It was me!

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[Dakota and Edmond have now issued a priority list so you know when your fanfiction or book will be updated:3
1.) Mind Games
2.)Moses the Second
5.)The Reign of the Weird (applies to quotev users)
each chapter takes at least three days to write and up to a week to edit if nothing appears on a to do list or if the author or editor get sick. And if a book or fanfiction is to move up on a priority the author will show the new standing. Dakota and Edmond apologize for the waits.]

"Where are you going, Vanessa?!"

"Everything alright?"

"What's wrong?" I get so many questions flown at me as I run towards the tour bus, I find myself needing to catch my wind when I am half-way to the bus. My body must not be use to exercise, all I did was sit in a classroom or slept. When I felt better I took off running the rest of the way and call for Ash when I am finally in the bus. "Vanessa? Are you okay?!" Ash runs over and holds me up when I almost fall to the floor. No. No, I am not okay. Something's wrong, very, very wrong. I find myself in a fetus position, clutching my stomach as hurt takes over my body. From my back to my toes I feel nothing but sharp pain rack my helpless body. "Help me!" I cry out to Ash and she quickly drags me to the couch in the living area. No one except Renee, Ash, and Gabe are here, fear sank in when I think of Ricky and everyone else who would notice my absence when rehearsal started.

"Vanessa, you need to calm down! Otherwise, you are going to lose this baby!" Throughout the torture, Ash's words hit me and it defiantly does not settle me down. "What did you say?!" I didn't mean to shout, it just happened between the pain and stress. "I'll explain later! Renee! Go get your uncle and his band mates!" Renee, who has been standing there in shock, jumps with a squeak before running out the door. The door being left open I knew someone will hear my screams and be here before Ricky. "Breathe! Just breathe! Vanessa, calm down!" Ash tries to get me to stop shouting all the curses I know as each hit of pain hurts worse then the last.

"What's going on?!"
"She's going to lose it, move!"
"Hold her down, it'll drown if she doesn't stop moving!"
"Vanessa!" A drone of voices suddenly bursts into the bus, out of the blur of tears I see Josh shove Ash out of the way and examine  me. "You are not delivering this baby! I wouldn't trust you with my pet rock, you filthy angel! Get your hands off her!" I can't even make the voices out anymore. "Just a bunch of words." I manage to get out, the pain I am feeling must be contractions, but I've never imagined it being this bad. My sister made it sound like a stick of a needle comparing to this.

"You need to at least try and push, it won't make it if you don't try! You are not a quitter, I know you aren't!" Another voice is close to my ear as I feel the warmth of a hand in mine, that's when I realize that I may not know how this happened, but another life is not about to be lost after yesterday. I start pushing, trying to keep myself from stopping to get it over with, and the pain finally releases after a God awful two minutes. A wail erupts from Josh's hands and I open my eyes. A bloody yet beautiful mess is being quickly stimulated by Josh in  a towel, it's okay. I breathe a sigh of relief and run my fingers through my hair with my free hand.

I look to my left to see Greg by my side, his hand in my mine. My Dad was there for me, he was there to see the life that was just saved. "Ricky..."
"I'm right here." Ricky pushes his way through the large crowd in the bus and hugs me tightly, he pushes the sweaty strands of hair from my eyes. "You're alright now." He kisses my forehead. "It's a girl! She's got her daddy's eyes and her momma's hair!" Josh chuckles nervously, he is also smiling and panting in relief of the success. "How?..." I look at Ash for answers, it hasn't even been two weeks since Ricky and I...Did Chris know this was going to happen? I wish I was not so tired so I could be angry at Chris. "Vanessa?" I snap out of my thoughts to see Ricky with my child...Our child. "I think you need to hold her more than I do." Ricky gives me a teasing smile, I take the bundle from him and instantly fall in love. Josh was right, she has her Dad's eyes and a headful of my dark black hair.

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