Chapter 18

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Barry was extremely frustrated today. He had so much king business to attend to that his brain was completely scattered. He knew that being king was great responsibility, and it would certainly be a challenge, but he never expected this.

"Your Majesty?" A sweet feminine voice rang through his ears. Barry's head jerked up.

"Hello, Cheryl" He addressed his secretary, "Did something happen? Oh no, was there a meeting I forgot to attend?" Honestly, he wouldn't even be surprised if he did forget.

Cheryl giggled, "No, but a girl is here to see you..." she continued suggestively.

"Oh well then send her in" He said lamely before going back to his work.

Cheryl gave him a skeptical look and went out the door. Not a moment later, the girl showed up at his door.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but why did your secretary just tell me you sounded annoyed at the mention of me!" Caitlin questions whilst raising an eyebrow.

Barry's head shot up and he smiled, for the first time today actually. He approached her and encircled his arms around her waist, the documents on his desk forgotten by the mere sight of her. She looked absolutely stunning in that short white sun dress, her hair half up-half down. He had to wonder why she was wearing it though. Not that he minded, but he swore she was just wearing something plain and simple this morning.

He pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss which she gladly reciprocated. "That just brighten up my whole day" he breathed out after pulling away.

Caitlin giggled slightly, "Alright well, let's see if we can brighten it a little more. Let's go!"

Barry looked at her, confused at what she meant. After a moment of thinking, he finally understood and his eyes widened, "We we're going to have a lunch date!" He exclaimed now realizing why she was dressed the way she was.

"And you forgot...I barely see you anymore" she pouted puffing out her lip, "It's alright Barry, we can just reschedule."

"No! We've rescheduled the past five times! I'm sorry, being king is way way harder than it looks! Just let me finish up here, and I promise I'll meet you there!" He spoke quickly, finishing off with a goofy grin.

Caitlin laughed and cupped his cheeks, "How can I so no to that face" she joked, "And you are right, we have rescheduled a lot so we are going on that date. No excuses."

"How can I say no when you're wearing that..." He said seductively checking her out.

She hit his chest playfully and fused their lips back together. This one lasting a little longer, "I love you Barry."

"I love you too Cait-"

Caitlin woke up from her dream and sighed as she saw Barry laying on the infirmary bed unmoving. 3 weeks he now lay there. And so much has happened in that span of time.

S was locked away deep in the dungeon where she could never hurt anyone ever again. The village is still recovering from her attacks. Henry resumed being king until his son was back on his feet.

And Caitlin, well she stayed by his side everyday. There were times she had to go, but for the majority of the time she was there. She had been dreaming of their life together for a while now. Her heart ached each time she woke up seeing him there, realizing that it was all a dream.

"Hey sweetie" she whispered tiredly coming towards him and grabbing his hand, "I just wanted you to know that when you wake up we can finally start wedding planning! Why won't you just wake up?"

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