And I'll kick his äss if he touches you

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[Honestly, I feel like a total douche because I haven't really thanked you all enough for reading this fanfiction. It's been noticed by many and I now can say that I feel very appreciated by all you compliments through PM's and comments. It truly means a lot to me. Also, Moving is now slowly getting on it's feet and I thank those of you for boosting it to it's 100 reads mark. This fanfic has now gotten over a thousand of reads and I never imagined it getting this far, nor did I think I was going to be writing it's 24th chapter. Thank you all for reading and voting and for your feedback, Edmond is currently out very sick. So I will be editing my own chapters till he feels well again, which is why the last chapter sucked, his mother is assuring me it's nothing to worry about(I have not seen him or heard from him for a week) but be prepared for editing to suck for the next couple of chapters. Also to answer a couple of PMs I am aware Ricky has a girlfriend now, and no I am not planning to add her into the story. I don't even know her name or her as a person. I feel like to write I need to know the person's personality in order to get them, from meeting MIW in person I know that Chris can be a klutz, hint some of his accidents or threats in the fanfiction and that Ricky is someone who can be really shy until you say something or compliment him, I wanted to make him more into a outgoing person in the story because I am sure he'd be totally fun if we got to know him better.]

I finally awaken on my own terms since this whole thing started, Ricky is driving the bus, I can tell by the acceleration of the bus and how it goes from 0 to 80 in a good fifteen seconds. God, help us from Ricky's reckless driving. I slowly arise and see that everyone is still asleep except for Andy and Josh. I look up to Chris's bunk to see he is sleeping soundly, looking much like Anna from Frozen with his mouth open and a strip of his hair in the corner of his mouth. Oh, what a joy it must be to wake up to that face everyday. I smirk to myself, remembering Ash is sleeping in the same bunk as him with her arm laying over his middle and her head buried into his upper back.

I step out of the bunk and begin my walk to the head of the bus. I pass by several sleeping rockers, I guess last night took it's toll on all of us. Even Marilyn, who is usually the first up, is silently snoring with a pillow over his eyes. I finally get to Ricky, only one hand rests on the steering wheel, making me uneasy along with his eyes appearing sunken in from fatigue. "How long have you been driving, sweetheart?!" He groans and rubs half of his face with his palm. "Almost sixteen hours."
"I let Vinny, Ryan, Josh, Chris, and Devin sleep. I've been driving since you went to sleep, I told Josh I could drive so he pulled over."

He had to be so tired, driving for his whole band for sixteen hours straight. "Pull over at the next gas station, you need to rest." He didn't protest and I talked Ashley into driving the last two hours. I have to help Ricky to our bunk, stumbling and almost stubbing his toe. He quickly undresses and when pull the bed sheet over us Ricky is out in less then a minute. I stroke his hair that he's been dying to cut off, yet I've been holding him back so I can mess with it and pull on it when I wanted. I think I can let the reins loose, it is his hair after all.

I hum to a sleeping Ricky and mostly myself. While I text Alice and play with Ricky's hair till Vinny bounces into my bunk area. "What's your social media?"
"Um...I don't really get into the internet—"
"I am making you everything from a Tumblr to a Instagram!" He plops down by me, not even waking Ricky in the process. "Vinny, I don't need any of that." Vinny rolls his eyes and selects his Instagram first. "Just do it, you'll thank me later." He shows me all of what he has then presumes to set my own accounts up throughout my protests through the whole time, in thirty minutes Vinny made a Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

"We'll get you your first few followers, but then you are on your own." He gestures to the whole bus area, to be honest though I'm not sure if I want everyone in my business between Ricky and I or between Chris and I. According to Ash, there are already rumors flying around about my loyalty to Ricky after some fans saw us at the skating rink when Chris and Ricky argued. I have yet to experience the curse of cravings that both Chris, Ricky, and I have knocked into my head. I think Ricky is going to constantly be around me and make sure no other person is around me when they hit.

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