Chapter 11

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"And were walking and walking." Wilford said gently.

Barry was currently in the throne room practicing for his coronation that is in less than a week with Caitlin and Amelia sitting in the pews. Everything had to be perfect according the servant...everything. Whether it was his suit, the pace he walked down the aisle, the way he bowed down when they bestow the crown on his was all quite stressful for Wilford, but Barry was enjoying every minute of his squirming.

When Wilford wasn't looking, he turned to Caitlin and gave her a wink making her blush a bright red. She bit her lip and smiled at him. "You two are so in love it's kinda getting gross. Romantic...but gross." Amelia teased but whispered in her ear.

Caitlin hit her lightly on the arm, "Shut up."

Amelia rolled her eyes and chuckled before turning her attention back to the two gentlemen. It was true though. Not the gross part but the romantic one. She is so in love with Barry that it hurts to hide it. Just this afternoon, they were almost caught making out by one of the servants. They weren't trying to get too carried away, but they just couldn't quite keep their hands off each other.

Sometimes, she wished she was the eldest. Then, Barry and she could have met at the ball, fallen in love, and they wouldn't be in the mess they were in now. But she guessed that it was for the better. Without everything that is happening now, they would never know about the mysterious S or secret that the king is hiding. Caitlin sighed. Nobody ever got their happy endings without working for it.

"Wilford, you have done amazing job in getting me prepared, but I think this is enough for one day" Barry chuckled, "Besides, I want to spend some time with C-A-Amelia. I want to spend time with Amelia" He finished nervously. He was this close to saying Caitlin.

Wilford inspected him before shrugging, "Okay, Sire. I guess we can take a break."

Barry let out a shaky breath when he left. He walked towards Caitlin and whispered carefully in her ear, "I'll see you in the meadow after I get changed."

She nodded and they both went there separate ways so it wouldn't look suspicious if they went together. Especially, since it would be more practical for Barry to have a picnic for Amelia.

Caitlin had packed a full spread for a picnic. She had to be sneaky though for surely someone would think it was odd she packed a full spread for one. Let alone have a picnic "by herself."

She laid everything out on the grass and smiled at her work. She even brought some books from the library that could help them in their search. Including, those delicious jelly crepes.

As she was reading one of the books, her eyes were instantly blinded by two hands covering them. She grinned, "Guess who" a male voice said.

"Hmm...Cisco?" She joked.

"Very funny" Barry chuckled. He pecked her lips before sitting down next to her, "This looks amazing Cait! And I am starving." He continued digging into the delicious food.

"I thought you would be" Caitlin said eating a jelly crepe. They were just so darn good, "So, I got these books from the library and I think they could be really useful."

He looked at the stack of books beside her and groaned, "Cait, this is literally the only time we get to spend together and you want to spend that time reading? I'm all for a good book but come on."

"Do you not want to find out what's going on with your father or not?" Caitlin said raising an eyebrow.

Barry sighed, "Whatever you say Beauty..."

"Well then let's get to it Beast" She teased.

Amelia was walking around the palace when she ran into the king, "Oh I am so sorry!" She apologized.

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