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(29) Too Fast, and Furious

On Saturday evening Hanna and the girls went to Mona's 17th birthday extravaganza. The others dreaded it but Hanna was happy to go to her BFF's 17th birthday bash.

As soon as they walked in they were greeted by Mona.

She had a huge smile on her face and kissed Hanna on both of her cheeks.

"Hanna, its so great to see you!" She exclaimed.

Hanna smiled.

"You too hun."

Mona turned to Hanna's friends.

"I'm glad you guys could make it as well." Mona said.

"Well i hope you guys enjoy yourself, the drink and snacks tent is near the big tent which is the dance tent and presents go in the tent on the other side of the dance tent, and there are outside activites going on too until dark which is when the party gets moved to the dance tent." Mona said cheerfully before she waved and wandered off.

Hanna turned to face the girls.

"Isnt this great?" She asked.

"Yeah its just great, but i totally lost her at-" Spencer began.

"I was just completely lost." Aria said.

"Well put." Spencer said.

"Come on guys we needed this party so we can just chill and take our minds off A." Hanna said.

"Yeah but its been a while since I've gotten one." Aria said.

"Yeah me too." Said Emily.

"Same here, well we can still enjoy it so it can take Ali's dissapearence off our minds." Hanna suggested.

"I would rather be out looking for her than be at this wannabe Sweet 16 look-a-like party." Courtney said with crossed arms.

"Well then why dont you go home." Spencer mumbled.

Ever since the blow out at Courtney's house Spencer hasnt said anything to Courtney, not even at feild hockey practice when Kristen and her have to yell orders at everyone and individually help them.

Hanna looked at Spencer then to everyone else.

"Come on guys, just an hour or two?" Hanna pleaded.

"Fine, i'm in." Spnecer said.

Hanna looked to Aria.

Aria rolled her eyes.

"Okay i'll stay too." Aria groaned.

"Em?" Hanna asked.

"Sure why not." Emily agreed.

They all looked at Courtney who still had her arms crossed.

"Fine whatever." Courtney said.

They all walked further into the party and stopped in the middle of a crowd.

"So are we staying together or are we spitting up?" Hanna asked.

"I see Noel so im going to hang with him for a bit." Aria said.

"I thought yall were on, you know." Hanna said.

"You can say it Hanna , but yeah we are but we still talk sometimes." Aria clearafied.

"Oh , okay." Hanna said then Aria walked off.

Hanna turned back to the others.

"Well im taking Em to put the present away sooo you and Courtney can do something together or split, your choice." Hanna said while grabbing Emily's wrist.

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