Chapter 4

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Two days had passed since the ball and word was going around that the prince had made a decision and the lucky lady would be receiving a letter. Carla Snow was awaiting anxiously. She had to know who the prince picked, her and every other girl.

As Caitlin was laying on her bed reading a new book, she heard a shriek from downstairs and instantly bolted to where the sound was coming from. As she descended the last step, she saw her mother and Amelia smiling and hugging happily leaving Caitlin standing there dumbfounded.

After further inspection, she realized her mother was holding something. A letter. Caitlin stepped closer and squinted. She instantly gasped as she saw the royal crest on the middle of the envelope.

"Caity! You're never going to believe this, but the prince chose me!" Amelia squealed.

"He did?" Caitlin gulped.

"We will be leaving our house for now and moving into the royal palace to see the transition goes smoothly." Carla said excitedly.

"We will!" She said terrified.

"YES!" The two woman shouted in unison and laughed. Caitlin felt like she was going to be sick.

A royal carriage was sent to pick the three woman up and take them to the palace. Barry and his family were in the main entrance room awaiting their arrival.

Nora came to her son's side and hugged him slightly rubbing her hand on his back, "And you are sure she is the one, my son?"

"Yes mother" he let out a breath, "I am sure of it."

Just then, a trumpet sounded throughout the palace signaling they were here. The Snow family came through the double doors of the palace taking in the room.

"Amelia Snow, my son has chosen you to be the the future queen. If you need anything,as well as the rest of the family, feel free to ask one of the servants. Wilford here is one of my most trusted servants." Henry explained.

Amelia smiled at Barry and he smiled at her before glancing at Caitlin, "Wilford will take your bags. Come and I will give you a tour." Barry said.

Barry took them through every inch of the palace. Or at least the ones that weren't a secret hiding place as Caitlin presumed. He showed them to their bedrooms and the different ball rooms. They also went to the garden except for the one he took Caitlin to.

As they were done with the tour, the adults suggested Barry and Amelia take a walk through the fields and that Caitlin should accompany them. Which she opposed to at first.

Once they were in the fields, Amelia went to pick some flowers while Caitlin was still on her horse reading her book.

"You read a lot you know...I read a fair amount too. Maybe our fairytale is actually Beauty and the Beast." Barry said smirking.

Caitlin snorted and looked up, "You didn't just pick my sister to get to me did you? Because if you did, you don't know what I'll do" she warned.

"Trust me. I took a liking to your sister and she is kind and sweet. If you truly don't feel anything for me, maybe I can be happy with her." Barry replied.

It was partially true. He did like Amelia the best than any other girl in the ball. Except for Caitlin. And maybe he could be happy with her. But he also knew that what he felt with Caitlin was real. He was conflicted between his heart and his father's wishes.

Caitlin bit her lip, a trait Barry had noticed about her, and nodded.

"Thank you for being honest, Your Majesty."

"Barry. You know you are the first stranger I ever let call me Barry? You should really take advantage of that."

Caitlin blushed at his words.

"Hey you two! Look at these beautiful flowers I found!" Amelia exclaimed walking back to them and getting on her horse.

"They are most beautiful. Just like you." Barry commented while taking her hand and kissing it softly. Amelia giggled and Caitlin felt like throwing up for real.

"We should be heading back now. Dinner will be served soon and we should wash up." Barry said.

The two girls nodded and the three of them rode back to the palace.

After Caitlin had freshen up, she went exploring around the palace. Sure Barry gave them a tour of the palace this afternoon, but she wanted to see if there were any other secret rooms or passage ways. That and she had finished her last book and currently had nothing to do.

She stumbled upon a huge library with all kinds of books and she stared at it in awe. "Looks like I'll have plenty more to read." She whispered to herself.

"Yep, definitely Beauty and the Beast." A voice spoke from behind her.

She jumped and turned around to see Barry smiling at her. "Are you implying that your a Beast?" She said sarcastically.

"Do you see me as one?"

Caitlin looked at him for a moment, "No...but your hair right now says other wise." She giggled. She could tell he just came out of the shower for his hair was a little wet on some parts and ruffled. He still looked good though. Wait what?

"You love it" He teased, "Come on. I want to show you something."

Caitlin looked him curiously before following him. They arrived at a humongous room that she quickly realized was Barry's. She looked around and saw that it matched his personality perfectly.

"These are my drawings. I love to draw different mother says I get it from her side of the family." Barry told her.

Caitlin gazed at the different drawings he had hung up, "They're beautiful" she whispered. Her eyes fell on one that looked exactly like her. She recognized the meadow and realized he drew the day they first met. Her finger lightly traced the paper. "It looks just like me."

"That's because it is you" he joked.

She hit him lightly in the shoulder, "You know what I mean. Your an excellent drawer Your Majesty" She said softly, turning toward him.

He gazed into her eyes and spoke softly, "I told you to call me-"

"Ahem" a person cleared their throat. The two snapped their heads up at their guest. "I'm sorry to intrude sire, but I have come to tell you  that dinner is ready."

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