Chapter 17

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"Do I️ have your word. You absolute word that you won't harm my friends ever again?"

"Cait, no!" Barry exclaimed.

Carla smiled wickedly, "Yes my darling, I️ promise I️ won't lay a hand on them."

"And we are not taking Amelia. She doesn't deserve to leave her life." Caitlin stated.

Carla rolled her eyes, "I️ would prefer both daughters but I️ guess one is better than none."

"Cait listen to me!" Barry turned her around to face him, "We can find another way. You don't deserve to leave your life either! I'm not lo-"

"Shh, Barry. She's going to kill everyone. I️ don't want to leave you, but at the end of the day, we have to do what's best." Caitlin spoke softly, "And it's not just about us anymore, we have a whole kingdom to worry about."

Barry pressed his forehead to hers, "Caitlin, there is always another way. We have a plan remember? We can stop her together. And besides, she's just going to take over a whole other kingdom! Just...please don't go. He pleaded.

"How are we ever going to get that cross off of her? I'm sorry and I️ love you so so much, but it's no use. I'm afraid this is the only way." She quickly pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss before pulling away. She wrapped her arms around his waist one last time before pulling away again.

"Show me that they are safe." She said coldly to her mother.

With a flick of her wrist, everyone was back in the room with them, confused as ever to what was going on.

"Caity what's going on?" Amelia asked running towards her.

"I️ have to go. With her I️ mean. It's the only way Amelia. She won't take you with because I️ asked her not to. I'm sorry." Caitlin explained.

Amelia shook her head furiously, "Caitlin are you crazy! You are not going with that woman!"

"Over my dead body you will!" Felicity spoke, listening in to their conversation.

"You guys, don't argue with me on this. I️ have to go." She hugged her tightly as well as Amelia.

She said goodbye to Cisco, Nora, and Henry and though they begged her not to go, she ignored all of them. Caitlin took one last look at Barry before making her way over to Carla, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Don't worry my darling, you'll soon realize what fun this will all be" Carla cackled.

She turned to her mother and stared at her. It was at that moment she knew her mother was gone. All that remained was S. A cold hearted person. Maybe that will make what she was about to do a little easier...

"I'm sorry mother." She spoke solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Carla questioned hesitantly.

In one swift motion, she pulled out a dagger and lunged at her mother. Carla didn't have time to react as shock came across her. Caitlin dug the sharp object into her mother's side until she saw the blood and took it out.

Carla screamed in pain and fell to the floor whilst Caitlin ran over to Barry. He took her in his arms and held her tightly, "Cait, don't ever do that again." He whispered.

She let out a deep breath, "It was the only way."

When Caitlin hugged Barry, she took his emergency dagger out of his belt and whispered, "Trust me." Barry knew what she was about to do and couldn't help but be scared. There was no time to talk her out of the plan she had formed in her head. He was just thankful she was alright and in his arms.

"You tricked her! Oh I️ knew you wouldn't go with her, I️ just knew it!" Amelia exclaimed hugging her sister.

"Yeah, but there's still one more thing we have to do first."

She pulled away from the hug and went over to her mother. She reached into her cloak and grabbed the purple cross.

"No! Caitlin stop!" Carla shouted in pain.

"Did you really think I️ would ever help you?" Caitlin hissed angrily as Barry handed her his sword.

"Caitlin! Amelia! I️ did it all for you! Everything-everything I️ did was for you! How dare you betray me like this!" She spat.

"Mother I️ thought you could be saved! But when I looked into your eyes, I️ knew you were just too far gone!" Caitlin shouted back, "You had a million chances to make what you did right. But you didn't!"

"Caitlin how many times do I️ have to tell you! You can't change a prophecy!"

"That's not true" Caitlin replied in a voice that was barely audible, "Barry just showed an entire kingdom that a rule could be changed. That there is always another way. You may have been doing it for us at first mother, but along the way, you got lost in the power. That's why you didn't stop. Because you corrupted your heart. And now it's time to put an end to your destruction."

Caitlin placed the purple cross on the ground. She let Amelia take hold of the sword also so they could both do it. Together, they raised the sword and brought it down right in the middle of the purple gemstone, shattering it into a million pieces.

"NO!" Carla screamed as the pieces scattered around. She could feel all the energy, all the magic being sucked out of her body.

Carla looked at her two daughters and just felt more anger rising through her. Before the last ounce of magic left her body, she mustered up enough strength to form a purple ball of flame. It was small but it would do. With all her might, she threw it. But not to Caitlin. Not to Amelia. To Barry.

As the purple flame made contact with his chest, Barry screamed in pain and went soaring into the wall.

"BARRY!" Caitlin yelled. She ran over to him and checked his wounds, "Henry, it's bad! We need to get him to the infirmary!"

Henry and Nora ran over to their son in fear. Carla fell to the ground unconscious, and Cisco ran to get help.

"C-Cait...Cait" he stuttered out.

"Hey, hey I'm here alright? Just stay with me! Help is on the way!" She cried, "Focus on my voice and stay awake okay."

He smiled weakly, "Then tell me a story."

She chuckled. Only Barry Allen would request a  story in what might be his final breaths, "Once upon a time" She sobbed, "There was a handsome prince. He met a girl in the meadow and s-soon realized he loved her so much. A-and the girl loved h-him too, but she didn't act on her feelings right away because they couldn't be together. But as time went on, they became closer and fell in love with each other even more. And soon they confessed their feelings to one another. And the prince asked her to marry him and she said yes.

O-One day, an evil threat came upon them and everyone they loved, but together they defeated the wicked villain. They then got married and had a couple of kids and lived happily ever after. S-so you have to stay alive Barry. Because we haven't gotten to the end of our story yet. And we can't have that happily ever after if you don't stay a-alive."

"T-That's the best fairytale I've ever heard." Barry started to close his eyes and Caitlin cried even harder.

"Barry! Barry! Please! Please just open your eyes! You have to open your eyes." She cried into his chest.

She can't lose him now. They were so close to their happy ending. So close to living the life they deserved.

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