A Final Note/Disclaimer

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Motionless In White does not belong to me nor the members or any other bands or members mentioned in this book . The music and photos used are also not mine, but I do have characters that I made and wish for them to remain mine please.

This story has been such a crazy ride from start to finish this was my very first fanfiction. I was planning on the ending since i started the book. This book was started I think when I was roughly maybe fourteen?? Since then my writing skills have become much much better. I may or may not edit this, I'm not entirely sure yet because this was my first story. Throughout the years I will admit I haven't been as intrigued by Motionless In White as the past years but they are still a band I absolutely love and I continue to listen to their amazing music. Obviously this book will probably not have a sequel. Though if you have questions about maybe the characters or the plot or even what really went down through this book because I know it was confusing as I was still fourteen when I wrote this as I said, I reread and yeah I know it definitely is a bit cringy. If you guys want more stories by me I intend to restart some of my newer fanfictions now that this was is done including possibly starting some american horror story ones and maybe a new story or two in the future but you can check out some of my others right now. If you have any feedback just comment or pm me. If you have any story ideas or maybe requests just pm me as well.

i love you all and thank you so much for these amazing years of watching my first story be written before your eyes. There are even some of you who have been with this story from start till the very end and I am so happy you decided to stay with me even through silent and hard times in my life. Without readers this story would have no purpose for me to write.

With Much Love,
Dakota Hills

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