Chapter 14

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Before you go and read this I wanna say a quick apology for taking this long to post something new. Hope you guys can forgive me.

Shoutout goes to Merlinstories

(Merlin's POV)

All I could feel was pain. My whole body was aching, and every time I moved a limb, pain was unavoidable. The entire top of my body was covered in whip wounds, dry blood and fresh blood still seeping from the wound, covering my back and chest. My throat felt like a desert from lack of water. Tiredness has consumes me from blood loss and I can feel myself doze off then reawaken from my back rubbing against the wall while breathing.

Hugging myself as tight as I could with the chains on my wrist, I start to shiver. My forehead was clammy from sweat, but my body shivered from the cold of the room. Suddenly not feeling the greatest, I lean to the side and throw up what's left in my body, which isn't much.

Almost falling asleep, I hear the door to my room open as Morgana walks in.

She just stares at me and smirks. Disgusted, I look away from her.

"Well it was nice watching you suffer, but I should be heading to Camelot now." She smirks and walks out of the room, leaving me alone once more.

Unable to stay awake any longer, I let myself doze off.

(Arthur's POV)

Following the trail the cart gave, we find ourselves coming out of the woods and into a clearing. There was nothing in sight except, for a cottage in the distance. It looked poorly taken care off and it looked like no one was home. Not knowing what to expect we all walk up to it cautiously.

Raising my hand, I have all the knights wait for my move. They look at me patiently as I walk forward slowly. Beside the house we could see the cart that had made the tracks that had lead us here. No horse was attached to its rains.

Focusing at the house now, the windows of the house are bared shut, not letting any outside light indoors. Reaching for the handle of the house, I indicate to the knights to be quiet. Opening the door, we all rush inside to find no one home. Inside, it looks to have been deserted for years.

Frustration consumes me as I take the closest thing near me, which so happened to be a pot, and threw it across the room.

"He has to be here!" I put my hands to my forehead confused. "He has to be!" Falling to the floor, I begin to cry. Not soon after though, I hear a faint noise in the distance. Something so quiet that I could just barely hear it.

"Let us leave this place and continue search-"

"Quiet! Did you hear that?" I question, wiping the tears from my face as I get back onto my feet, walking towards where I thought the sound was located

"Hear what, sire?" asks Gwaine.

"I heard something." I say.

"Yes, but what?" questions Leon. The knights nod as they watch me walk across the room.


"I swear I heard something." I state.

"Are you sure you heard something?"

"Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't lie about this sort of thing!" I yell. Annoyed that they would look at me with pity, and think I was crazy or something.

Bending down to the ground, I place my ear on the floor. The same sound from before could be heard, but a little clearer. It sounded as if chains hit a stone wall. This has to be Merlin, it has to be.

"Help me get this rug out of the way." I state, thinking maybe there was a secret passage under it.

Confused, the knights help me move the rug.

"Trap door." I say, seeing the door in the floor. Grabbing hold of the latch, I pull it open to reveal a hole in the ground. A ladder could be seen going down into the hole.

"Follow me." I say, not wasting anymore time in going down the ladder and into the hole in the ground.

Making it to the bottom, I spot a wooden door in the distance. Taking a lighted torch from the wall, I go towards it and peek inside the barred window of the door. There, lying on the floor of the room, was my best friend Merlin.

There are no word that I can say that can explain why it took so long for me to upload a new chapter. Boredom? Lack of interest? Lazy? I don't know the answer. I am SOOOO SORRY and I hope you guys are still with me and enjoyed this shorter chapter. I promise chapter 14 will be up either tomorrow or the day after! If you enjoyed this chapter feel free to leave a Comment and don't forget to vote!

Question: Favourite please to go out to eat?

- Lari

UPDATE: Edited March 25/18

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