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(17) Killer Instincts 

Spencer smiled when she read Ian’s text that he sent her. She did feel bad for sneaking around with him, but then at the same time she didn’t because she felt that Melissa didn’t deserve a second chance with him. 

For a week now Spencer has been sneaking around with Ian. Every chance they got they took. Spencer knew that she was taking a huge risk since A is on her ass now but at this point she didn’t care. 


Spencer sat up and rolled her eyes. She stood up and walked down stairs to be greeted by a furious looking Melissa. 

Right now Spencer was scared, Melissa knows.

“Yes Mel?” Spencer asked.

Melissa walked up to her with a scowl. 

“Care to explain this?!” She yelled while shoving her phone in Spencer’s face. 

Spencer looked at the screen and saw the A message. 

A helpful hint from me to you. –A

Spencer scrunched her nose. “Why the hell are you yelling at me, I don't know what it’s talking about.” 

Spencer’s heart was racing she was both anxious and angry. 

“You of all people should know Spencer!” She yelled while shoving the screen back in her face and Spencer’s heart dropped. 

There was a picture of Spencer and Ian in the hot tub from that day last week and a picture of when they were in the barn making out on the couch. 

Spencer felt violated. 

“Care to explain, you can’t deny it, I have pictures!” Melissa yelled in her face. 

Spencer turned and walked up a couple steps up the stairs. 

“Spencer stop being a coward and tell me straight up!” Melissa yelled from behind her following her up the stairs. 

When they reached the top Spencer spun and faced her.    

“Fine, Ian and I have been sneaking around behind your back for a week now!” 

Melissa looked at Spencer in disgust.

“Never have I thought that my sister would betray me like this!” 

Spencer rolled her eyes. “Well believe it!” 

“You slut! I hate you!” Melissa spat. 

“Right back at ya bitch!” Spencer yelled back. 

Melissa slapped Spencer clear across the face with an evil smirk on her face. Then Spencer hit her sister and kept hitting her but Melissa wouldn’t fall since she was hanging on to the rail. 

“You psycho! Quit hitting me!” Melissa yelled, but Spencer blacked out and as quick as she blacked out she regained consciousness. 

Veronica was yelling into the phone calling for an ambulance next to Melissa’s unconscious body while Mr. Pennythistle was holding Spencer. 

“Spencer! What did you do?!” He yelled.

 Spencer looked back at her sister lying on the floor and back at him. 

What did she do? 

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