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(11) Are you doing this?

       Courtney was sitting in sixth period math next to Naomi doodling on her notes page. Naomi looked over. 

“Did Ali say anything about Riley?” Naomi asked while pushing her blonde curls out her face. 

Courtney shrugged. “Not that I know of, all she said was that she would never talk to her again.” 

Naomi sighed. “I don't get why she wont hear her out.” Courtney looked at her and she saw how sad she looked. 

“I could talk to Ali but I don't think she will listen to me.” She said and Naomi smiled. 

“Thanks but your right I'm not sure if she will.” Naomi said. 

Courtney looked back at her notebook. “So um what did Riley do that made Ali so mad?” 

Courtney heard Naomi make a noise in the back of her throat. “She played a little prank on Alison.” Now Courtney looked up.


Naomi looked around then scooted closer to Courtney.

“You can’t tell anyone this, not Hanna, Aria or Spencer and definitely not Alison. Okay?” Naomi asked. Courtney nodded. 

“Yeah, okay I won’t say a word.” 

“She texted her these messages with a different number saying things that only she knew about Ali and was flirting with her, and when she found out she freaked.” Naomi said while putting her notebook in her Louis Vuitton tote bag. 

“I don't know why when Ali did the same thing to Jenna.” She said when the bell rang and she smiled and left. 

Courtney thought about two weeks ago when Alison and the girls said there was a person by the name of A who knew all there secrets and was using them against them. What if Alison set them up and was telling Riley there secrets so she could toy with them. But if Alison was in it then why did she get so mad and drop Riley as a friend? 

Was it all apart of the plan?

After school Courtney sat on the back deck reading Teen Vogue waiting for Alison to home from field hockey practice. 

She wanted to get down to the bottom of it. Even though she told Naomi she wouldn’t tell, she just had to so she would know for her friends’ sake. 

The front door slammed along with the sound of bags being slung on the floor. 

Courtney got up and went upstairs to Alison’s room. Alison turned around with an annoyed look on her face standing in her dark blue sports bra and black spandex shorts.

“What do you want Courtney?” She asked with her arms crossed. 

“Why are you mad at Riley?” She started with. Alison rolled her eyes and turned around. 

“Why do you want to know my business?” Alison snapped. 

Maybe she is hiding something. 

Courtney shifted her body weight to the left side of her body. “I just want to know why all of a sudden you dropped her; she was like one of your best friends.” 

“Key word was.” Alison said. 

Courtney wrinkled her nose. “That’s not the point! Those A messages, its you and her isn’t it? She told me about the prank messages she sent you and now it’s a coincidence that Hanna, Aria, Emily and Spencer get one. And of course you had to throw yourself in there so no one would point the finger at you.” Courtney yelled. 

Alison shook her head and stepped up to her twin.  

“Look here little bitch, don't come in here pointing fingers at me, I don't give a rats ass about Riley anymore because of that and I was beyond scared because of what she said, I never told anyone.”  Courtney stood in silence. So Alison continued. 

“I don't know what possessed your stupid mind to think that I would be behind this but you need to get it out of your brain! I. Did. Not. Do. This.” She said with hand movements to get her point across. 

Alison walked to her door and opened it. “Now GET OUT!” She yelled at Courtney. 

Courtney slowly walked towards the door. 

“Next time you want to point fingers at someone get your fucking facts straight.” Alison said then slammed the door in Courtney’s face. 

Courtney walked to her room and shut her door. Then her cell phone bleeped and she grabbed it. The message was from Unknown. 

Courtney’s heart stopped and her hand shook furiously while she tried to click open. 

Courtney, I see you haven’t gotten your message yet so here it is. Going to Naomi for answers wow you are stupid, why don't you keep your nose out of other peoples shit and shove it back in your own. If I see you poking for answers again let’s just say you will either end up like Jenna or worse.   This is your first AND last warning. –A 

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