leon, I won't do anything stupid." I try reasoning.

"We both know that's a lie." He replies.

"Leon just let me through, it will only be a few minutes. He can't reach me through the bars anyways." I say, pacing on the spot.

"I guess I can let you see him, but only this once!" he says, as he slowly opens the door to let me in.

"Thank you." I say.

"If anything happens that you can't handle just yell!" yells Leon behind me as I head to the boys cell.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" the sorcerer laughs as he spots me coming to his cell block. "The king's servant comes to talk with me." He smirks.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a reason to be." I state, trying to hold my anger towards him inside.

"Well?" he asks. He sits cross-legged on the ground with magic preventive chains on his wrists.

"Why were you intending to kill Arthur?" I question.

"I think it's obvious that a sorcerer like me could hate a king like that." He states.

"He is not his father."

"Oh really? Why is my kind still looked down upon as outcasts?" he questions, getting up to walk to the bars.

"I-"He was right. Arthur has known about my magic for a while now, what's with the wait in keeping sorcerers as outcasts?

"It's not like you understand what my people are going through. You're just a pathetic excuse of a servant." says the boy, gripping the bars.

Stay calm, stay calm.

"I do know how the sorcerers feel." I say, not wanting to say more in fear of slipping my secret.

"Oh really? Then let me out if you truly know how my people feel. Set me free." He taunts.

"I can't do that. You tried to kill Arthur." I say.

"I had a logical reason to." He says. He looks down then smiles creepily.

"What?" I question, looking where he looked, seeing the chains around his wrists now on the ground.

Raising his left hand up, he makes me fly to the wall behind me. My back aches from the impact. Struggling didn't help any as I hung against the wall.

"It seems your precious Arthur isn't here to save you this time." He smirks as he brings his hands through the bars and tightens his invisible grip in the air.

Choking noises could be heard through my mouth. I look in the direction of the gate and no one has noticed my struggle.

"How?" I question, barely able to get the word out of my mouth.

"Someone gave me the keys for the chains on my wrist. I just had to distract you as I took them off." He explains, forcing my neck to close up harshly.

I'm running out of time. I'm running out of time! If I do magic they might not notice. Deciding that it was the only way of getting out of this, I let my magic flow to my eyes as they turn golden. Magic flows into the air around me and I feel his grasp on me loosen. Falling to the ground I grasp my neck, grasping for air I recover quickly, getting up from the ground.

"You have magic." Is all the boy says behind the gates.

"You will never hurt anyone in Camelot again!" I yell, using my magic to throw the boy against the cell walls leaving him unconscious. My hands shake as I walk out of the dungeons.

"The sorcerer doesn't have his chains on." I mutter as I leave, hearing a few guards walk into where I had just came from.

I hope this doesn't bite me in the butt.

Yay another chapter done! All of the comments i've been getting, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as always. And don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

Question: Between Uther and Agravaine, if you could only kill one of them in the entire show who would you have killed?

UPDATE: Edited Jan, 3/18

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