Chapter 2

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Caitlin walked into her house and headed up into her room. She flopped down onto her bed and smiled as she recalled the interaction she had with the prince.

"Caity, your friend Felicity is here" Amelia shouted from downstairs.

"Send her up!" She called back.

Soon enough her best friend Felicity Smoak came up and opened the door to her room, "Hey there girl!"

"Felicity, your never going to guess what happened today" she breathed out.

"Oooooh do tell!" Felicity said excitedly.

Caitlin explained to her the encounter she had with the prince in the meadow and how she presumed he was kinda flirting with her.

"And he also said that I could call him Barry" Caitlin finished smiling.

Felicity sat there staring at her before squealing in excitement, "Oh my gosh! Caitlin! You met the prince and you got to call him by his first name! Is that even possible? This is so exciting! Was he cute? I mean I have seen him on posters, but I bet they don't even get the features right..." she began to ramble.

"Felicity! Calm down!" Caitlin giggled, "And...yeah...way hotter than the poster." She blushed.

Felicity squealed again whilst Caitlin just laughed. They began talking for a few more hours just catching up, but the main topic was about a certain green eyed prince.
Barry had also returned to the palace bubbling with excitement. He went into his room to find his best friend Cisco Ramon there waiting for him. "Hey Barry, where have you been?" He asked.

"Cisco, I met this amazing girl! Her name is Caitlin. Caitlin Snow. She was beautiful. I felt like we had a connection." He said.

"Whoa. Will she be attending the ball?"

Barry nodded. "But she is not the eldest so I may not even get a chance to be with her. I'm going to have to try though. I must know more about her."

"I've never seen you like this. Maybe she is the one you have been looking for" Cisco said smiling at his friends happiness, "And don't worry about the eldest thing. Your parents promised you if you found love with another girl then that would be alright. I don't think it would matter if she wasn't the eldest then."

The two friends started talking more about Caitlin and at this point, Barry just couldn't wait for the ball so he could see her again.

Later that day, Barry's parents had called him into their chambers to talk. He knocked on the door to their chambers and heard a faint voice telling him to come in. As he opened the door, he found his parents sitting on a couch holding hands.

"Mother, father? Is everything all right?" Barry asked.

"Yes, son everything is fine, but we would like to talk to you." Henry said, "please sit."

Barry closed the door and took a seat on the chair directly in front of them waiting for them to speak.

"Son, your mother and I have been talking, and we would like it if you pick a girl from the ball. Just pick one and the family would be able to move in here so you two can spend time together and get to know each other more." Henry explained.

Barry just stared at them, "But father what if I don't want to be with any of them? Mother, weren't you the one who always told me to follow my heart?"

"Oh, yes my beautiful boy, we do want you to follow your heart" Nora spoke, "I told you this was a bad idea. He should be free to choose." she whispered to her husband.

"Look, son, it's not permanent but it would be ideal for you to pick a girl from the ball. Please, just trust us on this. We are still giving you the right to choose." Henry said.

Barry really didn't understand, but his father was using the tone of voice that you don't want to contradict him on. Instead, he simply nodded and excused himself out the room.

"Henry, that was harsh. What if he does not feel a real connection with one of the girls there? Why are you changing the plan so suddenly?" Nora questioned.

"I'm doing this for his best interest, Nora. I'm asking you to back me up on this. I would never do anything to upset Barry. I'm only looking out for him." Henry replied.

Wilford then knocked on the door and asked the king to come and deal with a matter. He pressed his lips to his wife's head before heading out the room leaving Nora to think if he was doing the right thing.

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