Chapter 15

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Before you go and read this chapter I just need to say this.. I AM SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSON FOR MAKING YOU WAIT THIS LONG I AM SO SO SO SORRY!

.. ok enjoy the chapter. xD

Shoutout to mynarrycupcakes !! You go girl!<3

(Arthur's POV)

"Oh my god Merlin!" I state, quickly giving Leon the torch so I could open the door. The doors creak loudly as they open. The noise continually echoes in the prison-like room. Taking the torch once again, I, as well as the knights, walk into the cell to Merlin.

"A-th-r," says Merlin, having trouble speaking. He lies on the floor, looking like a rag doll. His body seems to not be able to hold itself anymore as it sagged. Seeing the state that he is in makes me that much more willing to kill the son of a bitch that did this to my Merlin.

"Let me get you out of these -" I bend down to do the floor to help Merlin with the chains when he looks me in the eyes and says,"A-th-r Mr-ga-na"

Confused, I couldn't quiet figure out what he was saying.

"Mr-ga-na!" he tries says again, but coughs afterwards.

"Morgana!?" I ask angrily. He nods.

Grabbing my sword, I use it to get the chains off of his wrists. Underneath, his wrists looks swollen and bruised. Grabing his wrist, I half expected Merlin to get onto his feet, but he groans in pain, unable to keep himself up. Confused, I look at Merlin's body once more to see what looked to be whip wounds across his whole chest and back. Some of which look fresh and some look to be getting infected.

"She will pay for what she did to you!" I state, anger overwhelming me.

"Merlin needs Gaius right away!" states Lancelot having seen what I just saw.

"Now that these chains are off can you use your magic?" I wondered.

Merlin shakes his head painfully. His pain must be great if he can't even concentrate on magic to heal himself.

Being careful on where I touch Merlin, I decide to carry him out of the room. Merlin seemed to protest saying he could walk, but I knew he wouldn't get far in the pain he was in. Soon he gave up and I carried him out bridal style. The knights not far behind me.

Getting to the ladder, I look from myself to Merlin. Now what?

"Can you possibly climb up the ladder on your own?" I ask, not knowing how he will be able to get up either wise.

Merlin looks to me stating no with his eyes only.

"I will be right under you. I'll catch you if you lose your grip." I reassure.

Sighing, Merlin grips onto the ladder slowly, as he begins his descend upwards. Soon after, I begin to climb. There are only a few rope steps between us, so I could be ready to catch Merlin if he were to fall.

But he never did.

Making it to the top, Merlin opens the trap door as light shines through.

Wow finally got this chapter finished to publish for you guys! I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to leave a nice comment and vote!! First person to comment gets a shoutout!!

I love you all that have read his far and are still with me <3

Question: If you could move anywhere, where would you move too?

- Lari

UPDATE: Edited March 30/18

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