Stiles watched as she slowly turned around to look at him, her face red from crying as his heart broke seeing her like this. And I think in the moment that Sara saw Stiles standing there, the look on his face when he saw her only signified what Sara had been thinking this entire time. "Am I dead?" Sara whispered, looking at Stiles as he shook his head.

"No-..I'm here to bring you back..-To bring you home." Stiles said, walking closer to her as he reached his hand out for her to grab. Sara stood quiet at first, taking a step back as she shook her head at Stiles, shocking him. He reached out for her hand but she refused to grab it, seeing the desperate look on his face. "Babe, what are you doing? We have to go, now." Stiles practically begged her but she just shook her head.

Sara let out a silent cry, staring at Stiles with a painful look on her face. "I-I'm already dead..There's no leaving here. I-I'm not gonna be okay.."

"What are you talking about? Sara, please, just grab my hand so we can get you the hell out of here. I can get you back, don't you understand? You're gonna be okay--.." Stiles looked confused, wondering what Sara was so afraid of.

"No, I'm not." Sara argued, tears in her eyes as she shook her head at a stubborn Stiles. "I'm not gonna be okay--I'm not okay. I-I keep seeing the worst moment of my life happening over and over again, day after day, year after year.." Sara cried as Stiles questioned what she was talking about.

"Babe,'ve been gone maybe a week at most. It's not been more than a week." Stiles tried getting her to listen to him but she couldn't.

Sara shook her head, staring at Stiles through her tears. "No--...You don't understand. It's been years--..I've been in here for years. T-this place..i think it's hell." Sara sobbed, Stiles looking at her worried as she just sobbed out loud before looking back at him. "I-I keep reliving the night Peter attacked me and-..and I keep reliving the moment before I di-..seeing my dad hurt, thinking he's dead...I-I can't lose my dad."

Stiles looked at Sara with tears in his eyes, wanting to say something but he didn't know what to say. I mean, what could he? "Hey, I know you're living your own hell right now but we're getting you back. But once you're back to the land of the living you're gonna relive your worst hell cause your dad died to bring you back?" There's no way he'd be able to say that and expect Sara to be okay. It's always been known to Stiles that if Sara loses her dad, she'd lose her mind because her dad, is her hero. It's like... how do you lose someone you love so much and just.. go on living? How do you move on when the worst thing has happened to you?

I honestly don't think you ever do, not fully. Maybe you can find the strength to move forward but there's no moving on. At least not really...

"T-they say hell is having to relive the worst day of your life over, and over again. S-Stiles..if this is hell, you need to get out of here. Forget about me, I-I don't want you to stay stuck here with me..Leave, okay? I-I'll be okay if I know my dad and you and Scott are okay..J-just promise me you'll help my dad. T-that you won't let him go off the rails..Promise me you'll tell him I love him and I'm sorry..-that I tried my best but I got tired.." Sara sobbed, looking at Stiles as he could see in her eyes how tired she was.

But he refused to give up on her.

Stiles took a deep breath, shaking his head as he stepped closer to her, offering his hand one last time. "You can tell him yourself..Your dad, Sara, he's waiting for you. Now take my hand so we can get you back to him..Please.." Stiles begged Sara.

"N-no..I-whatever the price is to bring me back..I don't want anyone paying it for me. L-let me stay here..Please.." Sara begged Stiles, crying as she didn't want to think about anyone having to die for her.

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