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(12)Taking this one to the grave

    Spencer was sitting in the hot tub trying to cool off after a grueling field hockey practice. She laid back and took off her Coach sunglasses and closed her eyes to enjoy the peace and quiet. 

“Hey mind if I join?” 

Spencer jumped up and turned around to see Ian standing there she looked him up and down without even thinking that he was looking directly at her. 

She cleared her throat. “Um yeah sure.” Ian took off his shirt and pants and Spencer couldn’t help but stare. 

Ian climbed in and sat across from Spencer. She grabbed her sunglasses and put them back on.

“So Spence you did great at practice today.” Ian said. Spencer smiled.

“Thanks, I don't think I did well on my defensive drills though.” She said shyly. 

Ian smiled. “Spencer you’re always good.” 

Spencer felt all the past feelings she used to have for Ian and she thought that maybe this time she and him could have a relationship. Then she mentally hit herself. Ian is with Melissa, what would she do if Melissa saw her and Ian together? 


Spencer snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Ian. She smiled. 

“Sorry I was just deep in thought, so uh where is Melissa?” She asked. 

“She's in Philly; she said she would be back at six-thirty.” He answered. 

Spencer pushed her sunglasses up on her head then turned to look at the clock. 


When she turned back around she almost slammed into Ian. She paused. They were inches apart. Ian smiled. 

“I wont say anything if you don't.” Ian teased.

Spencer smiled. She thought for three seconds of whether she should kiss him or not but Ian made the decision for her. 

Ian smashed his lips on Spencer’s and for a mili second she didn’t kiss back but then she gave way and started to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him harder. Ian bit her lip and Spencer moaned then she quickly pulled away. 

Ian smiled at her then looked at her lips again. Spencer blushed. 

“Well you’re a way better kisser then how you were in seventh grade.” He said. Spencer cleared her throat.

“So are you.” She said with a smile.

Six O’ clock rolled around and Spencer was sitting to the kitchen table with a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread. 

At the table was Veronica, Spencer’s mother; next to her was Nicholas Pennythistle, Mrs. Hastings’s fiancée, then Melissa, next to her was Ian; who decided to stay for dinner and on Spencer’s left was Amelia, Spencer’s soon to be step sister. 

“Eat up everyone.” Mrs. Hastings said.

Everyone began eating. Spencer looked up and snuck a peek at Ian. She smiled to herself and thought of the kiss they shared earlier in the hot tub. 

“So mom you will never guess what I found in Philly.” Melissa began.

Spencer looked down at her food and rolled her eyes. 

“Yes dear.” Mrs. Hastings said. 

“I found the perfect color for my bedroom; it’s like mahogany!” She squealed in excitement. 

“Honey that’s great, I cant wait to see it when its all painted and refurnished.” Mrs. Hastings said. 

“Yeah, thanks again for letting Ian and I use the barn until our townhouse in Philly is ready.” Melissa said. 

Spencer choked on her bread. Everyone looked at her. 

“Mom I thought I was moving into the barn this year for junior year.” Spencer said. 

Mrs. Hastings sighed. “Yes I know I said that but Melissa needs somewhere to stay until her townhouse is ready.” 

Spencer placed her hands in her lap.

“Cant they have my room? All they need is a room, they don't need the barn.” Spencer said. 

“Spencer I'm sorry but my mind is made up Melissa and Ian have it for now, its only for two months.” Mrs. Hastings said. 

“Of course because she's the perfect child.” Spencer mumbled. 

Mrs. Hastings put her silverware down and looked at Spencer.

“What did you just say?” 

Spencer stood up and threw her napkin on her plate.

“I said I'm not hungry anymore.”  

Spencer ran upstairs and slammed her door. Great now I have to spend two more months in this room. She thought to herself. She screamed into a pillow then her cell phone beeped. 

Unknown it read. Spencer was about ready to throw her phone against the wall but then opened the message. 

Spencer you need to chill for a sec, oh wait you all ready did when you made out with Ian in the hot tub. Think I won’t tell Melissa? Think again! If you don't say something soon I WILL. –A  

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