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(21) Breaks And Heartaches

Saturday afternoon Aria was shaking. She didnt know how to confront Noel again about the picture that A sent her. Once Aria reached his house she slowly shut off the engine to her Volvo.

She took long deep breaths before getting out of the car. With each slow step Aria took her heartbeat seemed to go faster and faster.

Before she could ring the doorbell the Khans' front door swung open.

"Gosh Aria your like as slow as a snail." Noel joked.

Aria gave a wry smile. "Very funny."

Aria walked in and took in the familiar surrondings.

The Khans' house was very extravagant on the inside. With crystal chandaliers hanging from the ceiling and the floors were oak wood.

Noel led Aria to his room upstairs. His room was a typical boys room , with grey walls that were covered with band posters from The Beatels to Imagine Dragons.The floors were a dark wood and he had almost everything spread out, clothes either dirty or clean, shoes, lacrosse equipment, and even homework.

Aria sat next to Noel on his bed.

Noel kissed Aria on the lips quickly.

"So what's up Ari?"

Aria looked down for a moment before looking into Noels' eyes.

She quickly took in his outfit which consisted of light wash jeans and a black v-neck.

"I honestly don't know , if someone is messing with me or if it really is true." She said while looking down again.

Noel looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"What do you mean?"

Aria reached in her dark jean pockets and pulled out her Android.

"Someone sent me this, i don't know if its a game or not." She said and handed her cell to Noel.

He looked at the screen of the picture and frowned.

"Really Aria you're bringing this crap up again?" He asked while runnin his hand through his hair.

Aria sighed. She knew it was a bad idea to bring it up, but she needed to know.

"I'm sorry Noel but i just can't ignore this." She said.

Noel shook his head. "Aria how can i be with you if you can't trust me that i have'nt kissed Mona since we started dating."

Aria was silent so Noel continued.

"Obvioisly someone just pasted a date at the bottom, i can't believe you would believe this."

"I'm sorry Noel but it looked legit!" She yelled not meaning to.

"You know what Aria, i think we should break up." He said in a hurt tone.

Aria was shocked that he would say such a thing, and so easily.

"Are you serious?"

Noel abruptly stood up.

"Yes Aria i am, i don't want to but we got too." He said while pacing around his room.

Aria just sat there. She couldn't lose Noel not right now and in this way.

"Please Noel, we can't end it like this." She pleaded.

Noel turned around to face her.

"If you can't trust me then we have too."


Aria began but Noel cut her off.

"Alright, why don't you get your shit together and then we can talk about our relationship." He said.

"So we are on a.. break?" She asked.

"Yeah Aria we are on break." He said then sighed.

Later that night Aria sat in Emily's room. Her room was painted blue like the ocean and she had two huge buliten boards filled with pictures of her and her friends and family. Emily's swim trophies decorated her dresser and the smaller ones were on her desk.

Emily turned from her closet and faced a miserable looking Aria.

"So you guys are over? Just like that?" She asked while tieing her hair back.

"We're on break." She mumbled.

Emily gave her a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Aria, but it's not like you guys called it quits." She said while sitting at her desk.

Aria whimpered. "It's close to a break up, people take breaks all the time and if they get back together it's like neer the same."

Emily faced her again. "You and Noel will make it work you have been through too much."

Aria smiled at Emily.

Just then Aria's Android rung out. Emily turned back to her computer.

Aria looked down and saw unknown.

"Emily." Aria called.

Emily walked over to Aria and saw her screen. She gasped.

Aria clicked open and her heart almost broke into a milion peices.

Thanks Aria for pushing Noel away , now i can have him all to myself. -A

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