Chapter 16

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I apologize now if all of my 'I' are turning into some sort of question phone is still glitching.

Guys, I️ think I️ know a way to stop S" Caitlin spoke.

Everyone turned their gaze to the young woman while she paced back and forth. Amelia looked at her solemnly. Everyone seemed to notice that She didn't refer to Carla as "mother" but as "S." Caitlin noticed this and stopped her pacing.


Everyone shared a quick glance. They all couldn't really blame her, "Nothing dear...what did you have in mind." Nora asked sweetly.

"That object she showed us. I️ have read about it before in the library. It's a magical object that can bestow powers of great destruction just like S said. There was a way to get rid of the powers but I️ didn't get that far" Caitlin explained.

"Alright well you and Barry go to the library and figure it out. Amelia, Cisco, Felicity, you guys go round up all the villagers and keep them safe. Nora and I️ will go and find S to see if we can slow her down" Henry ordered.

They all nodded understanding what they needed to do. Barry came up to Caitlin, "Good job Beauty" he teased.

"I️ think you love that story too much. It doesn't even go with the situation we're currently in." She joked back.

"Good point, let's say...ah! Snow White!"

Caitlin stared at him, "No way."

"Yes way."

"I️ don't really see it." Caitlin laughed.

"For real! You're mom is literally the Evil Queen" he stated, "And your last name is Snow!"

"Honey, I️ love you, and you have been on a roll, but that one is not your best."

"It's better than the Little Mermaid." He muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

Caitlin smacked his chest lightly and giggled. It wasn't until then that they realized their friends were staring at them oddly, "What are you two talking about?" Cisco questioned.

Barry and Caitlin looked at each other almost laughing, "Oh, ever since we met, this one has been trying to guess which fairy tale our love is most like. He was saying Snow White just a minute ago" Caitlin laughed again.

Felicity squealed, "Aww! That's so cute! But I️ agree with Caitlin. The Snow White one doesn't make sense."

"Yeah and I'm not about to be the evil stepsister-well sister" Amelia said.

"It totally does. Carla is like the Evil Queen...he'll she's even dressed like her." Cisco smiled.

"Thank you!" Barry exclaimed high-fiving him.

"True but-"

"Children! Are you seriously having this debate right now! We need to move!" Henry exclaimed.

"Sorry" They all muttered. Everyone dispersed to their stations hoping they could stop her.

In the depths of the library, Barry and Caitlin were frantically trying to find the book with the information they needed. However, it was no where to be found.

"How is it not here! I️ put it in the exact same place I️ took it from!" Caitlin groaned. She was so frustrated.

"Are you sure it was from this shelf?"

Caitlin glared at him, "Yes! I️ even remember the cover! It's a wide dark brown book with green outlining and a silver snake embroidered on the top!"

"Cait, that's almost like every book in this place...maybe your mother took it." He stated tossing a book behind him.

"She is not my mother" She snapped.

Barry sighed and took her in his arms, rubbing he back soothingly in the process, "Cait, as much as I️ love being the one to calm you down, I️ think it's happening a little too much today. I️ don't blame you, but we have to say focused or we are never going to stop her" He whispered.

She sank into his touch and groaned, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay" He pressed his lips onto her head.

"Barry I know you said she could be saved, but I️ just hate the fact that she needed saving in the first place. I️ guess I'm just a little over the edge."

"I️ know that but we have to be strong. And you are the strongest person I️ know so that shouldn't be a problem." He soothed.

She laughed and pulled away, "It's no use though. This book is no where to be found." She kicked the shelf lamely and a book fell down right into Barry's hand.

"Hey! Isn't this it?" Barry said smiling.

Caitlin put a hand on her hip, "Okay, that is the most cliche thing ever."

"Well, it is our fairytale." Barry said seductively coming closer.

"Read" Caitlin giggled pushing him away, "We're on a time limit here!"

He opened the book to the table of contents and saw something relating to what they were looking for. He turned to the page and began reading it, "Okay, so it says that we need to destroy the purple cross with a sword to get rid of her powers. But it can't just be anyone, it has to be an heir. So either you or Amelia."

Caitlin bit her lip and nodded, "Okay...come on. We have to go tell the others.

Barry and Caitlin ran outside trying to spot Felicity or Cisco or Amelia but it was complete chaos out there! Word had spread that there was some kind of evil sorceress in the castle. In fact, S had fired at some of the homes. The whole village was scattering trying to leave.

"I️ don't see them anywhere, we should try to find my parents, come on" Barry grabbed Caitlin's hand leading her back into the castle.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" A voice cried running towards them. It was Wilford.

"Wilford what's wrong?"

"The king and queen have been taken hostage by S! She says she will be willing to release them if and only if she makes a deal with Caitlin." Wilford panicked.

"She must have the others too!" Caitlin said worriedly.

"Wilford, where is she?" Barry questioned.

"I'm right here."

The three of them turned around to see Carla with her hood off staring at them intently.

"I'm not making any kind of deals with you mother. Let our friends go now!" Caitlin demanded.

"Actually, I️ have other plans for them and your silly little prince over there...something a little more permanent. But that can be stopped if you agree to my terms" She replied calmly. Barry gripped Caitlin's arm and she glared at her mother, "Come with me."


"Come with me. I️ will leave this kingdom and the people you love alone only if you come help me take over another one. You and I️ can rule together side by side. We'll take Amelia, as well."

"You're sick!" Caitlin shouted.

"There is a reason I'm coming to you with this Caitlin. You are the most like me. You know this is the only way. Just like how I️ knew becoming S was the only way." Carla said slyly.

"No! I️-I️ will never go with you!" Caitlin sobbed.

She didn't know why she was crying. Maybe it's because her mother was right. It was the only way. She was going to kill her friends. Her Barry. And the thought of that was just too much for her to bear. But she wouldn't be doing it for the same reasons as her mother. No. She would be doing it out of the goodness of her heart. The real goodness of her heart. After a lot of thought, she knew what she had to do.

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