I said I'd never let you go

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[*screaming* I deleted the chapter AND NOW IT MUST BE REWROTE]

I change with Ricky in the room, facing a opposite corner from him. "I know your looking, stop it." I hiss at him from over my shoulder, sure enough his eyes were glued to me. "That's like asking a kid to not look at the candy in the candy store." I roll my eyes and have Ricky leave once before I take off any of my clothes pull a black tank top with small chains hanging from it and sliding leggings and a black miniskirt over it. "Can you hand me the heels?" Ricky tosses the spiked ankle high heels to me from outside. "Thank you." I buckle them and turn to Ricky, he bites his lip. "Beautiful." I blush and allow Ricky to slide his hand over my shoulders as we walked to the meet and greet table. I sat in between Chris and Ricky, I didn't want things to be awkward with him so I decided to make conversation.

"Hey, no hard feelings for the stairway incident." I nudge him with a smile, he smiles back and shoves me gently. "I'm sorry...I was really stupid." He sighs and watches as security allows a wave of fans to come running for signatures and photos of us. "Yes, you were, but that doesn't mean I won't forgive you. We're friends an that's what friends do, I missed you." I say as items start rolling down the table towards us. "Missed you too, weirdo." He hands a poster off to me, it had a man I couldn't identify so I could only assume it was Adam. "Shame Adam left." A girl flirts with Ricky by me as she goes to pick up the poster. "Yeah, never knew him." Ricky shrugs, I kept my temper low knowing this kind of stuff would happen. He was considered a rockstar now after all. "You are really good at the guitar though, better than him." Ricky thanks her and she moves on to her group of friends that cheer over the poster. "One down, probably about five-thousand or more to go." Vinny screams out into the line that screams back. "You are crazy, Vinny." I punch his shoulder from across Chris. "Pff, crazy sexy."

"Vanessa! You were so great tonight! And I know we can't take pictures with you, but please let me have one with you real quick!" A short girl with bright red hair about the age of fifteen with large glasses and a braces smile starts pleading for a picture with me. My cheeks heat up, she was such a sweetheart. "I'd love too, what's your name?" I stand from my seat and lean over the table to allow her to snap a picture. "Miranda!"
"I love your hair, Miranda." I set back in my seat and she quickly skips off with her own cheeks as red as her hair. "You are good at this, Erualli." Chris shouts over the loud talking of the fans. I poke his side with the sharpie as we continue to keep the posters, instrument cases, clothes, and more running through.

By the time we were done my hand ached awfully. A girl with a neon green pixie cut pulled Ricky, Chris, and I out from the table and outside. "Nice to meet you three! The interview is going to be quick, I swear. Just three minutes of a this or that." We line up with myself in the middle and Ricky ahead of me. "What's up, Drake fans? Tonight I am here with three members of Motionless In White." We introduce ourselves before she starts with the questions. "Books or Movies?"
"I like to read." I tell her while the boys go with a movie. "Hugs or kisses?" The three of us laugh nervously and I severely hated agreeing to this now. "Uh, as a guy a kiss is usually better." Ricky kicks the rocks on the sidewalk with his answer. "Yeah, I like to be kissed  a lot too." Chris says into the microphone with a shrug, the attention on me as the only girl made me blush. "Well, it depends on the situation. If the situation is romantic I'll go for a kiss." I state and move closer to Ricky for warmth at the chilly wind.

"Angels or Demons?" The two boys stiffen at the question and seem to not want to respond. "Demons!" I shout, I could have sworn they jumped fifty feet in the air. "Yeah, demons are smarter and more cunning." Ricky responds in a snarl. "Fück Angels." Chris huffs and covers it with a cough, I run my hand over Ricky's back to soothe him while the interviewer continues. 

"Hot body or Cute smarts?"

"I like someone who can help me figure out stuff because I can be really stupid, probably smarts." Chris rubs the back of his neck with his palm with a shake of his head. "I like both, they add up to be a great combination for a perfect woman, I'd defiantly take someone who could keep me from shooting myself in the foot and someone who I can go by and slap her äss." "Jesus Christ, Ricky." Chris snorts and crosses his arms. I was a little taken aback by Ricky's answer, he had never once shown interest into liking the brain part of a girl. "I mean, I'm being serious. If I could date someone like that I'd never go anywhere. She would have me tied down probably."

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