Chapter 3

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Shoutout to xslytheringladerx for commenting first! <3

Enjoy the chapter :)

(Merlin's POV)

I'm dying! I'm dying! Is all I could think about in the darkness. I probably am already dead! Suddenly there was a bright light, blinding me, I instantly wake to find myself in my own bed.I get up so fast my head hurts from the rush.

"Merlin!" states Gaius, having been nearby, seeing me wake.

Placing my hand on my throat, I start to remember the circumstances which brought me here, and start to panic!

Arthur could be dead now, because of me! I failed in my destiny. I'm a failure!

My breathing quickened and I couldn't slow it down. My heart beat fast in my chest and my vision began to go blurry and unfocused. My ears rang loud and I could hear a faint voice, as if someone were calling my name.

"Merlin, hey Merlin, it's me Gaius, calm down."

I look up to see Gaius with me, worry plastered on his face. Trying to calm down was impossible, as my breathing got more and more difficult.

"Breathe in and out, in and out."

Feeling something wet on my face, I realize I must be crying.

"Arthur brought you here, you're safe now." He states. Knowing this, my mind begins to clear a bit. I did not fail Arthur, he's still alive.

As my breathing gets more under control I reach over and hug Gaius, crying. Not a sad cry, but one of relief.

"Here." Says Gaius, after a little while of just hugging one another.

"Thanks." I try to say, only it sounds like it comes out in a cracked voice.

"I think you should keep from speaking today." Says Gaius. I put my hand to my throat. I couldn't do anything, I was defenseless.

"Merlin?" asks Gaius, having seen me put my hand on my throat.

I was about to respond, but remembered not to speak, so I used my magic and levitated some paper and quill. Then I wrote down what I was going to say.

"I was defenseless against him." Reads Gaius, looking at me worried and saddened. "Merlin-"

I stop him from speaking raising my hand up as I write something else down.

"Arthur must have somehow stopped the sorcerer and then saved my life. I wouldn't be here if he hadn't." Gaius reads.

"Merlin look at me," Gaius starts, bringing my head up to look at him, "You are the strongest person I know. Arthur told me what happened, and it seems Arthur feels you saved his life." He smiles at me comfortingly. I know he's trying to cheer me up, but I'm just not up for it. I kinda smile back, looking back down.

"Here, come to the table, I have your breakfast made." says Gaius. I get out of my bed and walk out of my room and into the main open area. I see my favorite meal on the table, so I sit down to eat, but as I swallowed my food my throat hurt. Struggling the food eventually goes down. It was hard not to show pain across my face as I did.

"Here, this will help with the pain." Says Gaius, handing me the cup in his hand. Taking it, I swallow what was in it and slowly could feel it begin to work on my throat.

"It will take a few minutes to kick in." says Gaius.

I nod as I get back to eating. A knock could be heard at the front door so Gaius says, "Come in."

Instantly Arthur comes in. Seeing me eating, Arthur looked genuinely happy to see me. "Merlin!" he states, walking to me. I don't focus on Arthur long as I get back to trying to eat.

"Merlin's throat is still a bit swollen and sore since yesterday. I would prefer it if he didn't talk at all today to make sure there is to be no more damage to the throat."

"I must inform you Merlin that the Witch Finder has made it to Camelot. I want you to be beside me when he greets me in five minutes." says Arthur.

I nod, quickly trying to finish my food but with difficulty.

Arthur then leaves us.


Standing in the throne room, I feel uncomfortable. Knowing that a second witch finder is coming to Camelot just scares me like crazy. My throat didn't hurt like it did earlier this morning, thank goodness for Gaius's potions. Looking straight ahead, I watch as the double doors open.

The witch finder's appearance was different then the last, but still had that look that freaked me out. As he walked he had a limp to his step. His pace was quick however. He soon stood in front of Arthur and bowed dramatically.

Thinking to myself, I zone out all other voices. A few minutes later however, I hear my name called so I let the voices be heard.

"-Merlin will take you to your room. If you could do this quick then I'll be satisfied."

"As you wish, I will do my best." The witch finder says with a raspy voice, bowing. I head for the doors as the man who is named Lopin follows.


As I get to Lopin's room I motion for him to walk inside.

"This will do perfectly." He states, looking around amazed by the amount of space the room had. There was a bed and a closet on the far left of the room. While the fireplace and table to eat at was to the right.

I was about to leave when Lopin stops me.

"Could you put my cases by my bed? I can deal with the rest later." Says Lopin as he walks to the fireplace to warm his hands. Picking up the case, it feels really heavy. I'm tempted to use magic, but decide against it.

Using magic in front of the witch finder, stupid idea Merlin! Stupid!

Finally placing the case down, I bow to Lopin and leave the room as quick as my legs could make me. Getting back to Arthur's chambers, I knock on his door, hearing him say, "Come in." I go inside.

"Thank you for doing that Merlin, I hope he wasn't harsh with you." Says Arthur waiting for a reply. Standing there awkward for a few minutes, Arthur looks to finally remember that I am not to speak at all today.

"Right, it's going to be weird not hearing you talk today." He says, going to his desk and sits down.

Using my magic, I make one of the papers on Arthur's desk come to me and also the quill.

"Hey, I was using that Merlin." States Arthur, until he realizes what I was doing. After writing something down, I let it float to Arthur.

"I don't like this witch finder, he has a bad vibe to him. The same as the other one." Arthur reads, looking to me.

"I know this wasn't the best decision to make, but seeing as you were hurt, and I didn't think I could do this on my own, I thought the witch finder would be the easiest option.

Making the paper float back to me, I write my reply.

"You know, you've endangered me as well." Reads Arthur.

He sighs, "I knew the risks Merlin. Yes, you're a sorcerer, but I will do all I can to keep him from finding you out, ok Merlin?"

I nod, knowing he will do what he says.

Yay another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed it :) If you did don't forget to leave a comment and vote! Don't forget that whoever comments first gets a shoutout in the next chapter! <3

Question: what's your favourite episode
of Merlin? If you have more than one favourite I would love to hear what they are. 😊

UPDATE: Edited Dec, 27/17

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