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(9)You Hypocrite! 

    Alison walked down the halls of Rosewood Day like the queen bee she is. Even though all the girls were wearing the same blue and white plaid skirt and a white blouse with the boring old blue blazer with the giant R on the corner Alison rocked it and everyone knew that. 

Alison reached Spencer’s locker and slammed it once she got it open. Spencer glared at her and opened her locker again. 

 “So why did you skip practice again?” Spencer asked while putting her books away. Alison snorted. 

“I skipped because I had better things to attend to.” Spencer looked at her then shut her locker. 

“You know Ian isn’t going to let you start today.” She said then they started walking down the hall.

Alison rolled her eyes. “This is Ian we are talking about, the one who I used to hook up with Spence come on, and I will definitely be starting.” 

  The girls walked in the girls’ locker room during halftime. All the girls were tired and sweaty. Some of them even had dirt on there uniforms. Ian stormed in the locker room.

“Alright, were like down by 3 points, now in this game Spencer has been making most of the down to the nitty gritty shots so right now whenever you guys get the ball pass it to Spencer.” He said. 

Alison rolled her eyes. “Spencer’s not the only good player on the team you know.”

Spencer looked at Alison and Alison had a mean look on her face. 

“Alison I know but she can deal under pressure, not saying that the rest of yall cant but that’s what we are doing until we catch up.” Ian said.

All the girls nodded but Alison wasn’t going down yet.

“I can shoot under pressure, why don't they pass the ball to me?” She asked.

Spencer snorted. Alison turned towards her and glared at her. 

“What was that all about Spence, not willing to share the lime light?” Alison said.

Spencer’s lips formed a hard line. 

“I don't give a shit.” She said.

Ian jumped up. “Alright Spencer, inappropriate language.”

Spencer kept looking at Alison and Alison winked at Spencer.

       Later that night Alison and Spencer were sitting in Courtney’s room talking about the game. 

“And then Kris passed me the ball and I made the winning goal!” Spencer said.

Courtney smiled. “Spence that’s great.”

Alison snorted.

“Yeah yeah Spencer’s awesome, Ian only told everyone to pass her the ball because Melissa is dating him.” Alison said. 

“That’s not true Ali, haven’t you thought that maybe it’s because I'm good.” She said.

Alison stared at Spencer. 

“No, you wanna know why, because in seventh grade I was better than you, even better than you Courtney. In seventh grade I made the Varsity team! Me not you and definitely not you.” She said while pointing at Spencer. 

Spencer stood up and got in Alison’s face. 

“I'm sick and tired of your bullshit Alison! Why do you think you are better than everyone at everything?” Spencer yelled.

Courtney jumped at how loud Spencer was. 

Alison stood her ground and didn’t flinch at Spencer’s words.

“Simply because I am Spence, always have, always will be.”

Spencer made a weird noise in the back of her throat and stormed out. 

Alison smiled triumphantly then turned to her twin.

“You just gotta keep these bitches in line sis, simple as that.” She said then walked out.

Alison’s Iphone beeped and it said Unknown. Alison rolled her eyes and clicked open, then after she read it her attitude quickly went away. 

Alison there is someone better than you at everything and that’s me. You may be the queen bee now but once I'm done with you, you will be dirt like the rest of them. Kisses bitch. –A 

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