Chapter 13

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Church bells were ringing. Crowds of people bustling in. They came one week ago for a coronation. Now they are coming for a wedding.

"We will give you a few weeks to prepare" Henry had said. But that was not the case. He had the process sped up so fast that it seemed no one even realized it was the actual day of the wedding.

In Amelia's room she was making some last adjustments while Caitlin brushed her hair slowly. Trying so hard to hold back her tears.

"You look beautiful" Caitlin commented.

"You would look even more beautiful than me if things had gone our way" Amelia replied sadly.

Caitlin bit her lip. The thought of never seeing Barry again crushed her. Never being able to kiss him again or hold him again. It was all just too much. The least she could do was see him one last time.

"I'm going to make sure Barry is ready." Caitlin said walking to the door.

"You know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding." Amelia called out trying to lighten the mood.

Caitlin smiled weakly, "It's too bad I'm not the bride."

In his room, Barry was fixing his hair in the mirror whilst sighing. He was incredibly nervous and if he could never see Caitlin again...the thought was just too much for him to handle.

He heard a faint knock on his door, "Come in" He said flatly.

"Wow...and I thought you would always be happy to see me."

He swiftly turned around and smiled, "Cait." He ran up to her and cupped her face in his hands, "I am happy to see you" he murmured before pressing his lips to hers.

She smiled into the kiss and ran her fingers in his hair messing it up along the way. They kissed passionately for several more minutes before he pulled away slightly. Their breaths were both ragged and heavy.

"I can't believe you just messed up my hair intentionally." Barry whispered.

"It was not intentionally" She sassed , still breathing heavily.

"Yes it was." And he crashed his lips onto hers again afraid that this would be their last kiss ever. She felt her back hit the door and he diverted his lips to her neck peppering kiss along her throat and jawline.

She moaned before pushing him away, "Stop. No more. You have to be out there soon" She spoke solemnly. She didn't want to stop but knew they had to, "I'm going to miss"

"Cait" his voice was weak and sounded desperate. And he gripped her tighter.

"Shh, don't speak" She croaked out trying so hard not to cry, "just don't." Caitlin pulled away from him grip and ran out of the room. Once she was far enough away, she rested her head on the wall and sobbed. If you speak then I won't ever leave...

The same aisle where Barry once walked to be king was now occupied by Amelia trying her best to smile for the public.

Before her came Caitlin in a beautiful green bridesmaids dress that made Barry stare longer than he intended to.

"Your staring" Cisco had whispered. He was chosen as the best man and though he accepted it happily, he never intended on falling in love with the bride.

"Sorry" Barry had muttered, "She looks so beautiful."

Cisco sighed, "I'm sorry things didn't go the way you planned."

"You never know..."

As Amelia reached the altar, she gave Barry a sad smile which he returned. The minister cleared his throat, "We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone thinks these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Amelia, Barry, Cisco, and Henry all glanced at Caitlin while she just blushed and sank into her seat more. There was nothing she could do. She looked at Barry curiously noticing something was off about him. And not the normal I'm-marrying-someone-I-don't-want-to-marry off but something completely different. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

Seeing as nobody spoke up, the minister continued, "Do you princess Amelia Francesca Snow take King Bartholomew Henry Allen as your lawfully wedded husband till death do you part?"

"I-I" Carla glared at her daughter, "I do" Amelia gulped.

"And do you King Bartholomew Henry Allen take princess Amelia Francesca Snow as your lawfully wedded wife till death do you part?" The minister asked Barry.

He shifted side to side, "I" He looked at Caitlin, "I don't."

Everyone in the room gasped and erupted in a set of murmurs while Henry stood up and Caitlin mouthed 'what are you doing?' to Barry.

"And neither does she!" Barry exclaimed, "Look, I did pick Amelia but we don't love each other in that way. She loves this fine young man right here" He gestured to Cisco, "And I love Caitlin. We were all going to be together and be happy but my father insisted that we marry each other." He finished coldly.

All eyes were on the king and he glared at his son for his behavior. Carla shifted uncomfortably and Nora cracked a wide smile.

"Caitlin" Barry spoke turning to her. She stood up, "The day we met in that meadow was the best day of my life. I knew we had a connection just from that conversation and I was prepared to do anything to see you again. Out of everything that has been giving to me in my life, you are truly the best thing. When you said that we lost and there was nothing more we could do. You were wrong. I love you too much to let you get away that easily."

The room was filled aww's and smiles whilst Caitlin blushed furiously, "Whatever the king says goes remember? Well, for those of you who need an update, I'm the king now. And as my first duties as said king, I change the royal family marriage law. If the heir of the royal family does not meet a special person at the ball, then they are allowed to choose whoever they want even if they are not the eldest. No questions asked. No parents interfering. Just them." He finished.

Caitlin smiled brightly at him, "And with that said" he spoke coming in front of her and getting down on one knee. Caitlin clasped her hands over her mouth. "Caitlin Evelyn Snow, will you marry me?"

Caitlin nodded her head, "Yes...Yes I will marry you!" She exclaimed. He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately.

The whole room cheered and clapped for the couple. Amelia squealed in the background bouncing up and down.

Once they pulled away, Caitlin whispered to Barry, "You know your way around the rules? That's hot."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, "Only for you."

Henry who had stood frozen was boiling with rage and fear, "Get out" He whispered bitterly, "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!"

In fear, the people scattered out of the palace as fast as they could.

"Father! It's over!" Barry spat.

"Listen to him Henry! You've lost!" Nora snarled.

"No! Son you've doomed us all! You have no idea what you have done!" He shouted back.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

Right then, the doors shut and a cold wind filled the air. Barry held Caitlin tighter and Cisco did the same with Amelia. A hooded figure appeared out of nowhere approaching them slowly.

"You should listen to your father, Your have indeed doomed them all."

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