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(19) Detective Nosey

Monday morning before school Courtney was running back and forth on he field hockey field. She was showing off her defense drills, and played a one on one game against Allison and beat her. 

Behind her Ian clapped. “Great job Courtney.” Ian said. Courtney smiled then looked at her sister, she offered her a small smile. 

“So does that mean I'm good enough to come back on the team?” She asked. 

Last season during the teams’ biggest game of the season, Courtney was running to make the winning goal, but a girl on the other team was trying to go for the ball but instead wacked Courtney’s shin, it shattered in three places, the doctors said she might never be able to play again, but here she was.

Ian thought for a second then smiled. 

“Courtney, you seem like you’re ready to comeback and you seem better also.” 

Courtney smiled. 

“You’re back on, the practice schedule is still the same but I'm sure Alison and Spencer will catch you up.” Ian said then walked off. 

Courtney turned to her sister. 

“You know, it feels nice to share the field with you once again sis.” Alison said while slinging her arm around her. 

“It feels great to be back, Ali.” 

After school Courtney went to Starbucks to meet up with Emily, she received her text and it sounded urgent. 

When she walked in she ordered a low cal vanilla swirl, when it was done she turned and spotted Emily sitting by the window holding a mug. 

Emily looked anxious, her hair was in a wet stringy messy bun on top of her head from swim practice, and she was wearing a blue and white sweat suit that said Rosewood Varsity Swim Team. On the back it probably had her name written across the top. 

Courtney offered a smile. 

“So what's going on Em?” Courtney asked as she sat down across from Emily. 

“Iris was attacked last night.” She said. 

Courtney gasped. 

“What! Why? By who?” Courtney asked in a panic. 

Iris was hers and Ali’s friend when the girls when to therapy last year at Addison-Stevens, The Preserve. 

“I don’t know I only caught half of their conversation, but the girls name was C well at least I think, but when I asked Iris about it last night she said her name was CC Drake.” Emily said. 

CC? Doesn’t ring a bell.

Emily continued. 

“She said that you or Ali ruined her life, she probably doesn’t know Ali has a twin if Ali was behind it.” Emily said. 

“Maybe that’s the girl Alison parties with when she goes to the city.” Courtney said. 

“Maybe, but I think she's the one after us because she is bringing us down with Ali.” Emily added.

Courtney frowned. If Alison did ruin her life then why is she going after her friends also? 

After getting new information from Emily at Starbucks, Courtney went home and rushed to her room to go on Facebook to search CC Drake. 

She went through Ali’s friends list and found her. 

She strangely looked like a grown up version of them. In her profile picture she was smiling bright and her piercing blue eyes made her look innocent, just like hers and Alison’s eyes did. 

She clicked on her pictures and scrolled down till she saw a picture of her and Alison standing side by side. 

Alison was wearing the blue top and grey skinny jeans with black wedges from that night in the summer. 

It must’ve happened then. 

On CC’s page she read her statuses, she talked about finally making it to senior year at Penn, and there was also a picture of her holding her books. Courtney looked closer. Business? 

Courtney thought to herself doesn’t look like a business type of person to me. 

The last picture she posted was last month, in the summer which was also the last time she talked about Penn. 

There was one new post that just recently popped up on CC’s timeline, by her. 

She had posted, This is the last straw! These bitches will pay for getting me kicked out. 

She got kicked out of Penn? For what? And what did Alison have to do with it? A comment appeared under her status, along with ten likes. 

Already? She thought.    

O please CC, you got yourself kicked out, stop blaming it on other people for your mistake. 

Courtney clicked on the person’s name and it took her to his page.  She decided to message him. 

Hey, I'm CC’s sister, I was just wondering, why was she kicked out of Penn? 

She typed then pressed send. She got a response instantly. 

Didn’t know she had a sister, you kind of look like the girl CC is blaming it all on, Alison. But she got the can because there were drugs found in her room and empty bottles of liquor under her bed, she claims Alison brought it but it was all CC because Alison has never stepped foot in her dorm. 

Courtney thanked the guy for his time and logged off Facebook. 

Now that she knows who is tormenting them she decided to text the girls arranging to meet them at the elementary school playground, where they always meet, but before she could send it she got a message of her own instead. 

She opened it knowing it was CC. 

I told you to keep out of other people’s business, your going to get what's coming to you. –A 

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