Chapter 5

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Barry and Caitlin were ushered into the dining hall. There were six plate settings. Amelia and Barry sat next each other. Henry was at the head of the table with Nora and Carla on opposite sides of him and Caitlin next to Carla.

The Snow women were looking at the marvelous spread laid out in front of them. They have had dinner like this before but the royal family really knew how to eat. As dinner was going on, the two families were laughing and talking with each other to get to know more about one another.

Caitlin was downing some delicious jelly crepes at any chance she could get. They were just so good and the servants here made them fresh and way better than any other ones she tried before. Barry would stare at her eating when she wasn't looking. It may have seemed creepy but he just couldn't help it. Especially when she was just so cute with the powder spreading on her lips.

"So, Amelia and Barry, did you have a nice day together?" Carla asked.

They both nodded in unison, "Amelia is such a kindhearted person, and I had a wonderful time."Barry said smiling and clutching Amelia's hand.

"I had a wonderful time as well Your Majesty." Amelia replied back.

"Please, call me Barry."

Everyone in the room was smiling at the two, except for Caitlin who wore a sad look on her face the rest of the night.

After dinner was finished, everyone commenced to their rooms to get some sleep. Caitlin's room was a little larger than the one she had at home, and the bed was a kingsized with a very soft mattress that should have made her fall asleep instantly. However, she lay awake tossing and turning thinking about Barry and Amelia. She groaned and got out of bed. Maybe a little midnight snack would do the trick.

She quietly tiptoed down the hallway into the direction she presumed to be the kitchen. As she got there, she ran her hands against the wall to find a light switch and sure enough she did. She made a beeline towards the refrigerator and took out some left over jelly crepes she was previously downing at dinner.

She sighed in contentment as she felt the warm jelly spread all over her mouth. How it was still warm after being in the refrigerator was a mystery to her. After finishing two—three crepes, she washed her hands and was drying them on a near by dish towel.


She scream in fear and turned around to see Barry chuckling slightly. She glared at him. "Stop doing th-!" Her breath caught in her throat when she realized he was shirtless. "S-stop doing that, Your Majesty" she mumbled quieter.

"My apologies for scaring you. And I told you, you can call me Barry."

Caitlin snorted, "Oh like how Amelia can call you Barry. What, do you use that move on every girl you meet?"

"No...I meant what I said before. Your the first stranger I've ever met that I let call me Barry. And besides, I picked Amelia to possibly be the new queen so it's kinda fitting that she calls me by my first name" He said chuckling at how jealous she was.

Caitlin blushed. How could she be so stupid? She blamed it on the no-shirt. "What are you even doing here anyway?" He questioned.

Caitlin sighed, "I couldn't sleep so I came here to get a late night snack...what are you doing here?"

"My throat sometimes gets dry at night and with all that went on today, I forgot to fill a glass of water for myself so I came to get one" he explained.

"Without your shirt" she muttered.

"Well, I thought one of the servants just left the light on. And every one here has seen me without a shirt so I guess I forgot that we had other guests" He spoke giving her a goofy smile.

Caitlin laughed at him and sat on the counter top swinging her legs back and forth, "So, how was your first day with us Snow women." She asked playfully.

"It was wonderful. I had a nice time with your sister" He replied coming closer to her making Caitlin squirm a little. He looked really good without a shirt. "I also had a nice time with you..." he trailed off whispering.

"What are you doing?" She murmured.

"Tell me you don't feel this."

At this point, his face was so close to hers she could feel his hot breath on her skin. Barry's eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. A million thoughts were going through her head. This was wrong. What was she doing? She needs to go. She needs to stop him. She...she...she didn't know what to do. But she did know how she felt at this moment.

Caitlin couldn't take it anymore. She crashed her lips to his in a fast pace kiss. Her hands trailed over his abs before coming up to his neck and tangling her hands in his hair. His doing the same. She moaned a little to loudly as his tongue collided with hers. One of his hands wrapped tightly around her waist pressing her closer to him whilst she wrapped her legs around his torso. The kiss was getting more heated until Caitlin abruptly pulled away and gasped.

"I-You-Argh!" She groaned jumping off the counter and hitting him in the chest with a dish towel.

"Ow" He said sarcastically.

Caitlin glared at him and hit him with the dish rag after every word, "Don't! Do! That Again!"

"If I remember correctly, your the one who technically initiated that whole kiss" He shot back smugly taking the dish towel out of her hands.

She humphed and pushed him out of the way mumbling things as she went whilst Barry just stood there smiling. She can't deny there wasn't a connection between them now. Not after that kiss.

Caitlin stomped to her room, quietly though as she did not want to awake the other guests. Not that they would here her. The place was just too massive. She opened the door to her room and jumped onto her bed holding her head in her hands in the process. She just kissed Barry Allen. The man who is to be king. The man whom her sister was currently seeing....and she liked it.

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